Home / 0.4.1-International
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README.en 2020-04-18 1.2 kB
nn-linux-amd64.zip 2020-04-18 2.2 MB
nn-win32.zip 2020-04-18 1.2 MB
nn-src.zip 2020-04-18 41.6 kB
Totals: 4 Items   3.5 MB 0
VV NeuroNet program.
Neural networks realization.
International version (Russian+English)
of interest appears.
License: GNU LGPL (in Russian translation, or English, if you are outside Russia
or Belarus) for THIS version, read Russian text.

VV NeuroNet
Not everything is working.

18.04.2020 - Version 0.4.1. First international version

This program is mostly Russian. If you run clean executable, it will be in Russian.
But there is an English translation in "locale" subdirectory. Leave it as is.
If your default language is English (en_US or en_GB), nnet executable SHOULD
be automatically translated to English on starting. If not (or something works
wrong during language identification in LCL default translator), but you prefere
English language to default Russian, just call the executable with line
nnet.exe --lang en    (in Windows)
./nnet --lang en (in linux)

Feel free to translate this file to other languages. Just copy nnet.en.po in
"locale" subdir to your language code and translate English text to your language.

Принципиальных изменений по сравнению с русской версией 0.4.1 практически нет
Source: README.en, updated 2020-04-18