
Window not responding?

  • Helmut Daschnigrum

    Hi all,

    I'm using VirtuaWin v4.0.1 on Vista and I'm having a problem with VirtuaWin flashing its tray icon.  On mousing over the icon I get a pop-up bubble saying "x windows not responding".  Normally this happens immediately after switching desktops, but it occasionally seems to happen spontaneously as well.

    Every time VirtuaWin's tray icon blinks, my taskbar (which is set to auto-hide) pops up from the bottom of the screen and then disappears.  The result is somewhere around 5-10 seconds of taskbar flickering every time this happens, which is terribly distracting and annoying.

    I assume this situation is innocent enough, as it doesn't seem to have any other effects -- VirtuaWin seems to be able to continue managing all of my windows just fine.  So is there any way to turn this off?

    This is my only real gripe about an otherwise magnificent software application, so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


    • Steven Phillips

      Steven Phillips - 2008-09-12

      The simple solution is to Hide the system tray icon (Setup -> Expert option), if this leaves you unsure of which desktop you are on there are other VW modules which can do this which wont flash and other features available from the icon (e.g. access to the control menu and window list) can be accessed via other means (hotkeys etc. although you may need to up-grade to the latest beta).

      However, this only addresses the side-effect of a much more important problem, one of your applications is hung (not responding) so VirtuaWin can't restore one or more of your windows. So the better solution is to find and fix the hung application. To identify the application, when the tray Icon flashes open VW Setup, go to Modules tab and double click (or configure) the WinList module, in the WinList dialog that opens sort by the second 'S' column (short for VW Status) and look for any of type 'H' (for Hung). Can you stop this application from hanging or exit the app?  Fixing this will stop the flashing.

      By the way, the apparantly 'spontaneous' aspect to this is most likely expected behaviour. The icon is flashed every second for the first minute after a desktop change involving a Hung process, but this is reduced to once every 8 or so seconds there after to reduce the distraction.

    • Helmut Daschnigrum

      Thanks for the reply.  I took your advice and checked the WinList module, and it turns out it's a tooltip that's supposedly hung (the window class is "tooltips_class32").  No other windows are marked 'H', which leads me to wonder how the tooltip is managing to "hang" independently of its application...?

    • Steven Phillips

      Steven Phillips - 2008-09-19

      Is it possible the H is the Far left column (where it means Hidden)? If so this is common for tooltips and probably not the cause of the problem.

      If it was under the second 'S' column then for some reason VW is managing this window and it shouldn't (probably due to some application specific implementation). If VW is managing the window then simply create a new Window Rule, set the class name to "tooltips_class32" and set it to 'Never manage windows of this type'. If VW isn't managing the window it won't care if its hung so the flashing problem will be resolved.

  • Ooker

    Ooker - 2018-01-15

    It seems that Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow causes the problem. See


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