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Readme.txt 2017-11-28 1.9 kB
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World Land Mask (WLM) is a small ANSII C interface allowing ingest of a landmask using either:

1) An internal (burned in) database land mask set at 10 second (angular) intervals (resampled from MODIS 250m data). Or
2) A user supplied coastal shapefiles, where the user can specify the desired pixel scale in meters. The program    rasterizes to a landmask on the fly.

We recommend the Open Street Maps shapefile database land_polygons.shp (see: http://openstreetmapdata.com/data/land-polygons), 
but one can also use others such as GlobalGSHHSLandMask.shp (see: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/data/gshhg/latest/)


It is recommended to use 64bit architectures, although 32 bit should work under most conditions.

Windows: Unzip and go to the Landmask/build/MSVS2008 (or MSVS2017) directory, open the wlm.sln in Visual Studio, set the configuration to Release | x64 and build solution. If your Visual Studio is between 2008 and 2017 the use 2008 and let it update the projects. 
You may need to right clicj solution and "retarget project" if you get an error

Linux: Unzip and go to Landmask/build/LINUX and type ./BUILD
After it is built run the ./INSTALL to create the output folder wlm10 at the same level as Landmask
See the wlm10/bin/TestConfig to see how to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH within csh or tch or use export in bash or sh


A couple example programs are provided that use the wlm library

region2lm generates a pgm byte image given region bounds.
Usage: region2lm <pgm file> [<post spacing m>] [<shape file>] [<lon min> <lon max> <lat min> <lat max>]

sicd2lm generates a pgm for a provided SICD nitf file using default or optional shapefile and AOI.
Usage: sicd2lm <sicd file> <pgm file> [<shape file>] [i0 j0 w h]

In either case if the shapefile is not provided then the default internal 
database will generate the landmask

Bob Jansen

Source: Readme.txt, updated 2017-11-28