Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2012-11-05 1.8 kB
xjiss-2012-03-19.tar.bz2 2012-11-05 7.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   8.8 kB 0

(Just Intonation Software Sinthesizer for X)

1. After download, do the following

	First, make sure you have libasound2-dev package installed, then

	bzip2 -d xjiss-2012-03-19.tar.bz2
	tar xvf xjiss-2012-03-19.tar.bz2
	cd xjiss

2. Keyboard control

	'Esc'   - exit

	'Space' - octave switch (some tones may be not pure in high octave)

	'F2' - recording ON/OFF

	   WARNING: don't keep recording 'ON' for long time, 1 second of sound takes 192 Kbytes!

	   Sound is saved in raw form into 'jiss.raw' file in current directory.
	   Previously recorded file is overwritten.
	   If you want to keep your recording, exit xjiss and rename jiss.raw.

	   Recorded files can be played, for ex., with
	   mplayer -rawaudio channels=2:rate=48000:samplesize=2:format=1 -demuxer rawaudio jiss.raw

3. Scale:

  1      2     3     4     5      6     7     8      9     0     -     =      \
  D+     R-    Mb    M+    F+     Lb    Sb    d+     r-    mb    m+    f+     do
  36/17  20/9  12/5  18/7  45/16  16/5  18/5  72/17  40/9  24/5  36/7  45/8   8/1

  q      w     e     r     t      y     u     i      o     p     [     ]
  Do     Re    Mi    Fa    So     La    Si    do     re    mi    fa    so
  2/1    9/4   5/2   8/3   3/1    10/3  15/4  4/1    9/2   5/1   16/3  6/1

  a      s     d     f     g      h     j     k      l     ;     '
  D+     RE-   Mb    M+    F+     Lb    Sb    D+     R-    Mb    M+
  18/17  10/9  6/5   9/7   45/32  8/5   9/5   36/17  20/9  12/5  18/7

  z      x     c     v     b      n     m     ,      .     /
  DO     RE    MI    FA    SO     LA    SI    Do     Re    Mi
  1/1    9/8   5/4   4/3   3/2    5/3   15/8  2/1    9/4   5/2

	Some chords (C-major 'i-p-]' for ex.) are not playable.
	This is not xjiss fault.

4. The author can be contacted via
Source: README, updated 2012-11-05