Home / archives
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
6.10.2 2024-06-12
trunk 2024-06-08
6.9.1 2024-04-14
6.8.2 2024-02-19
6.7.2 2023-07-11
6.7.1 2023-07-11
6.7.0 2023-01-30
6.6.8 2023-01-30
6.6.7 2023-01-21
6.6.5 2023-01-06
6.6.3 2023-01-03
components 2021-10-22
6.5.0 2021-10-21
6.4.14 2021-10-09
6.4.13 2021-10-07
6.4.12 2021-09-23
6.4.10 2021-07-07
6.4.9 2021-05-29
6.4.8 2021-05-19
6.3.10 2020-08-30
6.3.9 2020-08-29
6.3.8 2020-08-19
6.3.7 2020-07-21
6.3.6 2020-07-21
6.3.5 2020-07-14
6.3.4 2020-07-09
6.3.3 2020-07-06
6.3.2 2020-07-05
6.3.1 2020-06-11
6.2.2 2020-03-27
6.2.1 2020-02-19
6.2.0 2020-02-11
6.1.0 2020-02-10
6.0.8 2020-02-10
6.0.7 2020-02-03
6.0.6 2020-01-30
6.0.5 2020-01-28
6.0.4 2020-01-28
6.0.3 2020-01-26
6.0.2 2020-01-25
6.0.1 2020-01-20
6.0.0 2020-01-12
5.9.1 2020-01-08
0.9.1 2019-12-23
0.9.2 2019-12-23
0.9.3 2019-12-23
0.9.4 2019-12-23
0.9.5 2019-12-23
0.9.6 2019-12-23
0.9.7 2019-12-23
0.9.8 2019-12-23
0.9.9 2019-12-23
1.0.0 2019-12-23
1.1.0 2019-12-23
1.5.1 2019-12-23
2.0.0 2019-12-23
2.1.1 2019-12-23
2.1.0 2019-12-23
2.2.0 2019-12-23
2.3.1 2019-12-23
2.3.2 2019-12-23
2.3.3 2019-12-23
2.3.4 2019-12-23
2.3.5 2019-12-23
2.3.6 2019-12-23
2.3.0 2019-12-23
3.4.0 2019-12-23
3.4.2 2019-12-23
3.0.0 2019-12-23
3.0.1 2019-12-23
3.0.2 2019-12-23
3.0.3 2019-12-23
3.0.4 2019-12-23
3.0.5 2019-12-23
3.0.6 2019-12-23
3.1.0 2019-12-23
3.1.1 2019-12-23
3.2.0 2019-12-23
3.2.1 2019-12-23
3.2.2 2019-12-23
3.2.3 2019-12-23
3.2.4 2019-12-23
3.3.0 2019-12-23
3.3.1 2019-12-23
3.3.2 2019-12-23
3.4.1 2019-12-23
3.4.3 2019-12-23
3.4.4 2019-12-23
3.4.5 2019-12-23
3.4.6 2019-12-23
3.4.7 2019-12-23
3.5.0 2019-12-23
3.6.0 2019-12-23
3.6.1 2019-12-23
3.6.2 2019-12-23
3.6.3 2019-12-23
3.6.4 2019-12-23
3.6.5 2019-12-23
3.7.0 2019-12-23
3.7.1 2019-12-23
3.8.0 2019-12-23
3.8.1 2019-12-23
5.2.1 2019-12-23
4.2.2 2019-12-23
3.8.2 2013-01-08
2.3.7 2013-01-08
3.0.7 2005-06-04
2.0.1 2004-09-12
Totals: 108 Items   0
                           --o README o--


The stable and tested version of WIKINDX is found in the folder current_release.
The archives/components folder contains various extensions such as plug-ins to extend
WIKINDX's functionality, translations, bibliographic styles, and templates. While
these can be downloaded and installed manually, it is recommended that you manage
components through the Admin > Components interface available since WIKINDX 5.9.1.

Pre-v5.9.1 extensions are available inside the folder of each archived versions.

First choose the right version of WIKINDX for your hosting or on the contrary design
a hosting adapted to WIKINDX with the PHP/MySQL/MariaDB compatibility matrix:

See more info at https://wikindx.sourceforge.io/web/trunk/install/requirements/

Not all versions of WIKINDX have been tested with every version of the database engine.
Only the most stable, recommended and tested combinations are given here.

PHP version | Min WIKINDX Version | Max WIKINDX Version
8.4         | Not supported       | Not supported
8.3         | 6.8.0               | trunk
8.2         | 6.7.1               | trunk
8.1         | 6.6.0               | trunk
8.0         | 6.5.0               | 6.9.0
7.4         | 6.1.0               | 6.6.8
7.3         | 5.7.2               | 6.5.0
7.2         | 5.7.0               | 6.3.10
7.1         | 5.3.1               | 6.3.10
7.0         | 5.2.1               | 5.8.2
5.6         | 4.4.2               | 6.0.8
5.5         | 4.4.2               | 5.3.2
5.4         | 4.4.2               | 5.2.1
5.3         | 4.4.2               | 4.2.2

MariaDB version | Min WIKINDX Version | Max WIKINDX Version
11.4 (LTS)      | 6.6.8               | trunk
11.3 (buggy)    | Not supported       | Not supported
11.2            | 6.6.8               | trunk
11.1            | 6.6.8               | trunk
11.0.6          | 6.6.8               | trunk
10.11.8 (LTS)   | 6.6.8               | trunk
10.10.5         | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.9.7          | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.8.8          | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.7.8          | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.6.18 (LTS)   | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.5.25 (LTS)   | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.4.34 (LTS)   | 6.0.8               | trunk
10.3.39         | 4.2.2               | 6.7.1
10.2.44         | 4.2.2               | 6.7.1
10.1.48         | 4.2.2               | 6.0.1
10.0.38         | 4.2.2               | 6.0.1
5.5.68          | 4.2.2               | 4.2.2
5.3.12          | 4.2.2               | 4.2.2
5.2.14          | 4.2.2               | 4.2.2

MySQL version | Min WIKINDX Version | Max WIKINDX Version
8.4.0 (LTS)   | 6.6.8               | trunk
8.3.0         | 6.6.8               | trunk
8.2.0         | 6.6.8               | trunk
8.1.0         | 6.6.8               | trunk
8.0.37 (LTS)  | 6.6.8               | trunk
8.0.11 (LTS)  | 6.6.8               | trunk
5.7.41        | 4.2.2               | 6.7.1
5.6.51        | 4.2.2               | 6.1.0
5.5.60        | 4.2.2               | 4.2.2

The versions below are particular and should help you to make transitions between versions of PHP/MySQL/MariaDB.

- v6.10.2 is able to upgrade from v5.x and supports PHP 8.1 to 8.3, MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.4 and higher.
- v6.9.0 is able to upgrade from v5.x and supports PHP 8.0 to 8.3, MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.4 and higher.
- v6.7.1 is able to upgrade from v5.x and supports PHP 8.0 to 8.2, MySQL 5.7/8.0, MariaDB 10.2 and higher.
- v6.6.8 is able to upgrade from v5.x and supports PHP 7.4 to 8.1, MySQL 5.7/8.0, MariaDB 10.2 and higher.
- v6.5.0 is able to upgrade from v5.x and supports PHP 7.3 to 8.0, MySQL 5.7, MariaDB 10.2 and higher.
- v6.1.0 is able to upgrade from v3.8.x to v6.x and supports PHP 7.0 to 7.4, MySQL 5.7, MariaDB 10.2 and higher.
- v6.0.8 is able to upgrade from v3.8.x to v6.x and supports PHP 5.6 to 7.3, MySQL 5.7, MariaDB 10.2 and higher.

Once you have downloaded WIKINDX:

1. If you are upgrading from a previous installation of WIKINDX,
   read https://wikindx.sourceforge.io/web/trunk/install/upgrade/

2. Simple installation instructions can be found at


Source: README.txt, updated 2024-06-18