Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Win64 2018-03-25
DailiesAndNighties 2018-03-18
Experimental 2017-04-08
README.txt 2018-03-25 8.5 kB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.9.1.exe 2018-03-25 24.9 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.9.1.zip 2018-03-25 12.7 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.9.exe 2017-11-12 24.9 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.9.zip 2017-11-12 12.7 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.8.7.exe 2017-05-14 24.9 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.8.7.zip 2017-05-14 19.3 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.8.6.exe 2017-03-08 24.9 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.8.6.zip 2017-03-08 19.3 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.8.5.exe 2017-02-21 24.9 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.8.5.zip 2017-02-21 19.3 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.8.zip 2016-09-04 19.3 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.8.exe 2016-09-04 24.9 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.7.5.exe 2016-07-10 24.7 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.7.5.zip 2016-07-10 19.1 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.7.4.exe 2016-05-16 24.7 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.7.4.zip 2016-05-16 19.1 MB
WhiteStarUMLSetup-5.6.6.exe 2015-07-06 24.8 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.6.6.zip 2015-07-06 18.7 MB
WhiteStarUMLsetup-5.5.8.exe 2014-11-13 25.2 MB
WhiteStarUML-NoInstall-5.5.8.zip 2014-11-13 30.7 MB
WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.5.8.zip 2014-11-13 18.8 MB
Docs-1.1.zip 2014-08-24 53.0 MB
Totals: 26 Items   510.8 MB 199
WhiteStarUMLsetup-5.9.1.exe contains the installer for the software, this is the recommended download.

Since the release 5.9.1 the binaries are no longer signed.
Fixed glitch with losing documentation update after saving project while the Documentation Editor is still active. 
Fixed glitch with random error messages when opening a new diagram.

Fixed glitch with overwriting model description when the Description Panel is not visible.
Default selection of the active tab in the Tagged Values Editor will follow previous user selection (if applicable).

Cleaned issues with switching diagram tabs and opening/closing projects with multiple tabs open.
Fixed problem with undocking and redocking panels.
Fixed problem with erratic behavior after modifying the ActionKind attribute.
Improved reliability of Documentation Editor.
Collection Editor shows a hint instead of an empty list if no suitable element for insertion could be found. 

V. 5.8

Extensive program profiling was performed. That helped to identify various issues and visibly improve overall performance.
Antialiased drawing with Direct2D is now enabled by default.
The GUI part of the Documention Generator was updated and several issues were fixed. 

Added option to invoke Visual Studio to debug design pattern scripts. 
Added drag & drop support for inserting new elements into Collection Editor from the Model Explorer.
Handled tabs are: Deployed Components, Deployed Artifacts, Residents and Raised Signals.
Generated C# accessors for properties are now following auto style from C# 3.0+.

Internal name of Java 1.5 profile was changed from Java15 to Java to ensure better compatibility with StarUML.
Improved stability of generating code for ERD diagrams with annotations.
Cleaned handling of adding a new operation in interaction diagrams (like Sequence Diagram).

Fixed glitch with memory allocation on machines with no printer attached.
Cleaned handling of Exclusive File Open on 64 bit machines.
ParserCore.dll has now its TLB registered by installer for easier import by IDEs.

Script generating getter/setter accessors for an attribute is now directly integrated and accessible through the Model submenu.
GraphViz libraries have their own subdirectory and the problem with auto layout of items with multiple association was fixed.
The program is now compatible with the latest version of the Virtual TreeView component.

V. 5.7

ERD profile got promoted to plugin and allows generation and parsing of simple SQL tables.
This module is intended to act as an example of a plugin written in C#.
This and other .Net based modules are now based on Visual Studio 2015 and .Net Framework 4 Client Profile.
From now the application should install correctly on fresh Windows 8 and 10 machines.
Older systems must have .Net Framework 4 Client Profile installed. 

Design Patterns addin was ported to the 64 bit version.

The Documentation Generator was internally redesigned to run the script engine in a separate process.
Custom scripts launched from the Generator will likely require their startup to be updated like the ones bundled with the generator.
Documentation generation is now present in the 64 bit build as well.

Improved performance of scrolling diagrams with Direct2D enabled.
Improved selection of stereotypes and tabs in the Tagged Values editor basing on existing stereotype.

Generating XMI with Rational extensions should be more stable now.

v. 5.6

New options added:
General - Use Direct2D for antialiased drawing on Windows 7+. After activating it diagrams must be reopened (or app restarted). 
C++/C#/Java - Generate implementation of operation from text in Tagged Values - Implementation

Added command Copy/Paste Formatting for quick copying formatting between views.
Initial 64 bit build is ready (with XMI and ERD plugins) in the Win64 directory.
Jpg and Png images are now handled in most places of the program: exporting diagram images, annotations, profiles and nxt files.
ERD profile is no longer activated by default.
Various issues in the Documentation Generator with cloning templates and creating batches were fixed.

C# code generator creates Visual C# style Unicode output files.
Installer sets the file association for .uml and WhiteStarUML (may be disabled in custom install settings)
It is possible now to auto select relations in the Model Explorer when browing Relations in the Collection Editor. 
For that showing relations must be enabled in the Model Explorer (with Filter Elements dialog).
Nx Parser is moved to .Net based library. A small utility program NxSyntaxValidator.exe is added to quickly test syntactic correctness of .nxt files.

New GoTo Submenu added to the context view of models to navigate to attachments and classifiers of instance type models.
Fixed scrolling/scalling with mouse wheel and horizontal scroll with Shift pressed added.
Text in guard in Combined Fragments will appear on top of graphical elements. 
The main window should no longer try to appear on a disconnected monitor.

Problem with opening dialog windows on systems with multiple monitors was fixed.
Issue with the main window always staying in the backgound when child windows are undocked is fixed.
However now the main window may completely cover child windows.

Handling units was updated and now they can be loaded and unloaded in a running program. There is also "General - Auto Load Unit"
option to handle the default behavior.

Relations in Collection Editor may be sorted by column and the related model may be located.
Tagged values and options inspectors allow editing single line values in place.
Stereotype names can now contains brackets.

v. 5.5

Attachments are updated if attached model is renamed.
Workspace may be zoomed with Ctrl + Mouse wheel.
Tagged values can be now edited with multi-line editor.
Old Java module (1.4) is not installed anymore and should be fully replaced by the newer 1.5.

New function "Find Diagrams with Selected Model" added to Model Explorer's context menu.
Fixed generation of static data members and const functions in the C++ module.
Bug preventing reading files with error "Incorrect typecast" is fixed.
Input grammars accept now embedded delimiters for type definitions (but be aware of conflict of '>>' with stereotype declaration).
Annotation line style may be modified using Format menu.
All instance type entities (like objects or node instances) may have their classifier specified using 'instance : classifier' syntax in the input line.
Creating a new item in Collection Editor starts edition automatically.
It is possible using the Options settings to configure decimal separator character to make it possible to move model between systems with different locales.

The About dialog better scales for modified DPI values.
All apostrophe types should be accepted by the input parser now.
Word Wrap can be now set by default in Tools - Options - General View.
All Registry access attempts should be now under branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER what should result 
in less frequent failures because of write access rights errors in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. 

v. 5.4

GUI themes now can be changed at runtime, see View - UI Theme.
It is possible now to scroll Model Explorer while dragging a model element.
C# Reverse engineering converts now input files to version without BOM to be more compatible with source parses.
Help files are updated and distributed with the main program (access with F1) thanks to the new project contributor Albert Zuurbier.
ERD Data Modeling profile is now fixed and integrated out of the box.
Crash in XMI export is fixed.
Submenu View-Toolbars is fixed.
Problem with language reverting (if changed) to the system default one (unless you have Korean Office 2002 installed) fixed.
The project binaries are digitally signed now, thanks to open source certificate from CERTUM ;) 
Unicode names are fully functional now (see screenshots).
Java 1.5 module by Frank Hernandez now is integrated out of the box. (Seen as Java 1.5 profile.) 

If Diagram layout does not work you may need to install Redistributable Package for Visual C++ 2008 SP1.

Due to various complications NO INSTALL build is no longer updated.

WhiteStarUMLsrc-5.9.1.zip contains source files for the project. 
To build it you will need Delphi XE5 or later and recent versions of following components:

Virtual TreeView
JEDI library

Source: README.txt, updated 2018-03-25