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X event
Dumping X server stream events.

libX11 libXrandr libXxf86vm
[LIBS += -L$$PWD/usr/lib64/ -lX11 -lXrandr -lXxf86vm
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/usr/lib64
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/usr/lib64]

and optionally xterm

Written under running X server @ CentOS 7 with qt4 libraries.

Graphic unit interface buttons:
P - Stop catching X events
C - Clear standard output
SelDump - Activate xdotool graphic unit selection mode: you can select
x server stream screen output main bitmap or any other graphic unit contained.
Using virtualization, may happen that you can't select a guest operanting system virtualized represented 
in graphic unit as window (of host) when these graphic units windows aren't managed.
This program run in Linux Operating System initialized reaching run level 4.
This run fine if isn't nested to any user operating method layer pack of software.
This program isn't tested over X server main bitmap running as window of host
operating system [like host - window (as graphic "hole" of host O.S.) - 
virtual machine or other sometimes named "sub-system"].
With asterisk and your pointer device, in standard output over X server bitmap, you can
move visual graphic unit standard input interface. 

Centos 7 qt4 quick install
yum install qt-config qt-creator qt-devel
X server generic quickstart:
In run level 4, after operating system initialization reached multi user target,
start X server from root e.g. so:
# X :0
Then, login as user and type, e.g. xterm or qtcreator or your program
$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm &
Quick start for this program (# as root, $ as user):
From a terminal (having reached run level 4)
# X :0
From another terminal
$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm -e '/yourpath/centos-Xevt-Desktop-Release/XevtGUI/Xevt' &
$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm &
$ chvt 2 //2 or where X server is running
$ /yourpath/centos-Xevt-Desktop-Release/XevtGUI/Xevt //inside xterm

Some tips may be found in version history below:
- First beta
- Start position at 100,100
Source: README, updated 2022-12-04