Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
bear < 15 hours ago
stab 2024-03-22
tdm 2022-08-27
PKfit 2022-04-27
ivivc 2022-04-03
preinst.r 2024-08-22 19.1 kB
README.md 2024-08-22 4.5 kB
Totals: 7 Items   23.6 kB 43


about preinst.r (v6.8, Aug. 22, 2024)


  1. Only R v4.0.x ~ v4.1.x are supported for the moment.
  2. Please run these packages only with R console/terminal; RStudio may not be compatible.
  3. fix installation of the package broom.helpers (for tdm) for v6.8.

This file is not a part of R packages, but an R script to automate the installation for all the required packages/libraries for the listed R packages, as well as the packages listed here. Please download preinst.r from this page and place/copy it to the R working directory. Use 'getwd()' to find out where the directory is. Under R console, type source("preinst.r") and click the package to install. You require system administrator's privilege (Windows & Linux) to run this script. Answer "Yes" if asked for anything during installation.GTK+ runtime is now bundled with RGtk2 installation for Windows platform, as well as more GTK+ (a.k.a. GTK2) themes were added.

Package: bear

  • Version: 2.9.1
  • Date: 2022-04-03
  • Title: Data Analysis Tool for Average Bioequivalence and Bioavailability
  • Author: Hsin-ya Lee, Yung-jin Lee
  • Maintainer: Yung-jin Lee
  • Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
  • Description:

This data analysis tool for average bioequivalence and bioavailability study includes sample size estimation, non-compartmental analysis, ANOVA for a standard 2x2x2 crossover design or a parallel study, and using a linear mixed effect model for a replicate crossover design with a 2-treatment, 2-sequence, 3to 6-period design.

Package: ivivc

  • Version: 0.3.4
  • Date: 2022-04-03
  • Title: A Data Analysis Tool for In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation
  • Author: Hsin-ya Lee, Yung-jin Lee
  • Maintainer: Yung-jin Lee
  • Depends: R (>= 4.0.0), stats4, reshape
  • Imports: data.table, optimx, sciplot, png, grid, deSolve, minpack.lm
  • Description:

A menu-driven package for in vitro-in vivo Correlation (IVIVC) model building, data analysis and model validation (only internal validation) based on Wagner-Nelson Method (only for the one-compartment PK model) for Level A correlation.

Package: PKfit

  • Version: 1.5.0
  • Date: 2022-04-28
  • Title: Data Analysis Tool for Pharmacokinetics
  • Author: Chun-ying Lee, Yung-jin Lee
  • Maintainer: Yung-jin Lee
  • Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
  • Description:

A nonlinear regression program which is designed to perform model/curve fitting and model simulations for pharmacokinetics.

Package: stab

  • Version: 0.5.9
  • Date: 2024-03-23
  • Title: Data Analysis for Drug Stability
  • Author: Hsin-ya Lee, Yung-jin Lee
  • Maintainer: Yung-jin Lee
  • Depends: R (>= 4.0.0), stats4, MASS, reshape
  • Description:

Data analysis of drug stability for shelf-life estimation based on ICH Q1E guideline with single-factor analysis for single-batch or multiple-batch.

Package: tdm

  • Title: Data Analysis for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Version: 3.1.5
  • Date: 2022-04-03
  • Author: Miou-ting Chen, Yung-jin Lee
  • Description:

Using Bayesian inference to estimate individual pharmacokinetic parameters with one or more drug serum/plasma concentrations obtained from a single subject using a Bayesian inference program, JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampling; a computer program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation), interfaced with rjags and ggmcmc. Besides, it also can calculate a suggested dose based on the target drug concentration (C ->D) or calculate a predicted drug concentration with a given dose (D -> C).

  • Maintainer: Yung-jin Lee
  • Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
  • Imports: rjags, coda, png, grid, deSolve
  • License: GPL (>=2)
  • URL: https://pkpd168.com/tdm
  • Contact: Yung-jin Lee (pkpd168 at gmail.com)
Source: README.md, updated 2024-08-22