Home / zeeb v3.9.8
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README 2011-11-09 14.9 kB
zeeb.v3.9.8.air 2011-11-09 1.6 MB
Totals: 2 Items   1.6 MB 0
Known Issues: 
* It is possible to reach IMDB's rate limit on queries if you go too fast. Can't fix.

!!!AUTO UPDATE IS DOING SOME WEIRD STUFF. Please just download directly and install if you have issues.

* Added director/directors naming options with last name first: <D> <D1>. It is fairly dumb, so 'Allen, Woody', 'Palma, Brian de' and 'Laurentiis, Dino de' for example. Added by request of Ben.
* Added <o> naming option, for original filename. This may have limited use for folder renaming. Added by request of Theo.
These new options are tested, but not exhaustively, so you may want to use the 'Duplicate for Testing' functionality to verify it is working as expected. 

* Improve poster error handling when themoviedb.org has problems. Retries 5 times to load the poster.
* Poster loading status shown: Not found/Loading/Waiting/Retry/etc.
* Fix bug when renaming DVD folders with period in the folder name, causing it to think the folder had a file extension.
* Fix bug when '/' is in the title on IMDB, like Farenheit 9/11, causing folder to be created.

* IMDB: Changed their title/year format in the og:title (replaced single quotes with double quotes...grr)
I will be adding the feature to make these parsing updates without requiring program updates ASAP.    

* FIX: Typo in ratings regular expression...only affected people with no existing configuration

* FIX: Poster Only button was not working.
* TWEAK: There is now an alternate IMDB ratings Regular Expression, so we can handle two formats of IMDB ratings, for periods when things are switching over from one version of IMDB's site to another.  

* FIX: IMDB Changed their ratings HTML again. I will figure out a long term solution to help avoid this in the future, to let me notify you that there are parsing updates but do it without having to install a whole new version.

* FIX: IMDB Title parsing issues ("IMDB - ")
* TWEAK: IMDB had changed their site design and broke Zeeb's Ratings scraping. Fixed.    
* FEATURE: Ability to create a test copy of a particular folder tree (with zero sized media files, full sized NFO, URL, etc. files) to test out a naming scheme to ensure it works as expected before applying to your real files, using the 'Duplicate for Testing' button.
* FEATURE: For later reference, when viewed using a text editor, the original Movie Filename is now included in the '.url' Internet Shortcut file, optionally but by default. A subsequent rename of the movie file appends the old .url information if found in an attempt to preserve this through multiple renames. Should help determine if you need to PROPER a file in the future.
* FEATURE: For later reference, when viewed using a text editor, The original Movie NFO is now included in the '.url' Internet Shortcut file, if available, and optionally but by default.
* FEATURE: Added an Advanced Options section, where users can tweak many of the Regular Expressions used by Zeeb and test them out.
* BUGFIX: On Windows (and possibly other OS's) periods may not end a folder name, so don't allow them.
A bunch of tweaks and bugfixes based on the feedback of seanster. Thanks!
* TWEAK: Renaming formats may contain multiple instances of the tags, generally useful for renaming into subfolders.
* TWEAK: ISO Extension now supported as a movie format by default.
* TWEAK: URL and Poster JPG files can have a custom format as needed by changing the appropriate settings in the Options. This is generally useful for rename formats that result in subfolders being created.
* TWEAK: Better cleanup and subtitle renaming due to changes to the core renaming functionality.
* TWEAK: You can now include '../', etc., in your rename format if you find that useful.   

I am considering adding an *OPTIONAL &amp; FREE* web service to Zeeb that allows users to automatically send a 'hash' of the original filename and the file size, and the IMDB tt# that the user eventually chose for that file. This would allow the first few users who rename a particular file to help everyone else to rename their files. A 'hash' is a way of sending something that is essentially unique but that isn't the thing itself, meaning the service would only store the 'hash' and the tt# (and possibly the poster URL that was chosen to improve the poster results order). This would allow some interesting capabilities to be developed in the future, such as 'automatically rename/poster all known movie files'. 
Please go to the Zeeb SourceForge forum post if you wish to give feedback on this idea. Thanks!
<a href='https://sourceforge.net/projects/zeeb/forums/forum/1064112/topic/4404445'>Forum Post Link</a>
* FEATURE: Check box to hide the browser and show larger Poster section with larger thumbnails. Primarily intended for use with 'Show TT?' and 'Use TT?' checked to add posters to already renamed movies before Zeeb supported posters. 
* FEATURE: Original name in AKA checking now is case insensitive. <font color='#1111FF'><a href='https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3166714&group_id=295698&atid=1248312'>Zeeb Bug Tracker Id #: 3166714</a></font>. Thanks, PsychoWood  
* Minor tweaks and bug fixes				

* FEATURE: Genre is now a potential naming option using <g>. Comma separated list of Genres, like 'Comedy, Romance'. Thanks for the feedback, Johan.
* FEATURE: <g1> and <d1> now supported, which will use only the first Genre or Director listed.
* BUGFIX: It was possible with some naming formats to not have a dot appear before the file extension in the renamed file, which caused problems. Thanks Theo K for reporting.
* BUGFIX: Poster might end up in the old folder when renaming movies contained folders and the using the Rename Folder option.
* BUGFIX: Redid how HTML Entities from Titles, Directors, Genres, etc. are decoded into their original characters for use in filenames. The previous technique would leave some of these undecoded.  

* Rename folders containing DVD files. Enabled by default. Should be used in conjunction with 'subfolders' or 'full subfolders' searching option on the folders view. DVD Folders are those that contain a VIDEO_TS folder or a VIDEO_TS.IFO file.
* Option to put poster and .url files inside the DVD folder. This is disabled by default.
* Optional separate Movie naming formats when naming DVDs.
Thanks to Theo K. for the feedback and testing on this feature.

* BUG FIX: Movies without posters might save the previous movie's poster. Cleaned up the poster timing/handling to ensure that the proper poster is fully loaded before saving.
* Posters now save asynchronously (no lag/freeze of app) thanks to the JPEGAsyncEncoder found at 
* Recently used folders dropdown added to folders view. Keeps track of last 12 folders used.
* More AKAs automatically loaded when Aka Drop Down is used.
* Option to Auto Select the first file in the list added 
* Window resizing on renamer is fixed.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the first time I will be using the Auto Update functionality. Please let me know if you have any issues with  it.
* Fix a stupid bug that broke the ability to use NFO files.
* Make extension detection case insensitive
* Force proper Movie Files list sort order, since not all file systems return the files in order to AIR.

* Code signed! Zeeb will no longer show up as coming from an 'UNKNOWN' publisher, instead will have my full name listed. This is to help ease any worries about the code. Cost me $244 :( lol
* Auto Update: Notifies you when a new version is available and offers you the option to download it. You can disable in the Options.		
* Bug fix: Folder recursion setting was being ignored.
* Poster list shows large size poster as tooltip.
* Color Movie Files list depending on poster/tt/url status

* Bug fix for See More Aka, selection. When you clicked See More Akas and then selected one, Zeeb would always use the first one in the list, not the one you selected.

* Workaround for Poster API problems: Looks like themoviedb.org is having some API problems where the image urls are missing the domain name. Force adding the domain name if it isn't there to work around this.

New styling and Poster downloading!

* Restyled UI! Less fugly stick! I was inspired by the icon that Kristof Polleunis provided to make things a bit nicer all-around. Thanks Kristof!
* New Feature: Poster downloading from themoviedb.com! Zeeb can now save JPEG posters to the same location as the renamed movie file and .url shorcut. Note that the encoding of the image may cause Zeeb to lag for a second or two when you hit rename, depending on your CPU. 
* Use the new Use TT? option when you have Show TT? checked, to use the existing IMDB movie info. Use this in combination with the Poster Only button.
* Use the Poster Only button to just save the poster for movie you have previously renamed and don't want to rename again. Uses the existing name to name the poster image (not the text in the rename text area).
* New Logging! In places where the preferences are stored, there is now a log of all changes, so if you ever need to look up the original filename to see if it was HDTV or BluRay, or was CtlHD versus LCHD, you can check there. Do a find for zeeb.log in the  AppData(or Application Data) folder in your user folder. Will make this configurable in a future version.
* New Icons for 'remove' 'save' and 'good'. There is a setting in the options if you like the old way better.
* New Options menu layout
* New Option to show or hide system hidden files. To see network shares in the 'Volumes' folder on OSX machines, this needs to be checked, and will be checked by default. You can uncheck it if you don't need it.
* BUG FIX: There was a problem with the new Big Regular Expression searching if the search ended at the end of a 'chunk', when using some regexps, causing some important movies not to appear in the Search Results list.
* Many smaller improvements to go along with the style changes. 

NOTE: BIG RELEASE! This version is primarily dealing with the new IMDB site design on www.imdb.com. Some other language/country versions have not changed to the new design yet, such as www.imdb.de (German). You should not use this new version if you have customized Zeeb for your country and it still has the old design.
* The preferences file has changed to support the new design (and updated search/scrape regular expressions). Your existing preferences will be backed up, and only the settings that have changed in the new version will be updated. (You won't lose all of your local 'release groups', etc.)
* IMDB *Original Title* handling: Zeeb will now automatically set the AKA to the *original title* if found. You can disable this in the configuration.
* See More Akas: IMDB has changed how they present AKAs on a movie page, with only one showing. I have added a link that will load the separate AKA page if you don't find what you need. 
* Flex/AIR has a regular expression limit of 32k on strings, which is a problem when parsing a 100k IMDB page. Created a BigRegExp class to chunk the regexp searches for better results (with overlap to ensure proper matching).
* Directors and Ratings now work properly with the new design. Better year detection.
* Bunch of other minor tweaks.

v2.0  (Note 2.0 is because of the added NFO functionality, not because it is after 1.9, that would have been 1.10 :)
NOTE: There were some fairly extensive changes, so if you have any issues, just downgrade to 1.9 and let me know. 
* Fix the 'Create .url' option so that it works
* Add ability to lookup the IMDB url from the NFO file. If you want to re-search just using the parts, click Search Again.
* Add ability to specify an optional folder that contains NFO files, including recursive folders.  This allows you to move your media files without having to rename them right away, but still get the benefit of the NFO viewer.
* Move the regular expressions into the config file to allow for User tweaks and other languages versions of IMDB.
* Updated default list of release groups. Existing users would not get this list be default, and probably wouldn't need it if they regularly use 'remove*'.

* AKA drop down doesn't show garbage when there are no AKAs
* AKA drop down refreshes properly when the movie is changed.
* When detecting 720/1080 appended to a part of the name, it now properly handles the '720p' or '1080p', so the extension (like mkv) doesn't show up as a movie name part.

* Fix AKA handling since IMDB has changed their HTML structure slightly
* New Director option by request <d>
* New Better handling for dumb groups that append 720 to the name ala groupname-titleinitals720.mkv

Bug fixes: 
* 'Reading Directory' goes away properly now if no last folder
* Using a different method to find the tt##### from IMDB since I found one that didn't work with the previous regex
* fixed an error message that appeared when it shouldn't.

Hopefully close to done!
* Configurable filename format including dynamic subfolders
* Undo supported (undo rename actions, even across app restart)
* Options Dialog
* Multiple AKA's listed in drop down
* Subtitles are now renamed whe the movie is renamed
* Bug fixes

* Recursive searching of folders for movies added, with options (see tooltips)
* When using recursion, automatically allow rename of containing folder based on checkbox setting. ** ONLY USEFUL IF EACH FOLDER HAS A SINGLE MOVE FILE TO BE RENAMED** Otherwise you might rename some the folder that contains additional files
* Remove an existing .url file if it matches the filename of the file you are renaming (and a new .url file has already been created).
* Many new 'release groups' added to the remove list
* Cleaned up Director's Cut handling, etc. 
* AKA Improvements (more AKA's found, and AKA's that fully encompass the title replace rather than paranthesis the original title...ex: The Road Warrior -> Mad Max 2 - The Road Warrior
* AKA setting remembered if you subsequently click remove/save/good on the same file.
* keep* and remove* fixes
* RESOLVED: It is possible to get the lookahead and the current file out of sync
* RESOLVED: The position of the 'selected file' jumps around in the box when you go from one to the next, because there are two complete renamer windows that are being swapped out to deal with the look ahead code.

v1.4: Tons of Changes:
* New Async Look ahead to retrieve the next file IMDB info while processing the current one to reduce delays.
* New UI Arrangement and improvements
* New NFO Viewer if an NFO matching the filename is found.
* Bug fixes

Source: README, updated 2011-11-09