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OpenshiftReadme.txt 2015-04-30 1.1 kB
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Openshift is the current web host for the Weber State Respiratory Therapy project.
To log in and manage application settings (including SSH keys and git clone)
navigate to https://www.openshift.com/ and log in using the following credentials:

Login: tylerallen2@mail.weber.edu
Pass: Respi43


To access the database via phpmyadmin, go to https://weberstate-restherapy.rhcloud.com/phpmyadmin
and log in using the following credentials: 

username: adminFxASVVU
pass: Q2lcMxlMgS_e


To set up remote database connection to open shift, follow these steps:

Download and install Ruby 1.9.3-p551 from http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/

Select add ruby to system path.

Open command prompt and run: gem install rhc.

After rhc is installed run: rhc setup, you will be prompted to login,
Use the openshift login credentials above to do so.

Start up your Tomcat server.

In command prompt, run: rhc port-forward –a weberstate.
Source: OpenshiftReadme.txt, updated 2015-04-30