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Xephyr manager
Nesting x server streams

lsb_release is mandatory
exception: when not in official distributor release.
On first use may need press Info button for display pid update.

Written under running X server @ CentOS 7 with qt4 libraries.

Compiled for Centos 7 using personal computer (pc) with Qt Creator 4.1.0
Compiled for SUSE distribution using pc with Qt Creator 4.6.1

With personal operating method managing graphic units, here can test some programs for 
X Windows system using, into Xephyr with commands,

For browser Firefox,
testing using taskset 

Open and close displays with toggle buttons
Select display with horizontal slider for send commands.

This  program is tested in 1080p screen panning 4300x2620,
so main X server bitmap containing nested server graphic units is
xrandr command:
xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --panning 4300x2620

This program run in Linux Operating System initialized reaching run level 4.
This run fine if isn't nested to any user operating method layer pack of software.
This program isn't tested over X server main bitmap running as window of host
operating system [like host - window (as graphic "hole" of host O.S.) - 
virtual machine or other sometimes named "sub-system"].
With asterisk and your pointer device, in standard output over X server bitmap, you can
move visual graphic unit standard input interface. 

Centos 7 qt4 quick install
yum install qt-config qt-creator qt-devel
X server generic quickstart:
In run level 4, after operating system initialization reached multi user target,
start X server from root e.g. so:
# X :0
Then, login as user and type, e.g. xterm or qtcreator or your program
$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm &
Quick start for this program (# as root, $ as user):
From a terminal (having reached run level 4)
# X :0
From another terminal
$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm -e '/yourpath/centos-Xephyrman-Desktop-Release/Xephyrman/Xephyrman' &
$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm &
$ chvt 2 //2 or where X server is running
$ /yourpath/centos-Xephyrman-Desktop-Release/Xephyrman/Xephyrman //inside xterm
Path changed from release

Some tips may be found in version history below:
- First beta
- Added - auto-raise this over all graphic unit - function
('R' toggle button near focus selection function).
- Added X11 keyboard layout button catcher using localectl program
- Set default style for all distribution in main.cpp for 3d effect
in QPushButton(s) good when toggled
- Corrected batch files for other distributions
- Inserted in XStreams folder adding pair project XBridge for X streams data
exchange under displays (BRIDGE button), initial work: showing transmitted text in caller display xterm.
Corrected title in Xephyrman main graphic unit.
Please select Xephyrman as main project when building. Problems may occours debugging due to debugger limits.
- X streams data exchange under displays develop as "Interdisplays I/O"
- Bridge to stdout basic function, Interdisplays I/O function using temp html file
- localectl button triggered at start 
Source: README, updated 2023-01-14