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xdm-slackware-theme-2020.0101.tar.gz 2020-01-01 8.2 MB
xdm-slackware-theme-2019.1023.tar.gz 2019-10-23 8.2 MB
xdm-slackware-theme-2019.0628.tar.gz 2019-06-28 8.2 MB
xdm-slackware-theme.tar.gz 2019-06-28 4.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   24.6 MB 1

This is a customizable theme for the XDM login manager.


This XDM theme depends on the following softwares :
  numlockx (optional)
  compton (optional)
  feh (optional)
  xonclock (optional)
  cairo-clock (optional)
  conky (optional)
  xscreensaver (optional)

    . To take advantage of this theme, XDM must be the current login 
    . numlockx is required to enable num lock at XDM startup.
    . The image viewer "feh" is required for this XDM theme to work 
      with the compositor compton.
    . the analog clocks xonclock and cairo-clock are required by the 
      Xsetup extension analog-clock.
    . the system monitor conky is required by the Xsetup extension
    . xscreensaver is required by the Xsetup extension xdm-screensaver.

Directories and Files
This XDM theme includes the resources, scripts, images, and documentation 
files below :

 In /etc/X11/xdm/slackware : 

    The resources of the X clients run by XDM outside the user's sessions.
    This file defines the visual aspect of the login box, and keyboard 
    shortcuts to start a given WM/DE.
               WM/DE         ! keyboard Shortcuts
        failsafe             ! F1 or Ctrl + Return
        blackbox             ! F2 or Alt + B
        fluxbox              ! F3 or Alt + F
        fvwm2                ! F4 or Alt + V
        kde                  ! F5 or Alt + K
        twm                  ! F6 or Alt + T
        window maker         ! F7 or Alt + W
        xfce                 ! F8 or Alt + X
    File in which are defined the X server(s) running on the local

    The setup script which is run each time the X server is started/reset.
    This script assits XDM in setting up the screen the user sees. In the
    case of this XDM theme, this script, draws the XDM's background and
    starts widgets according to the settings found in Xsetup configuration's
    file(s) (see section 'The configuration file Xsetup.conf').
    The startup script which is run after user logs in by XDM.
    This script :
      * kills the processes and the X clients started by Xsetup (ex. 
        compton, xclock, ...) 
      * registers the XDM session with sessreg. 
    Note that it is required to kills the clients started by Xsetup, otherwise 
    they would continue to run inside the WM/DE the user started.

    The program which is run (as root) after the session terminates.
    This script de-register the xdm session with sessreg.

    The program to run as the session after the user has logged in.
    For more about Xsession, see section 'The configuration file Xsession.conf'
    and 'How Xsession works'.
    This script is run by Xsetup. It displays a buttons bar which allows 
    user to execute actions under XDM, like selecting a session, suspending
    or rebooting the computer,...
    For more about Xbuttons_bar, see section 'The configuration file Xbuttons_bar.conf'
    and 'The desktop sessions menu'.
    xdm configuration file for this XDM theme.
    Xbuttons_bar (default) configuration file.
    Xsession (default) configuration file.
    Xsetup (default) configuration file.
 In /etc/X11/xdm/slackware/extensions.d
  Directory in which the Xsetup extensions are stored.
  An Xsetup extension is a shell script which adds new feature(s) to 
    An Xsetup extension to display an analog clock on the XDM screen.
    analog-clock (default) configuration file.
    An Xsetup extension to integrate the system monitor conky on the XDM
    sysmon-conky (default) configuration file.
  sysmon-conky-rt.conf, sysmon-conky-pt.conf
    conky configuration files used by extension sysmon-conky.
    An Xsetup extension to run a screensaver on XDM screen.
    xdm-screensaver (default) configuration file.

 In /etc/X11/xdm/slackware/pixmaps

    The Slackware (S) logo on a white background.

    The Slackware (S) logo on a grey background.
    Wallpapers for this XDM theme.
 In /usr/libexec/setxdmbg

    Command line tool to set the XDM backgrond image.

 In /usr/bin

    symlink to /usr/libexec/setxdmbg/setxdmbg.sh
 In /usr/share/man/man1

    setxdmbg manual page.

 In /usr/share/man/man5

    Xsetup.conf manual page.

    Xbuttons_bar.conf manual page.

    Xsession.conf manual page.
    analog-clock.conf manual page.
    sysmon-conky.conf manual page.
    xdm-screensaver.conf manual page.
 In /usr/doc/xdm-slackware-theme-<VERSION>/

    This file.
    HTML version of this file.
    setxdmbg manual page in html format.
    Gimp file used to generate s-logo-on-white.xpm and s-logo-on-grey.xpm 
    pixmaps. Might be useful to create Slackware (S) logo images on other 
    colors than white and grey.
    source file (to asciidoc format) of readme.html
    source file (to asciidoc format) of setxdmbg.html
The configuration file Xsetup.conf

This is the (default) Xsetup configuration file.

Here is the list of properties (aka variables) that can be (re)defined 
in Xsetup configuration file(s) :

  DISABLE_LOG (default to off)
    Defines whether or not logging of Xsetup activity must be disabled.
    The activity is logged in /var/log/xdm-xsetup.${XDISP}.log
    XDISP is the X server display name, without field screennumber, and 
    to XDM resource name format, that is, with underscores in place of 
    dots and colons. For instance, in case of X server display name :1, 
    XDISP is _1.

  XDM_LOCALE (default to en_US.UTF-8)
    Defines the locale used while running XDM.

  WITH_COMPTON (default to on)
    Defines whether or not Xsetup must start the compositor compton if
    Attention, WITH_COMPTON is turned off when the image viewer 'feh'
    is not installed.
  COMPTON_ARGS (see Xsetup.conf for default value)
    The compton arguments.
  WITH_BUTTONS_BAR (default to on)
    Defines if Xsetup must start the buttons-bar, i.e. Xbuttons_bar.
    The position of the buttons-bar which can be one of the following :
      TOP_LEFT       TOP_RIGHT
  WITH_XCLOCK (default to on)
    Defines if Xsetup must start xclock if installed.
    Defines the position of xclock which can be one of the following :
      TOP_LEFT       TOP_RIGHT

  XCLOCK_FONT (see Xsetup.conf for default value)
    Defines the font of the xclock widget.
  XCLOCK_FG_COLOR (default grey90)
    Defines the foreground color of the xclock widget.
  XCLOCK_STRFTIME (default to %T)
    Defines the strftime format of the date/time displayed by the xclock
  WITH_NUMLOCK_ON (default to on)
    Defines if the num lock must be activated (requires numlockx) when
    starting XDM.
  PRIMARY_ONLY (default to on)
    Defines whether or not the XDM background and widgets (xclock,
    buttons-bar, ...) must be displayed on the primary screen only
    when XDM is running on a multi-screen configuration. Default to
    Note that Xsetup has no control over the display on which the XDM
    greeting and login prompt are displayed.

  PRIMARY_ID (default to auto)
    Defines the identifier of primary display. 
    Can be any existing output supported by xrandr (ex. VGA-1, HDMI-0, 
    DVI-D-0,...), or the keyword "auto", to auto-detect the primary 
    display. Default to "auto".
    This property is ignored when PRIMARY_ONLY is set to off.
    PRIMARY_ONLY is turned off when the given identifier is invalid, or 
    when this property is set to "auto" and none of the displays listed 
    by xrandr is defined as primary.

  XDMBGIMG (default to ${SCRIPTDIR}/pixmaps/default-wallpaper.pixmap)
    Full path to the image that Xsetup must pass to setxdmbg to generate
    the XDM background image.
    When this property is not set, XDM background is black, unless if 
    compton is enabled, in which case the background is greyed. To prevent
    this, WITH_COMPTON must be turned off.

    By default, this property points the symlink 'default-wallpaper.pixmap'
    in directory ${SCRIPTDIR}/pixmaps, so that, user can change the XDM 
    background image source without to have to edit this configuration file.
    SCRIPTDIR is the absolute path to Xsetup’s directory.
  BORDER_TOP (default to 40:black)
    The height and color of the border at top of the XDM background image
    when the buttons-bar and/or xclock widget is/are enabled and placed
    on top.
    The value of this property must be to the format <height>:<color>.
    <color> can be an X11 color name or an hex triplet to the format #rrggbb.
      The border is drawn with imagemagick which does not use the same color
      name as xclock/xmessage widgets.
      For instance, imagemagick associates the color c(0,80,0) to the name
      'green', while X11 associates this name to the color c(0,255,0).

  BORDER_BTM (default to 40:black)
    The height and color of the border at bottom of the XDM background image
    when the buttons-bar and/or xclock widget is/are enabled and placed
    on bottom.
    The same format and informations as for BORDER_TOP apply to this
  EXTRAIMGOPS (empty by default)
    The imagemagick extra image operators that Xsetup must pass to setxdmbg
    to generate the XDM background image.
    Attention, extra image operators can be time consuming the first time
    the XDM background image is generated.
    See Xsetup.conf for more.
  EXTENSIONS (empty by default)
    Defines the Xsetup extension(s) to load (and execute).
    See section "Extension mechanism" for more about this.

The configuration file Xbuttons_bar.conf

This is the (default) Xbuttons_bar configuration file.

Here is the list of properties (aka variables) that can be (re)defined 
in Xbuttons_bar configuration file(s) :

  DISABLE_LOG (default to off)
    Defines whether or not logging of Xbuttons_bar activity must be disabled.
    The activity is logged in /var/log/xdm-xbuttons_bar.${XDISP}.log

    XDISP is the X server display name, without field screennumber, and 
    to XDM resource name format, that is, with underscores in place of 
    dots and colons. For instance, in case of X server display name :1, 
    XDISP is _1.    

    Defines the buttons present in the buttons-bar and their order.
    Below the supported identifiers :
      SESSIONS  : Identifier of button to access the sessions menu.
      SYSTEM    : Identifier of button to access the system menu.
      SCREENSHOT: Identifier of button to take a screenshot of XDM screen.
    Defines the buttons present in the system menu and their order.
    Below the supported identifiers :
      SUSPEND   : Identifer of button to suspend the system.
      HIBERNATE : Identifer of button to hibernate the system.
      REBOOT    : Identifer of button to reboot the system.
      HALT      : Identifer of button to halt the system.
  SESMENU_BTLABEL (default to "Session[@SESSION_NAME@]")
    Defines the label of the button to access the sessions menu.
    When the tag @SESSION_NAME@ is present, it is replaced by the name
    of the current selected session, if any, by the string specified
    by property NOSESSION_STR otherwise.
  NOSESSION_STR (default to "default")
    The string by which the tag @SESSION_NAME@, if present in property
    SESMENU_BTLABEL, must be replaced when there is no selected session.
  SYSMENU_BTLABEL (default to "System")
    Defines the label of the button to access the system menu.
  SCREENSHOT_BTLABEL (default to "Screenshot")
    Defines the label of the button to take a screenshot of XDM screen.
    To make this button invisible on the screenshots, simply set this
    property to " ".
  SUSPEND_BTLABEL (default to "Suspend")
    Defines the label of the button to suspend the system.

  HIBERNATE_BTLABEL (default to "Hibernate")
    Defines the label of the button to hibernate the system.

  REBOOT_BTLABEL (default to "Reboot")
    Defines the label of the button to reboot the system.
  HALT_BTLABEL (default to "Halt")
    Defines the label of the button to halt the system.
  EXITMENU_BTLABEL (default to "Exit")
    Defines the label of the button to exit from system/sessions menu.
  RESET_BTLABEL (default to "Reset")
    Defines the reset button label of sessions menu selection.
  FONT (see Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the buttons-bar font.
  FG_COLOR (default to grey90)
    Defines the buttons-bar foreground color.
  SYSMENU_FONT (ses Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the system menu font.

  SESMENU_FONT (ses Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the sessions menu font.
  SYSMENU_FG_COLOR (default to grey90)
    Defines the system menu foreground color.

  SESMENU_FG_COLOR (default to grey90)
    Defines the sessions menu foreground color.
  XINITRC_FILES_DIR (default to /etc/X11/xinit)
    Defines the location of xinitrc.* session files used to populate the
    sessions menu.
  SESSIONS_BLACKLIST (empty by default)
    Defines the sessions to exclude from the sessions menu.
  SESMENU_VIEWPORT_SIZE (default to 10)
    Defines the maximum number of items visible at a time in the sessions
    When there is more items than that in the sessions menu, scroll buttons
    are added accordingly.
  SESMENU_LSCROLL_BTLABEL (default to " < ")
    Defines the label of the sessions menu left-scroll button.

  SESMENU_RSCROLL_BTLABEL (default to " > ")
    Defines the label of the sessions menu right-scroll button.
  PERSISTENT_SESSION (default to off)
    Defines whether or not the (last) selected session in the sessions 
    menu must persist (across XDM resets and system reboots).

  SCREENSHOT_DELAY (default to 5)
    Defines the delay (in seconds) before taking a screenshot.

  SCREENSHOT_DIR (default to /tmp)
    Defines the screenshot folder.
    screenshot names are to the format : 
      xdm.${XDISP}.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).png

  SCREENSHOT_NTFY_MSG (see Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the message displayed before taking a screenshot.
    The tag @SCREENSHOT_DELAY@ is replaced at runtime by the value of
    property SCREENSHOT_DELAY.

  SCREENSHOT_NOW_BTLABEL (default to "Now")
    Defines the label of button to dismiss the timeout and take a 
    screenshot immediately.

  SCREENSHOT_CANCEL_BTLABEL (default to "Cancel")
    Defines the label of button to cancel taking a screenshot.

  SCREENSHOT_TAKEN_MSG (see Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the message displayed after taking a screenshot.
    The tag @SCREENSHOT_FILENAME@ is replaced at runtime by the full
    path to the screenshot file.

  SCREENSHOT_FAIL_MSG  (see Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the message displayed when taking a screenshot failed.
  SCREENSHOT_DLG_FONT  (see Xbuttons_bar.conf)
    Defines the font of the message displayed before/after taking a 
    screenshot, and in case of error.
  SCREENSHOT_ALWAYS_FULL (default to "off")
    Defines whether or not to always take full screenshots, even when 
    XDM is configured for primary display only (Xsetup.PRIMARY_ONLY=on).

The configuration file Xsession.conf
This is the (default) Xsession configuration file.

Here is the list of properties (aka variables) that can be (re)defined 
in Xsession configuration file(s) :

  DISABLE_LOG (default to off)
    Defines whether or not logging of Xsession activity must be disabled.
    The activity is logged in ~/xdm-xsession.${XDISP}.log

    XDISP is the X server display name, without field screennumber, and 
    to XDM resource name format, that is, with underscores in place of 
    dots and colons. For instance, in case of X server display name :1, 
    XDISP is _1.
  USR_XSESSION (default to ${HOME}/.xsession)
    Full path to the user's X session.
  SYS_XSESSION (default to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc)
    Full path to the system's X session.
  XINITRC_FILES_DIR (default to /etc/X11/xinit)
    The location of xinitrc.* session files.
  SYS_XRESOURCES (default to /etc/X11/xinit/.Xresources)
    Full path to the system's X resources.
  USR_XRESOURCES (default to ${HOME}/.Xresources)
    Full path to the user's X resources.
  SYS_XMODMAP (default to /etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap)
    Full path to the system's X modmap.
  USR_XMODMAP (default to ${HOME}/.Xmodmap)
    Full path to the user's X modmap.
  LOAD_XRESOURCES_ON (default to ( "failsafe" ) )
    The name of the sessions for which Xsession must load the X
    resources (specified by SYS_RESOURCES and USR_XRESOURCES) when
    Most of the xinitrc scripts usually load the X resources automatically. Thus,
    this variable should only be used for those who don't.
    failsafe is a pseudo-session for which there is no xinitrc script.
  LOAD_XMODMAP_ON (default to ( "failsafe" ) )
    The name of the sessions for which Xsession must load the X
    modmap (specified by SYS_XMODMAP and USR_XMODMAP) when available.
    Most of the xinitrc scripts usually load the X modmap automatically. Thus,
    this variable should only be used for those who don't.
    failsafe is a pseudo-session for which there is no xinitrc script.
  XSESSION_ERRFILE (see Xsession.conf for default value)
    Defines the files in which (session) errors can be redirected.
    Errors are only redirected to one of the specified files, the 1st
    that met the following condition :
      umask 077 && cp /dev/null XSESSION_ERRFILE[i] 2>/dev/null
    Errors are not redirected when this variable is not set, nor when
    the condition above is not met by any of the specified files.
  SOURCE_SYS_PROFILE (default to on)
    Defines whether or not the system profile script /etc/profile must 
    be "sourced" by Xsession, when present.
  SOURCE_USR_PROFILE (default to on)
    Defines whether or not the user profile script ~/.profile must be
    "sourced" by Xsession, when present.

  SOURCE_SYS_XPROFILE (default to on)
    Defines whether or not the system x-profile script /etc/xprofile must 
    be "sourced" by Xsession, when present.
  SOURCE_USR_XPROFILE (default to on)
    Defines whether or not the user x-profile script ~/.xprofile must be
    "sourced" by Xsession, when present.
  FAILSAFE_TERM (default to /usr/bin/uxterm)
    Defines the terminal emulator to execute when running failsafe mode.
    The failsafe mode is run when all possible sessions (ie. session passed
    in argument (if any), session selected through the sessions menu (if any), 
    user's session, system's default session) failed to start.
  FAILSAFE_TERM_GEOMETRY (default to 80x20+0+0)
    Defines the geometry of the terminal emulator specified by variable
    When this variable is not set, no geometry is passed to the terminal

Multiple XDM logins
The Xservers file that comes with this theme includes sections to run up 
to 3 X servers on a single machine, and thus 3 XDM logins. By default, only
the X server on local display :0 (paired with VT7) is enabled. 

To enable the X server on local display :1 (paired with VT8), it is required
to uncomment the line :

  #:1 local /usr/bin/X :1 vt8

To enable the X server on local display :2 (paired with VT9), it is required
to uncomment the line :

  #:2 local /usr/bin/X :2 vt9

Once done, restart XDM, or reboot the system. To access XDM on local display 
:1, hit CTRL+ALT+F8, to access XDM on local display :0, hit CTRL+ALT+F7.

By default, all XDM logins share the same configuration which is specified
by the (default) configuration files :


The Xsetup/Xbuttons_bar/Xsession configuration of each XDM login can be
(re)defined in specific configuration files named :


<XDISP> is the X server display name, without field 'screennumber', and
to XDM resource name format, that is, with underscores in place of dots
and colons.

For instance, the Xsetup configuration for XDM login on :1 is named
Xsetup._1.conf, the Xbuttons_bar configuration for the XDM login :2 is
named Xbuttons_bar._2.conf.

When only a few properties need to be redefined for a given XDM login, the
default configuration can be loaded by the dedicated configuration. For
instance, to only redefine the property XDMBGIMG for the XDM login on :1
and :2, the configuration files Xsetup._1.conf and Xsetup._2.conf could
look like that :

  8<---- Xsetup._1.conf ------------------------------------------------
    # Load default
    source ${SCRIPTDIR}/Xsetup.conf
    # defines background image for XDM on :1

  8<---- Xsetup._2.conf ------------------------------------------------
    # Load default
    source ${SCRIPTDIR}/Xsetup.conf
    # defines background image for XDM on :2

When an XDM login has no dedicated Xsetup/Xbuttons_bar/Xsession configuration,
the default configuration is used.

Extension mechanism
The extension mechanism allows to improve XDM user experience with 
external shell scripts which are dynamically loaded and executed by 

The extensions must be in the folder extensions.d of Xsetup's directory. 

The extension(s) that Xsetup must load/execute have to be specified
by the property EXTENSIONS, declared in Xsetup's configuration file(s).

  Included extensions
  This XDM theme comes with the extensions described below.

  Extension to display an analog-clock on XDM screen.
  When Xsetup is configured with compton support, analog-clock starts
  an instance of cairo-clock, otherwise, an instance of xonclock is started.
  If neither cairo-clock nor xonclock is installed, analog-clock does

  By default, analog-clock's settings are loaded from configuration file
  On system with multiple XDM logins, there might be a configuration file
  per X server: analog-clock._0.conf for X server :0, analog-clock._1.conf
  for X server :1, ...
  Below the properties (aka variables) that can be (re)defined in 
  analog-clock configuration file(s) :
    XOC_SKIN (default to /usr/share/xonclock/skins/chrome-128-bs.png)
      Defines xonclock's skin.
    XOC_POSITION (default to TOP_RIGHT)
      Defines xonclock's position on XDM screen. Can be one of the following :
        TOP_LEFT       TOP_RIGHT
    XOC_SIZE (default to 128)
      Defines the xonclock's size.

      Attention, xonclock has no option to set the clock size 
      which is defined by the skin (see XOC_SKIN). The size 
      specified by property XOC_SIZE is only used when computing
      the position of the clock.
    XOC_MARGIN (default to 16)
      Defines the xonclock's margin.
    XOC_USE_BACKGROUND (default to on)
      Defines whether or not xonclock must merge the skin with desktop root
      window background image.
    XOC_SHOW_SECONDS (default to on)
      Defines whether or not xonclock must render second hand.
    XOC_SHOW_DATE (default to on)
      Defines whether or not xonclock must display the date.
    XOC_DATE_FORMAT (default to "%b %d")
      Defines the strftime format of the date string used by xonclock to 
      render the date.
    XOC_EXTRA_ARGS ( default to () )
      Defines the extra arguments to pass to xonclock.
      Note that XOC_EXTRA_ARGS can also be used to override arguments 
      that analog-clock passes to xonclock. 
      Example :
          XOC_EXTRA_ARGS=( \
	    "--date-position=BOTTOM-RIGHT" \
	    "--date-offset-v=32" )

    CC_THEME (default to radium)
      Defines the cairo-clock's theme.
    CC_POSITION (default to TOP_RIGHT)
      Defines cairo-clock's position on XDM screen. Can be set to one
      of the following :
        TOP_LEFT       TOP_RIGHT

    CC_SIZE (default to 200)
      Defines the cairo-clock's size to format WIDTH[:HEIGHT]. When
      HEIGHT is not set, defaults to WIDTH.
    CC_MARGIN (default to 16)
      Defines the cairo-clock's margin.
    CC_SHOW_SECONDS (default to on)
      Defines whether or not cairo-clock must render second hand.
    CC_SHOW_DATE (default to on)
      Defines whether or not cairo-clock must render the date string. 
    CC_EXTRA_ARGS ( default to () )
      Defines the extra arguments to pass to cairo-clock.
      Note that CC_EXTRA_ARGS can also be used to override arguments 
      that analog-clock passes to cairo-clock.
      Example :

         CC_EXTRA_ARGSfx=( "--twentyfour" )

  Extension to integrate the system monitor conky on the XDM screen.
  If conky is not installed, sysmon-conky does nothing.
  By default, sysmon-conky's settings are loaded from configuration file

  On system with multiple XDM logins, there might be a configuration file
  per X server: sysmon-conky._0.conf for X server :0, symon-conky._1.conf
  for X server :1, ...
  Below the properties (aka variables) that can be (re)defined in sysmon-conky
  configuration file(s) :

    CONKY_REAL_TRANSPARENT_CFG (default to ${EXTDIR}/conky-real-transparent.conf)
      Defines the conky configuration with real transparency.
      This configuration is used when Xsetup is configured with compton, 
      i.e. WITH_COMPTON=on (see Xsetup).

    CONKY_PSEUDO_TRANSPARENT_CFG (default to ${EXTDIR}/conky-pseudo-transparent.conf)
      Defines the conky configuration with pseudo transparency.
      This configuration is used when Xsetup is configured without compton, 
      i.e. WITH_COMPTON=off (see Xsetup).
    CONKY_EXTRA_ARGS ( default to () )
      Defines the extra arguments to pass to conky.
      Example :

         CONKY_EXTRA_ARGS=( "--alignment=bottom_middle" "--interval=2" )

  Extension to run a screensaver on XDM screen.

  By default, xdm-screensaver's settings are loaded from configuration
  file xdm-screensaver.conf.

  On system with multiple XDM logins, there might be a configuration file
  per X server: xdm-screensaver._0.conf for X server :0, xdm-screensaver._1.conf
  for X server :1, ...

  Below the properties (aka variables) that can be (re)defined in xdm-screensaver
  configuration file(s) :

    SCREENSAVER_MODE (default to 'windowed')
      Defines the operating mode of xdm-screensaver extension. Can be set
      to one of the following.

	  The screensaver is draw on the root window.

	  Attention, when this mode is selected :

	    * The screensaver is not visible when compton is enabled (i.e.
	      the Xsetup property WITH_COMPTON is set to on).

	    * The background image specified by Xsetup property XDMBGIMG
	      is erased by the screensaver.

	    * Parts of the top/bottom border on which is placed the
	      buttons-bar and/or the xclock widget might be erased by
	      the screensaver.

	  The screensaver is draw on a newly-created window on the physical
	  display specified by property SCREENSAVER_DISPLAY.

	  Attention, when this mode is selected, the screensaver's window
	  might overlap any other window on the same physical display (ex.
	  the XDM login window).

    SCREENSAVER_DISPLAY (default to 1)
      Defines the physical display on which to draw the screensaver
      when SCREENSAVER_MODE is set to windowed. This can be one of the

        * The name of any output supported by xrandr (ex. VGA-0, HDMI-0, ...)

	* the number of the corresponding display in the list returned by
	  command 'xrandr --listmonitors' (ex. 0, 1, 2, ..)

	* the keyword 'primary' to select the primary display.

      Defines the position of the window on which to draw the screensaver
      when SCREENSAVER_MODE is set to windowed.

      The position is relative to the physical display specified by property
      SCREENSAVER_DISPLAY. Can be one of the following :

                   TOP_LEFT   TOP_MIDDLE    TOP_RIGHT



    SCREENSAVER_WINDOW_SIZE ( default to  (100% 100%) )
      Defines the dimensions (width x height) of the window on which to
      draw the screensaver when SCREENSAVER_MODE is set to windowed. The
      dimensions can be expressed in pixel, or in percent of the width/height
      of the physical display specified by property SCREENSAVER_DISPLAY.

    SCREENSAVER_WINDOW_MARGINS ( default to ( 8 8 ) )
      Defines the margins around the window on which to draw the screensaver
      when SCREENSAVER_MODE is set to windowed.

    SCREENSAVER_DIR (default to /usr/libexec/xscreensaver)
      Defines the location of screensavers.

    SCREENSAVER (default to gltext)
      Defines the screensaver to run.

    SCREENSAVER_EXTRA_ARGS ( see below )
      Defines the extra-arguments to pass to the screensaver specified by
      property SCREENSAVER.

      default to : ( "-text" "$(head -n 1 /etc/slackware-version)" )

  Integrate extensions
  To integrate conky in XDM screen, open Xsetup.conf, and set property 
  EXTENSIONS as below :

      EXTENSIONS=( "sysmon-conky" )
  To integrate an analog-clock in XDM screen, open Xsetup.conf, and
  set property EXTENSIONS as below :

      EXTENSIONS=( "analog-clock" )
  To integrate conky and an analog clock on the XDM screen, simply set 
  property EXTENSIONS as below :

      EXTENSIONS=( "sysmon-conky" "analog-clock" )
  On a system with multiple XDM logins, it is possible to have different
  extension(s) on each XDM login.
  For instance, to attach conky to XDM on :0, and an analog-clock to XDM
  on :1, the Xsetup configuration files for these XDM logins could look 
  like as below :

    8<---- Xsetup._0.conf ----------------------------------------------
    # Load default
    source ${SCRIPTDIR}/Xsetup.conf
    # integrate conky on XDM screen of X server :0
    EXTENSIONS=( "sysmon-conky" )

    8<---- Xsetup._1.conf ----------------------------------------------
    # Load default
    source ${SCRIPTDIR}/Xsetup.conf
    # integrate an analog-clock on XDM screen of X server :1
    EXTENSIONS=( "analog-clock" )

  Implementing extensions
  It is required to follow the rules below when implementing an Xsetup
    * The extension must be non blocking, otherwise the XDM display manager
      will be unusable.
    * Any program started in the background by the extension must be 
      referenced in the Xsetup processes registry by calling the function
      This is required to ensure that any process started by the extension
      will be stopped (by Xstartup) before user’s X session start.
      Before calling register_process(), remember that $! is the PID of 
      the last executed background command, which might not the PID of 
      the process to track :
	/usr/bin/foo -bar $(head -n 1 /foo/bar) &
	register_process $! FOO-0
      In the example above, the PID of command $(head -n 1 /foo/bar) is 
      passed to register_process() instead of PID of /usr/bin/foo. To 
      avoid this, instead of passing commands to the process to track, 
      use variables :
	ARG=$(head -n 1 /foo/bar)
	/usr/bin/foo -bar ${ARG} &
	register_process $! FOO-0

  Below the list of Xsetup variables and functions that can be useful when
  implementing extensions :
    SCRIPTDIR              EXTDIR                 XDISP
    is_disabled()          is_in_list()           is_process_registered()
    get_xscreen_infos()    get_display_infos()    get_display_geometry()
    get_xoff()             get_xpos()             get_yoff()
    get_ypos()             log_infos()            register_process()

The desktop sessions menu

This menu :

  * is available only if Xbuttons_bar is configured to includes it, i.e 
    when property BUTTONS_ORDER (defined in Xbuttons_bar configuration 
    file) includes the keyword SESSIONS.
  * allows to select a WM/DE that will be started on user login.
  * includes an entry for each WM/DE :
    + for which there is a corresponding xinitrc (executable) in directory
      specified by property XINITRC_FILES_DIR defined in Xbuttons_bar
      configuration file.
    + which is not on the blacklist specified by variable SESSION_BLACKLIST
      defined in Xbuttons_bar configuration file.

The selection made through the desktop sessions menu is volatile by default 
(reset on logout), but can be defined as persistent (across XDM resets and
system reboots) by turning Xbuttons_bar's property PERSISTENT_SESSION on.

Xbuttons_bar communicates the selected session to Xsession script through 
the file /var/lib/xdm/xdm.<XDISP>.xsession (XDISP is the target X server 
display name to XDM resource name format) which is reset each time Xbuttons_bar 
starts unless PERSISTENT_SESSION is turned on.

Attention, when PERSISTENT_SESSION is turned on, the selected session become 
the session of any user that can login on to current X server. There is no 
(known) way to implements a per-user configuration.

How Xsession works

When Xsession is run (after the user has logged in), it executes the
following :

 1. If a session name is passed in argument (when user hit one of the
 session keyboard shortcuts defined in Xresources), Xsession try to start 
 it. On failure, it continues (see 2).
 2. If a session has been selected from the sessions menu (i.e. the file
 /var/lib/xdm/xdm.<XDISP>.xsession is not empty), Xsession try to start 
 it. On failure, it continues (see 3). 
 3. Xsession try to start the user's session specified by variable 
 USR_XSESSION. On failure, it continues (see 4).
 4. Xsession try to start the system's session specified by variable
 SYS_XSESSION. On failure, it continues (see 5).
 5. At this point, Xsession run the failsafe mode by starting the terminal
 emulator specified by variable FAILSAFE_TERM. On failure, Xsession exits.

Tips and tricks

1. Howto take a screenshot of XDM
The buttons-bar includes a screenshot tool which is disabled by
default. To enable it :

 * Open Xbuttons_bar configuration file.
 * Add the keyword SCREENSHOT to the property BUTTONS_ORDER.
 * Restart XDM.
The screenshot tool settings are defined by the following 
properties (in Xbuttons_bar configuration file) :


2. Howto change the login box background color

To change the login box background color to something like, grey, proceed 
as below :

1. Open the file /etc/X11/xdm/slackware/Xresources

2. Replace :
    xlogin.Login.background: white 

    xlogin.Login.shdColor: #dedede
    xlogin.Login.hiColor: #dedede
   By :
    xlogin.Login.background: grey 

    xlogin.Login.shdColor: grey30
    xlogin.Login.hiColor: grey90
3. Replace :
     xlogin.Login.logoFileName: /etc/X11/xdm/slackware/pixmaps/s-logo-on-white.xpm
   By :
     xlogin.Login.logoFileName: /etc/X11/xdm/slackware/pixmaps/s-logo-on-grey.xpm

Note that to change the background color by something else than grey, it is
first required to create a Slackware (S) logo image (to .xpm format)  with 
the desired background color, which can easily be done starting with the gimp
image /usr/doc/xdm-slackware-theme-<VERSION>/slackware-s-logo.xcf.

3. My X server(s) tend to grow without bound over time

In this case, it might be useful to set DisplayManager.<DISPLAY>.terminateServer 
to true in /etc/X11/xdm/slackware/Xresources.

DISPLAY is the X server display name to XDM resource name format.

Known issues

  1. Multiple XDM logins, multi-screen, and nVidia
  In case of Multiple XDM logins on a system using an nvidia videocard 
  with 2 monitors and the proprietary nvidia driver, at startup, the 1st
  XDM login is correctly placed at the  center of 1st physical display, 
  but, the 2nd XDM login is placed at the center of the abstract X 
  This issue is automatically resolved following a login/logout on the
  2nd XDM login. It is also possible to fix that by reseting the 2nd XDM
  This issue comes from the nvidia proprietary driver. It has neither
  been observed with driver "nouveau" , nor on systems with an videocard
  using a non nvidia GPU.


 * This XDM theme has been designed using informations found on 
   archwiki (wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/XDM) and scripts from :
    + archlinux package xdm-archlinux at archlinux.org/packages
    + slackware package slackware-xdm-theme at slackbuild.org
 * The following wallpapers in pixmaps directory are resized version of
   images found at http://www.ravefinity.com :

     C1-Nights-Haze-Blue-2.jpg     	C2-Green-Moutain-Side-2.jpg
     C1-Nights-Haze-Grey-2.jpg          C2-Morning-View-2.jpg
     C1-Nights-Haze-Purple-2.jpg   	C2-Ocean-Side-Sunset-2.jpg
     C1-Shuttleworth-Galaxy-2.jpg       C2-Precipice.jpg
     C1-Steele-Star-2.jpg               C2-Sunset-Shore-2.jpg
   All of these wallpapers are under creative commons license.

 * The following wallpapers in pixmaps directory are from unknown 
   source : 
     Geminid-Meteor-Shower.jpg          Green-Hills.jpg
     Mars-Olympus-Mons.jpg              Space-Outer-Nature.jpg
Source: README, updated 2019-06-27