Home / OldFiles
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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zesync-0.3.tar.bz2 2003-03-30 11.8 kB
zesync.py 2002-05-15 4.2 kB
transfer.py 2002-05-15 2.1 kB
tasks.py 2002-05-15 3.0 kB
contacts.py 2002-05-15 4.8 kB
syncLib.py 2002-05-15 3.6 kB
calendar.py 2002-05-15 2.9 kB
README 2002-05-15 1.0 kB
Totals: 8 Items   33.3 kB 0
zesyc (Zaurus Evolution Syncronizer) - 05/16/2002

Welcome to version 0.1!  This is a huge milestone release since theoretically other versions will follow very, very quickly.  For help please email me at chayim@gnupower.net


- dump evolution contacts, addressbooks, tasklist to the Zaurus (note, this overwrites all current data
- use FTP, that means no new protocols or anything else


	First of all this overwrites everything on your Z currently.  So do all your work in evolution and don't complain when something pooches off the Z.  I'm really sorry about this, but it is a 0.1 release ok.
	Remember, you need python running on your local box (not the Z) in order to get this working.


First, make changes to the top of zesync.py for your Zaurus' IP, root password, etc.  That's it.
zesync -t will dump to your zaurus.  It's the only thing that currently works. 


- dump from the Zaurus (0.2)?
- syncronize with the Zaursu (0.4)
- clean up syncronizations (0.4-1.0)
Source: README, updated 2002-05-15