Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2016-05-15 1.5 kB
TumblrReader.jar 2016-05-15 700.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   701.8 kB 0
Instructions for use

1. Download the jar file(obviously).
2. Open command prompt, and navigate to folder where the jar file is located. e.g. cd C:/folder/folder/jar_file_folder
3. Run the jar using the following command. java -jar TumblrReader.jar <Tumblr blog name>
e.g. you tumblr blog is typophile.tumblr.com so you type cd C:/folder/folder/jar_file_folder>java -jar TumblrReader.jar typophile
4. You will get a text with <blogname>.txt containing all the links from the blog.
5. while the jar is running, you will get some outputs. The very fist line is the total number of posts in the blog.

The lines after are kind of a progress bar that show every 50 posts. If for some reason the jar crashes, then note down the last entry and run the jar file again with the following command. java -jar TumblrReader.jar <Tumblr blog name> <post number> e.g. your jar file crashes after 2550 then the command becomes
cd C:/folder/folder/jar_file_folder>java -jar TumblrReader.jar typophile 2550
If you leave out the 2550 the jar file will run from the begining and the text file will contain the results from the previous run as well.
------> The above functionality has been removed because the addition of multi threading makes the above impossible or atleast very difficult for me.

6. Finally please note that the text file is likely to contain some duplicates. So remove them before downloading. TEXTPAD has a neat function to sort and remove all duplicate line, which is what I use.
Source: README.txt, updated 2016-05-15