Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
input.dat 2024-02-20 310 Bytes
trilat-umn_readme.txt 2024-02-20 4.3 kB
trilat.f03 2024-02-01 26.0 kB
Totals: 3 Items   30.5 kB 0
This software performs trilateration using an arbitrary number of donor sites 
and FRET distances with the aim to locate the position of a FRET acceptor in a 
protein structure. Our trilateration approach takes into account Gaussian 
distance distributions as fitted to the FLT-FRET measurement for each donor 
position. The normalized sum of the distance distributions from all of the 
donor sites to one acceptor is generated as a probability map describing the 
acceptor’s location. This volumetric map is saved in MRC/CCP4-format, which 
can be displayed using common molecular graphics software.

The code is written in fortran and follow the Fortran 2003 standard. Source code 
file is, trilat-umn.f03, which can be compiled using the gfortran compiler
using the following command line:
> gfortran -o trilat trilat-umn.f03

Compilation is fast and takes just seconds on most modern computers. 

The software is intended to be run from a command line, preferentially a Linux shell.
The executable has been tested on several Linux systems and on the Cygwin 
environment in Windows. The software has no additional hardware or software requirements.
The software runs in seconds and writes an output file which is a probability density
map in the MRC/CCP4 format. The file size is typically 50-300MB depending on input data.
Usage: trilat [-h | -v | -g | -x] [-r RESOL | -a FACTOR | -m FACTOR] datafile


  -v, --version        print version information and exit
  -h, --help           print usage information and exit
  -r, --resol          set resolution/grid spacing [1.0]
  -g, --gauss          input file contains Center positions and FWHM for Gaussians
  -x, --minmax         input file contains range specification with Min and Max distances
  -q, --quad           adds a quadratic function on flanks of Min/Max data
  -a, --add FACTOR     factor to add/subrtract to adjust width
  -m, --mult FACTOR    factor to multiply to adjust width
  -e, --negprob        shifts flanks of distance distributions to be negative (-0.5 to 1)
  -n, --n1comb         also calculate results for for all combinations of n-1 distances

> trilat -g input.dat

trilat   by Bengt Svensson, BMBB, UMN, USA.
   Reading from file: input.dat
   Number of distances:           5
   Number of sites:           5
   Writing to file: input_R1_14_32_44_49_85.mrc
trilat  completed successfully.

The -q, -a, -m, and -e flags are for testing purposes only. 

It is recommended to use the software with Gaussian distance distribution. For that
an input data file should have the following format:

14  112.201 202.504 274.899    60.02	21.29   1.0   62.0  4.1
32  150.696 226.353 302.045    46.15	35.24   1.0   62.0  4.1
44  133.711 210.394 260.188    55.36	21.37   1.0   62.0  4.1
49  136.318 195.050 272.275    50.28	20.57   1.0   62.0  4.1
85  156.203 207.390 296.140    34.92	36.95   1.0   62.0  4.1

Where the column 1 lists residue number,
column 2-4 list x, y, z coordinates for the acceptor location,
column 5 center position for the Gaussian fit,
column 6 FWHM for the fit,
column 7 a scaling factor to weigh the individual sets,
column 8 R0 for the probe pair,
column 9 lifetime for the acceptor

When using MinMax instead of Gaussian fits, columns 5 is Min, 
and column 6 is Max distance.

For any questions about this software please contact Bengt Svensson at

    The trilat-umn software trilaterates a location in space based on FRET 
    Copyright (C) 2018 Bengt Svensson

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Source: trilat-umn_readme.txt, updated 2024-02-20