Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
winbrash-1.2.19.zip 2018-05-01 4.6 MB
README.txt 2018-05-01 7.0 kB
winbrash-1.2.18.zip 2018-04-26 1.7 MB
winbrash-1.2.17.zip 2018-04-14 1.7 MB
winbrash-1.2.16.zip 2018-01-27 1.7 MB
winbrash-1.2.15.zip 2016-09-29 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.14.zip 2016-08-10 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.13.zip 2016-08-07 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.12.zip 2016-08-04 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.11.zip 2016-07-31 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.10.zip 2016-07-29 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.9.zip 2016-07-28 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.7.zip 2016-07-24 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.6.zip 2016-07-22 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.5.zip 2016-07-07 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.4.zip 2016-06-30 1.4 MB
winbrash-1.2.3.zip 2016-06-24 1.8 MB
winbrash-1.2.2a.zip 2016-06-10 551.8 kB
WinBrash-1.2.0.zip 2016-05-21 1.3 MB
winbrash-1.1.40.zip 2016-05-02 1.3 MB
winbrash-1.1.39.zip 2016-04-17 1.3 MB
winbrash-1.1.38.zip 2016-04-04 1.3 MB
winbrash-1.1.36.zip 2016-04-01 1.3 MB
winbrash-1.1.35.zip 2016-03-30 1.3 MB
winbrash-1.33.zip 2016-03-22 1.3 MB
Totals: 25 Items   36.5 MB 0

Release winbrash-1.2.16.zip

   bug Fixes:  
	       case statements were having trouble in this situation

		  case "$file" in
		     \\*) echo root path

	       because the call in lib\file.cxx to fnmatch() was not
	       passing FNM_NOESCAPE, and thus \ was treated not as a
	       path separator but as an escape character


	       Improved the error messages coming from .diff when the 
	       input files are too large.

	       I will eventually find a mechanism to make the size of
	       the input file less important, but such an improvement
	       is not included here.  Only the error message handling
	       is affected.

	       Note that the problem with large files, even on 64 bit
	       machines, comes from the cxx/lib/LongestCommonSubsequence.h
	       file.  An array is allocated whose size is proportional to
	       the product of the lengths of the two files being compared.
	       When you have more than about 10,000 lines in each file,
	       the product exceeds 2 billion which is he maximum allocatable
	       heap pack in visual studio.  (More or less).  Thus an
	       out of memory exception is thrown.

	       Finding a strategy to diff in chunks and then merge the
	       chunks seems to make the most sense.

	       Even though you can theoretically use hundreds of gigabytes
	       of address space, thus solving the problem, most machines
	       would simply store the application in swap space which would
	       drasticaly slow the process down -- to the point that the
	       user would control-C out it.  So, a better fix is needed.

	       Note that while gnu diff is much better than my .diff, it
	       still has this problem.  Use "man bdiff" to find info on
	       how gnu solves the size problem.


   Bug Fixes:  
	       Hopefully this fixes crashes anyone might have been having
	       uses the cd command.  The problem did not seem that noticable
	       on Windows 7, but seems pretty painful on Windows 10.  not
	       sure why, it was the same code in both places.
	       The cd command, indeed any command that uses pathnames, had
	       problems with "..\\.." and "/.." formed strings.  Hopefully
	       this problem is fixed -- at least in the main.

	       The biggest symptom of this problem is that "cd ..\\..\\.."
	       might crash instead of working.


   Bug Fixes:  The >>$filename syntax had a bug in it which is now fixed.
	       Thanks to Scott C for reporting the problem and working 
	       with me to confirm the fix.

	       The .wc command had a bug in it that caused it to fail to
	       close its input file upon completion.  This resulted in
	       a lost file handle and also made it impossible to delete the
	       input file until brash terminated.

   Reminder:   the brash read command works outside the while and for loops
	       to read 1 line from stdin and populate variable names.  So in
	       brash (unlike bourne or brash) you can do this:

		 .wc filename | read  wordCount lineCount charCount

	       In bourne/brash, the variables wordCount, etc, would not be
	       populated in the current shell.  In brash, they are.

Release winbrash-1.2.15.zip


   Bug Fixes:  The ^C key now terminates the input of if-statements, while-statements,
	       for-statements and strings.

	       The makes it possible now to just press ^C to clean up any command line
	       mess you might have made.

	       Why I didn't do this sooner, I don't know.  Geez!

Release winbrash-1.2.14.zip


   Bug Fixes:  brash.exe -c used to crash if you forgot the command option.  
	       Now it is just an error message.

   Enhancemnts:  The & operator which launches background commands now populates
		 the variable, BRASH_BG_JOB with the id of the job just created.
		 The 'jobs' command can tell you if it is still running.

Release winbrash-1.2.13.zip


   Bug fixes:  popd bug fixed.

	       current directory bug associated with background jobs is now fixed.

	       I'm surprised no one reported this one.

Release winbrash-1.2.12.zip


   New Features:  .ls now has the following new options:

      --sep=string  (defines the field separator string. space is the default)
      --seconds     (print the date time in utc seconds)

   And the .date command has the new opton, -p <date. which lets you choose
   the date to be printed from a normal date-time string instead of the
   current time, or a utc date time as specified with the -s option.

Release winbrash-1.2.11.zip


   Fixes bugs that prevent the use of dot (.), underscore (_), and colon (:)
   characters in function names.

   Enables the deleting of functions using the "unset -f funcname" command

Releae winbrash-1.2.10.zip

   This release fixes a bug in the handling of return values from 
   functions which are defined to run in subshells.  For example:

      function f
	 return 4  # value would be lost when the function is called

  Alternatively, you could have written;

	 return 4  # value would be lost when the function is called

  Note that the return value is lost in either case.  But if you had
  used {} instead of (), it would not have been lost.

Release winbrash-1.2.9.zip

      22-Jul-2016: Updated.

   This release is basic ally the savme as 1.2.7 but with bug fixes.
   The new commands, .tail works on both winddows 7 and windows 10.
   Additional help, and builtins command outputs have been added.
   The read -F command has been added, if you haven't seen it before.
   Look at read --help for more details.

Release winbrash-1.2.7.zip

      22-Jul-2016: Updated.

    This release fixes a bug in .tail which seemed to occur only on Windows 7.
    .tail is known to work on Windows 10 and Windows 7 at this point.

Release winbrash-1.2.6.zip

      21-Jul-2016: Updated.

    this release adds .copypaste, .tail, and some help message cleanup.

Release winbrash-1.2.5.zip

      02-Jul-2016: Updated.

    this release adds the .printf command.

Relese winbrash-1.2.2a.zip

       09-Jun-2016:  Updated

    This release adds the .uniq command.  

Release winbrash-1.2.1.zip

       20-May-2016:  Updated

    This release adds support arrays and associative arrays as
    string variables types.

    It also includes the .regex -1 option which lets you replace
    text that spans more than 1 line.  \r\n is the end of line
    sequence on windows.  It gets very confusing if you only
    replace the \n because the \r moves the cursor to the beginning
    of the line and it makes it look like the replace is totally
    wrong, but in fact it is doing what you told it to do.  (sigh).

    Use the declare -a command to create array variables.  Use -A for
    associative arrays.  See the GNU BASH documentation for details on
    using the associative arrays.

Source: README.txt, updated 2018-05-01