Home / v1.15.1
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README.md 2021-10-30 2.9 kB
v1.15.1.tar.gz 2021-10-30 188.7 kB
v1.15.1.zip 2021-10-30 258.0 kB
Totals: 3 Items   449.5 kB 0

This is a hotfix to address issues with replying to messages with v1.15.0

Patch notes since last version didn't have them:

Patch notes for 1.15.0 and 1.15.1:

  • muteChat's duration parameter is now optional, it defaults to being infinite
  • GroupNotification.getChat() now gives you the group chat the notification occurred in, instead of the client's chat (bugfix)
  • Buttons and List messages are now added. example usage

    :::js const { Buttons, List } = require('whatsapp-web.js');

    // sending buttons client.sendMessage(to, new Buttons('Body text/ MessageMedia instance', [{id:'customId',body:'button1'},{body:'button2'},{body:'button3'},{body:'button4'}], 'Title here, doesn\'t work with media', 'Footer here'), {caption: 'if you used a MessageMedia instance, use the caption here'})

    // sending lists client.sendMessage(to, new List('Body text/ MessageMedia instance', 'List message button text', [{title: 'sectionTitle', rows: [{id: 'customId', title: 'ListItem2', description: 'desc'}, {title: 'ListItem2'}]}] 'Title here, doesn\'t work with media', 'Footer here'), {caption: 'if you used a MessageMedia instance, use the caption here'})

    //getting response client.on('message', m => { if (m.type == 'buttons_response') { const {selectedButtonId: bid} = message; if (bid == 'customId') m.reply('You chose button 1') // this is a buttons message response } else if (m.type == 'list_response' / not sure /) { const {selectedButtonId: bid} = message; if (bid == 'customId') m.reply('You chose list item 2') // this is a list message response } }); docs: https://docs.wwebjs.dev/List.html https://docs.wewbjs.dev/Buttons.html - Incoming payment message type (no sending) supported:

    :::js client.on('message', async m => { if (message.type == 'payment') { const paymentInfo = await m.getPayment(); // do hat you want here } }); docs: class missing from docs :D - force-stop MD users from running a script that's not compatible - A new clientOption: qrMaxRetries that allows X qr incoming events before giving up. Defaults to 0 (unlimited) - Typescript improvements: - Buttons and Lists don't throw errors when sending a message (MessageContent) - puppeteer: args and puppeteer: headless don't throw an error - Format Ids into human readable phone numbers:

  • Client instance .getFormattedNumber(id) and .getCountryCode(id)

  • Contact instance .getFormattedId() and .getCountryCode()

both return a Promise<string> (use await) - Get the people the client blocked on whatsapp:

const blockedIds = await client.getBlockedIds();
//['62813xxx@c.us', '628xxx@c.us']
  • More tests and related fixes
Source: README.md, updated 2021-10-30