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venom-xorg-20190505.iso.md5 2019-05-05 58 Bytes
venom-xorg-20190505.iso 2019-05-05 617.6 MB
venom-xorg-20190412.iso.md5 2019-04-12 58 Bytes
venom-xorg-20190329.iso.md5 2019-03-29 58 Bytes
venom-xorg-20190327.iso.md5 2019-03-27 58 Bytes
venom-xorg-20190316.iso.md5 2019-03-16 58 Bytes
venom-xorg-20190308.iso.md5 2019-03-08 58 Bytes
Totals: 7 Items   617.6 MB 0
Venom Linux
Venom Linux is a source based linux distribution built from scratch make for daily use
targetting experienced users. This distro is inspired by CRUX (crux.nu) of its simplicity and KISS
philosophy and i am CRUX fan and was core user before i started this distro. This distro is use
runit as main init and BSD-like ports system for packages. Packages is managed by my own package
manager called scratchpkg that has dependencies checking and its full written in POSIX shell script,
so it might slower than any package manager existed but it works :)

I admit theres is so many great distro out there, and Venom Linux is still far from them. But other
distros does not suit my OS requirement for my life thats why i started Venom Linux :)
Here is features of Venom Linux (other distro might already have this but i want to list it anyway!)
 - highly customizable
 - multilib (yes, steam and wine is in the repo, just run the magic word to install it)
 - you can create your own repos and ports on top of existing one
 - writing package's port is dead simple
 - packages is latest stable/development
 - rolling release
 - man pages is compressed
 - libtool (*.la) files is removed
 - binaries and libraries is stripped
 - precompiled packages can be installed to other machines (used with scratchpkg)
 - get rid of junks (info pages, locales, and etc)

Quick Guide/Installation/Configuration
Venom installation can be done by running 'venom-installer' from terminal/tty

Login for live iso
user     : venom
password : venom

user     : root
password : root

System configuration
Edit /etc/runit/runit.conf to configure timezone, clock, font and keymap.
Installation using the iso should configured this already.

services script is placed in /etc/sv/ directory.
enabling service is by make a symlink from /etc/sv/<service> to /var/service
disabling service is by removing symlink created in /var/service

scratchpkg (the package manager)
Run 'scratch help' from the terminal to see available options, anyway heres the quick usage:
install - # scratch install pkg1 pkg2 pkgN
remove - # scratch remove pkg1 pkg2 pkgN
upgrade - # scratch upgrade pkg1 pkg2 pkgN
search package - # scratch search pattern
update ports database - # scratch sync
full upgrade - # scratch sysup
install from precompiled package - # pkgadd pkg-version.spkg.txz
check for broken packages - # revdep
update configuration file - # updateconf

 - vim is default installed terminal text editor
 - you are advised to update ports database and make full upgrade at first install
 - also, you are advised to run 'revdep' after upgrade/remove packages from system
 - optionally run 'updateconf' after package upgrade to update package's configuration files

Checkout my github page if you interested in development
You can contact me on my email if you need talk about this distro

github: https://github.com/venomlinux
email: emmett1.2miligrams@gmail.com

Source: README.txt, updated 2020-04-03