Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Spatom 2023-08-22
DriverMP 2023-07-19
SCM 2023-05-31
Feature Extraction 2021-05-21
SD-h 2020-09-30
TransBorrow 2020-09-04
Others 2020-08-03
SC3-e 2020-04-06
TransLiG 2019-10-26
TransComb 2019-10-17
Baseline_Correction 2015-01-14
Readme.txt 2019-10-22 2.1 kB
BinPacker_1.0.tar.gz 2019-10-17 2.3 MB
Totals: 13 Items   2.3 MB 3
Update information of TransLiG version 1.3
1) This updation removes some repeated assemblies, chimeras, and adds some fragmented assemblies;

Update information of TransLiG version 1.2
1) This updation fixes some bugs in processing kmers;

Update information of TransLiG version 1.1
1) This updation fixes some bugs in connecting original splicing graphs;

Update information of BinPacker version 1.0
1) This updation fixes some bugs in assembling trimmed RNA-seq reads;
2) Fix some bugs in processing kmers;
3) Add an option -t, which controls the minimum length of transcripts; (2016.10.18)
4) Add an option -L. If this option is open, only the longest transcript per BinPacker-gene will be reported; (2016.10.19)

Update information of TransComb version 1.0
1) Repair some small bugs in the process of insertions and junction boundaries; (2016.10.29)
2) Repert possible error reasons if TransComb crashed in processing BAM file; (2016.11.26)

Release of TransComb version 1.0
This software is free, open source software released under the GNU General Public License.
TransComb is an efficient genome-guided trascriptome assembler for RNA-seq data. 
It can assemble all transcripts from short paired-end reads using a reference genome and analyze their abundances.
The software expects as input alignment file by Tophat2 BAM format, and ouput all assembled candidate transcripts in gtf format.
This software is free to use, modify, redistribute without any restrictions, except including the license provided with the distribution.
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2019-10-22