Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
binaries 2015-04-26
source 2015-04-26
README.TXT 2015-04-26 8.2 kB
ABOUT_ADIF.TXT 2015-04-26 1.9 kB
Totals: 4 Items   10.1 kB 0
WKDLOG   (c) OH1KH  2015

Before you try either precompiled binary or binary compiled by your self   

	- added wsjtx "online" support.
	  Shows worked grids realtime when they appear to "wsjtx.log" (autoupdate).
	  You may open "wsjtx.log" like it would be sqlite-file (button "sqlite"), 
	  or give the name of the file with path as start parameter. (-f ~/.local/share/WSJT-X/wsjtx.log)
	  At first run wsjtx.sqlite database is created. After that program scans the wsjtx.log file once
	  a minute at 50sec and creates new record(s) to database "wsjtx.sqlite" if line count is larger than
	  database record count.
	  Needless to say that all goes wrong if "wsjtx.log" erased or some line(s) deleted from it manually.
	  This is not very clever, but wsjtx original logging is not either.
	  I run some tests with HP Compaq mini laptop 1.5GHz (I think) dual core and 16000 qsos wsjtx.log.
	  Creating and populating database took some 3mins but after that autoupdate round took less than
	- if you do not want enable autoupdate you can access database also directly, once it is first
	  created, by selecting name "wsjtx.sqlite"(button "sqlite"). File is found from same LOG directory
	  as "wsjtx.log".
	- added "mode" to sqlite database created from ADIF/wsjtx. It is needed as wsjtx has two modes.
	  Also mode "any" is present if imported ADIF has some other modes (rtty, psk, cw, ssb etc.).
          Sorry, but this prevents appending new records to database created by earlier versions.
	  You need to do a new conversion from beginning to new (v2.0) database file format.
	  This makes no effect with JT65-HF HB9HQX use as it's log database has "mode" field on records.
	  Mode can be selected from selection list and defaults to JT9+JT65. 
	  Adding "mode" caused small changes to many subroutines. I hope the amount of bugs did not increase.
	- fixed error on qso count. If database is empty shows now "0/0qsos" instead of "/qsos".
	- fixed typo in ADIF conversion routine at "station_call". The proper format is "station_callsign".
	  Stops now asking callsign if it is included in (1st) ADIF-record.
	- added 60m band
	- devel version. Not released.Jump to v2.0
	- ADIF conversion does not stop, once it has started, if there is faulty record(s) in between
          the proper ones. They are just skipped with notice and fault counter increased.
	- Added also callsign to sqlite database created from ADIF. Just in case it would be needed
          some day.
          Sorry, but this prevents appending new ADIF records to database created by version 1.7.
	  You need to do a new ADIF conversion from beginning to new (v1.8) database file.
        - Decreased information text during ADIF conversion. 
	- if ADIF file is big it does not block other functions (this means mainly information text printing)
          any more while file is being converted to database.
        - Made several fixes to code, does not show up to user.(Unless there are new bugs ;)
	- Prints now some information also to saved images as well as on the top of the map.
	- Support for ADIF file. Exported ADIF file should have fields <BAND> and <GRIDSQUARE>.
	  File may have <STATION_CALL> and <MY_GRIDSQUARE>. If not, your own call and locator will be asked.
  	  Program creates sqlite database from ADIF. Filename (+path) for that will be asked.
	- loading another log (sqlite or ADIF) will clean previous contents from map (Did not before).
	- after log is loaded and band selector used once shows grid amount for that selection
	  and total amount of records (qsos) in database.

v1.6	- new start parameter parser. -f --file and -m --map supported.
	  -f [path]filename is same as old 1st parameter specifying sqlite log file to be
          loaded at start.
	  -m [path]filename is map file to use as background. User may load his own map
          file as background image.
	  File must be bmp, png or jpg format with size of 721x361 pixels.
	  There is NO PROPER check of that file! Just the existence of file and the extension
          .bmp , .png or .jpg is cheked.
          Loading improperly formatted (but right extension) or wrong sized file may lead to
	  unexpected results!
	- Saving map image supports also png and jpg formats. Not just bmp as stated earlier versions.
	- Smaller binary size. Thanks to Beat, HB9HQX
	- fixed error that happens when world map is clicked before selecting any band.
	  Now zoom works only after first use of band selector.
	- Added auto update.
 	  Autoupdate stores row count of log at map draw time and compares stored and 
	  present count on every 50th second of minute.
	  If there is difference map (zoomed or full) will be redrawn.      
	  It should not make any harm as jt65 decoding is running at that time and it is
	  quite sure that log database is not accessed by the jt65-program at that time.
        - Not released, jump direct to v 1.6!     
	-renamed project to wkdloG as misspelled when creating sourceforge share
	-band selection affects now also when zoomed grid is open
	-closes database after map draw. Program can now be open while jt65-hf is running
	 (as long as log writing and map changes do not happen at same time .)
	-modified some internal calls. Not visible for user.
	-improved save routine: error handling, ask before overwrite, save subgrid image if selected
	-modified band selection routine and added missing 17m band
	- zoom of locator grid
	- removed possible duplicate locators. Uses "select distinct ...." from database fetch
	- 'borders' map is redrawn with gimp 
	- database filename(+path) can be given as first start parameter 
	- added version string to low right corner
	- moved borders.bmp to .lrs-file and compiled it into executable. 
	- started project

Program plots worked locators to word locator map (drawn with Gimp).

Program reads jt65-HF-HB9HQX-edition logfile 


You can create sqlite file from any logging program that supports ADIF export and
can export <BAND> as vavelength (I.E. 160m, 80m...) and worked locator as <GRIDSQUARE>.
Optionally exported records may have <STATION_CALL> and <MY_GRIDSQUARE>. If not,
your own call and locator will be asked.
Program creates sqlite database from ADIF and you can add more worked locators to it
later with another ADIF file, or just delete it after use and make it again on next time.
Program accepts start parameters: log file and user map.

User can have his/her own background map by giving map file name as start parameter.
Map should be png, bmp or jpg formatted 721x361 image file.

If logfile is given as start parameter band selection can be used right away.

If not, band selector works after log file is loaded via dialog that opens by pushing
"Open log file"-button.

Selecting "Show wkd only" shows only locator grids found from log file.

Selected results can be saved as bmp-image by pushing "Save map image" that saves
image that can be seen from program window at the time of pressing the button.
Image format can be png, bmp or jpg.

By clicking one of the main grids (AA-RR) on the map this grid will be
zoomed to size 200x400 showing subgrids (00-99).
A click on zoomed grid returns back to world locator map.


Source is tested to compile with Lazarus 1.2.6 on linux and windows(XP) OS

Linux users should have sqlite3 installed (usually is) and libsqlite3.so
found from library path. If there is just /lib/libsqlite3.so.0   (or something similar)
make symlink named libsqlite3.so pointing to existing libsqlite3.so.?

Windows users should have sqlite3.dll either in working directory or in \windows\system32 folder.
Dll can be loaded from: http://www.sqlite.org/2015/sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3080803.zip
You need it also with running precompiled exe, not just for compile source.

Source: README.TXT, updated 2015-04-26