Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2020-11-27 969 Bytes
WoRRangeRecord.zip 2020-11-26 61.3 MB
Totals: 2 Items   61.3 MB 0
Source code can be found here: https://github.com/wyattschwanbeck/WarOfRightsShootingRangeShotTracker

Version Notes:
Most current version supports dynamic capture for whatever resolution in which the game is played on along with seconds since aiming tagged in each gif.
File sizes will be much smaller (at a loss of quality of course) in this latest version as well so gifs can easily be shared to discord.

To use: 
1. Extract the zip file run the exe from the folder.
2. Enter '1' when prompted to capture shooting range or enter anything else to only capture 'kill cams'
3. Make sure your settings are fullscreen+borderless
4. Shots that are logged will be within the folder that is added the first time you run the exe

Please note, seperating the exe from the folder you extracted to will result in a crash. The exe references the file in the font folder.

Reach out to me on discord (whitey34#5132) if you have questions, concerns, or comments.

Source: README.txt, updated 2020-11-27