Download Latest Version v6.1.0 source (9.6 MB)
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Parent folder 2024-10-04 1.7 kB
Zcashd release version v6.0.0 source code.tar.gz 2024-10-04 8.6 MB
Zcashd release version v6.0.0 source 2024-10-04 9.6 MB
Totals: 3 Items   18.2 MB 0

Notable changes

The mainnet activation of the NU6 network upgrade is supported by the 6.0.0 release, with an activation height of 2726400, which should occur on approximately November 23, 2024. Please upgrade to this release, or any subsequent release, in order to follow the NU6 network upgrade.

The following ZIPs are being deployed, or have been updated, as part of this upgrade:

In order to help the ecosystem prepare for the mainnet activation, NU6 has already been activated on the Zcash testnet. Any node version 5.10.0 or higher, including this release, supports the NU6 activation on testnet.


  • The default setting of -blockunpaidactionlimit is now zero, which has the effect of no longer allowing "unpaid actions" in block production. This adapts to current network conditions. If you have overridden this setting as a miner, we recommend removing the override. This configuration option may be removed entirely in a future release.

Platform Support

  • Windows builds have been fixed.
Source:, updated 2024-10-04