Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
toodue-0.1.8 2012-03-03
demo 2011-08-02
toodue-0.1.7 2011-08-02
toodue-0.1.6 2011-06-30
README-0.1.8 2012-03-03 3.7 kB
toodue-0.1.8.zip 2012-03-03 165.1 kB
README-0.1.7 2011-08-02 1.8 kB
toodue-0.1.7.zip 2011-08-02 39.0 kB
README-0.1.6 2011-06-30 1.4 kB
toodue-0.1.6.zip 2011-06-30 34.0 kB
toodue-0.1.5.zip 2011-06-23 31.9 kB
toodue-0.1.0.zip 2011-06-19 31.0 kB
Totals: 12 Items   308.0 kB 0
|     T   o   o   D   u   e    |
| PHP-Based To-Do List Manager |
|       By Wolfgang Faust      |
|  Version 0.1.8 (2012-02-17)  |

TooDue is a simple PHP-based to-do list manager which provides labels and nested
lists of items. It is currently beta-quality software, although it's definitely
getting better.

.-= R E Q U I R E M E N T S =-.
TooDue requires:
 * PHP5  (tested with PHP 5.3.6)
 * MySql (tested with 5.1.58)
 * A web server (tested with Apache 2.2.20)
These can be installed on any platform with:
 * Debian-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, and friends):
   The requisite software can be installed by running the following command as 
    # apt-get install php5 apache2 mysql-server
 * XAMPP (Cross-platform):
   XAMPP is a cross-platform package which contains Apache, MySql, and PHP, plus
   a number of additional utilities such as PHPMyAdmin. It is available at
Of course, you can also install PHP, Apache, and MySql individually for your

.-= I N S T A L L A T I O N =-.
Installing TooDue is fairly simple.
 1) Unpack the archive and upload all of the files to your webserver.
 2) If you don't have one already, create a new MySql database and user. (It is
    HIGHLY recommended that you give TooDue an unprivileged user and seperate
 3) Go to the location of your TooDue install (eg. http://your-server/toodue/)
 4) Follow the installation instructions. You may need to make the conf/
    directory writable by the web server.
   For best security, you should configure the templates to compile somwhere
other than the tmp/ folder inside the TooDue folder, and make sure all of the
subfolders are protected from access. The next version should allow you to move
these elsewhere.
   If your webserver is accessible to the public, you may wish to
enable the 'singleuser-password' mod, which password-protects your TooDue
installation so it cannot be accessed without a username and password. Make sure
you edit conf/singleuser-password.php and change the username and password!
   This version of TooDue comes with a mod to check for updates. This mod also
reports anonymous usage statistics to help us improve TooDue. If you do not wish
to participate, you can remove or disable the 'updater' mod.

.-= U P G R A D I N G =-.
   Copy over the new files and go to the location of your TooDue install (eg.
http://your-server/toodue/) The upgrader will run automatically. Any changes
needed for your configuration will be made automatically. Note that, once these
changes are made, you cannot use older versions of TooDue with your new database
and configuration.
   Also note that versions of TooDue prior to 0.1.7 had a bug which could cause
items to completely vanish if they were accidentally set as their own parent.
This was fixed as of 0.1.7. If there are any items like this, they will be moved
to a "Recovered Items" item.

.-= U S I N G   M O D S =-.
   Mods are addons that can extend the functionality of TooDue. To install a
mod, simply copy the mod's folder into mods/ and it will be installed.
   Mods can be disabled by putting a file named DISABLE into their folder. To
re-enable them, simply delete or rename this file.

.-= N E W   F E A T U R E S =-.
This version of TooDue provides a number of new features, including:
 * Templating system which uses Smarty to allow for new themes to be written
 * i18n support
 * Improved user interface
 * Improved backend
 * Added ability to disable mods
 * See the CHANGES file for more changes
.-= M O R E   I N F O R M A T I O N =-.
Email:   wolf@wolfgang.site40.net
Website: http://toodue.sourceforge.net/

Source: README-0.1.8, updated 2012-03-03