Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ALEX controller 2010-12-14
Labview Drivers 2010-12-14
README.txt 2010-12-14 1.6 kB
SM formulator controller.vi 2010-12-14 245.7 kB
sample protocol.txt 2010-12-14 1.5 kB
SM formulator.dwg 2010-12-14 150.5 kB
Totals: 6 Items   399.3 kB 0
The Labview VI "SM formulator controller.vi" is a platform which allows manual and automated control of the microfluidic mixing ring "SM formulator.dwg"
.txt file recipes can be loaded into this VI in order to run automated serial titrations.
The "sample protocol.txt" file can be loaded directly into the VI as an example
The top two lines of this text file provide the comands to the VI to run a sample protocol
If the device is prepared with the following chemical inputs, this sample protocol will recreate the second 4x4 pannel in figure S10 (7.35mM MgCl2) of Kim et al
the "measure" command provides a digital trigger which initiates sm Alex data collection

Channel		Contents
1		10mM Tris pH 8
2		1M NaCl, 10mM Tris
3		250mM MgCl2, 10mM Tris
4		45nM 10dA
5		empty
6		2nM TM R-Alexa647 20dT

the commands run a sequence of operations in which the chip :	
1) "prime" primes the ring inlet with the contents of the input channel listed	
2) "inject" injects the stated amount of "slugs" into the ring and mixes	
3) repeat this for all necessary reagents	
4) "measure" takes ALEX measurements	
5) "wash ring" washes ring to prepare for next iteration	

The numbers beneath each command indicate the called input channel or the number of injection cycles or "slugs" for the given titration depending on the command	

These five steps are repeated for each condition in the phase diagram	

In this example there are 16 (4x4) conditions

To load the recipe, enter the file path in the "recipe file" box, then push the "load" button.
To initiate the sequence push the "go" button.
Source: README.txt, updated 2010-12-14