Home / yang-prealpha-2011-05-18
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
yang_macOSX_64bits.dmg 2011-05-18 25.7 MB
yang_macOSX_32bits.dmg 2011-05-18 25.7 MB
yang_win_64bits.jar 2011-05-18 24.3 MB
yang_win_32bits.jar 2011-05-18 24.3 MB
yang_linux_gtk2_64bits.jar 2011-05-18 24.2 MB
yang_linux_gtk2_32bits.jar 2011-05-18 24.1 MB
README_prealpha-2011-05.18.textile 2011-05-18 7.5 kB
Totals: 7 Items   148.4 MB 0

please note the YANG is still in a prealpha state, that is in a “work in progress” status.



  • a Java 6 compliant JRE – preferably the Sun’s one
  • the R statistical software
  • the igraph package for R


  • a recent CPU, at least a dual-core or multi-thread one
  • at least 1Gb RAM
  • a wheel mouse (currently required for ergononic reasons)


Windows users

Most windows users should download the yang_win_32bits.jar. Only rare recent versions of Windows require the 64bits release.
To launch YANG, just double-clic the jar (or open a shell and type in java -jar yang_win_32bits.jar).

YANG preferences will be stored into your “My Documents” folders in the “.yang” directory.

Linux users

Download either yang_linux_gtk2_32bits.jar or yang_linux_gtk2_64bits.jar, depending to your distribution. If unsure of your architecture, open a shell and type “uname -a”. If the result contains “x86_64”, your system is built as a 64 bits one. In this case, your java runtime environment should be 64bits as well (type “java -version” in a shell to check this).

Depending to your distribution and parameters, you may run YANG by a double-clic or a right-click (and select “open with / Sun Java”), or open a shell and type: java -jar yang_linux_gtk2_32bits.jar

OSX users

Please ensure that you are running Java 1.6 (OS X is really no so up-to-date regarding java releases). Opening a shell and typing “java -version” may help you.

Apple users simply have to double-click on the downloaded “dmg” file for mounting it as volume, then to double click on “Yang” for launching it.

other users

This program is written in Java; it may be users in other platforms, as long as they support a JRE, Java2D and SWT.

Please let us know if you successfully used YANG in an exotic platform.



  • enhanced layout for the welcome page
  • added access to the parameters visu from Legend.
  • corrected how screenshots of Bayesian networks are done
  • interface between samiam and YANG rewritten
  • improved the use of gradients for dynamics network visu
  • backups now displayed in a human-friendly format
  • corrected the “null” display when no project displayed after several runs
  • corrected the bring-to-front method which was not effective under OS X nor windows XP (display of SamIam from YANG)
  • examples displayed at first start for helping new users to discover the soft
  • more human-friendly recent filepathes
  • embedded SQLite database yet working for MacOSX and linux (still a pb with Windows XP)
  • improved detection of external programs (R, igraph library)
  • no more Mac OS X carbon release; focusing on the cocoa versions.
  • Mac OS X release of YANG now bundled as a Mac OS X Java bundle
  • Mac OS X release of YANG distributed now distributed on a DMG image file.
  • improved look & feel for Mac OS X and Windows
  • changed the design of the “rules” tab
  • corrected an error when updating the size of domains given math formula
  • corrected an error when saving parameters with a null domain
  • improved safety of parameters save; attempts to save experiments in a best-effort principle by skipping errors.
  • added support for ranges in the “math attributes”
  • corrected the display of HTML content for OSX (tested with snow leopard)
  • started the translation for french; still in a “frenglish” state


  • added a random component in the selection of agents for attributes rules (avoids artificial regularities that may biases in generated graphs)
  • added automatic detection of low framerate; a switch to relevant “low quality” settings is proactively proposed to users in this case
  • reduced the verbosity of the program (prevents the display of many prefuse warns)
  • disable tabs (ergonomy: users were a bit confused about these tabs that were not usable but looked enabled)
  • removed errors that appear when creating networks with empty parameters (index error)
  • enhanced propagation of userparameter events (independant thread)
  • corrected how display parameters are populated/updated when userparameters are changed (especially linktypes and attributes)
  • secured most concurrent calls to parameters which were due to indirect loops in events managements and/or data access (e.g. linktypes)
  • removed a bug when loading another project (parameters losts, because of the asynchronicity of parameters save)
  • reduce CPU use for dynamic display: layout stopped when the window is hidden, iconified and so on
  • removed an error during task EXPORT_NETWORK_AS_MAILLARDTHIRIOT


  • corrected the creation of attributes rules (priorisation of the nodes having the most links not created)s
  • added the “reset examples” feature
  • corrected default parameters for embedded examples
  • added examples: work market, water and farmers, random network


  • design of the welcome page


  • corrected a bug in the management of the probability of link creation by transitivity.
  • added the exportation of an experiment as Zip file
  • added the possibility to open a Zip file
  • enabled the use of “open, create, open from a zip” from the main menu
  • corrected a bug in backups management
  • moved backups into a specific menu and window
  • added the possibity to create a backup point manually


  • corrected the cancellation behaviour of linktype creation
  • changed layout in tab “attributes”
  • removed the “do you want to save ?” box displayed when nothing loaded (and added the “cancel” button there)
  • corrected the bug in the “parameters check” tab (layout pb for windows) and improved this layout
  • corrected a layout bug into the “generation rules” tab (pb in windows)
  • corrected a bug in tooltips displays


  • project name displayed as the window title
  • corrected the coloration of nodes when attributes are numerical
  • improved the synchronicity of visualization parameters (SWT and other threads)
  • corrected a recent bug in the edition of variables for rules (added variables were put into agents attributes instead of being added to the rule)
  • corrected warn message for large CPT for math autoattributes


  • beautiful layout for the parameters panes (especially for dynamic network visualization)
  • corrected colors for network visualization
  • packaged a first example (social networks in Kenya)
  • changed the place were backups are saved (now in a subdirectory of the experiment folder)
  • added the possibility to capture views of the network
  • exportation of stats in now implemented (kind of a CSV format, that may be opened with OpenOffice, Excel, gnuplot, R…)
  • added the possibility to deactivate generations rules
  • added edition functionalities for adding and changing link types
  • implemented the math parser for automatic generation of large conditional probability tables
  • improved efficiency of network vizualisation (labels hidden when zoomed out)
  • corrected errors on generation statistics computation
  • corrected bugs in the creation of new projects and load of projects
  • corrected bugs in the renaming of generation rules (constistency with AutoAttributes) – a bug remains here


See https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/yang-j/index.php?title=Installation for installation instructions.

feedback is welcomed at samuel.thiriot_/AT/_res-ear.ch

Source: README_prealpha-2011-05.18.textile, updated 2011-05-18