Home / archives / 6.0.1
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
README.txt 2020-01-20 1.1 kB
wikindx_6.0.1.zip 2020-01-20 2.6 MB
wikindx_6.0.1.tar.gz 2020-01-20 2.2 MB
wikindx_6.0.1.tar.bz2 2020-01-20 1.8 MB
wikindx_6.0.1_api_manual.zip 2020-01-20 2.6 MB
wikindx_6.0.1_api_manual.tar.gz 2020-01-20 2.4 MB
wikindx_6.0.1_api_manual.tar.bz2 2020-01-20 1.1 MB
Totals: 7 Items   12.8 MB 0
                    --o WIKINDX 6.0.1 INSTALLATION FILES o--                    


For a new installation or an update of the core, download the main package,
uncompress it and follow the instructions in the documentation. A good part of
the process is automatic but some manual actions specific to a version are often
necessary (Internet not required).

"components" folder contains the component packages available for this version
of the core. They can be installed or updated from the administration of the
components of your Wikindx installation (Internet required, does not work with a

For an offline installation of components, you must download the desired
component packages from a station that has internet access, and install
individually from the same administration screen. It is therefore recommended to
recopy the hash of the downloaded file to check its integrity.

An additional package contains documentation of internal APIs that are of
interest to core and plugin developers.

The WIKINDX Team 2020
Source: README.txt, updated 2020-01-20