Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Version 0.1 2014-06-12
Readme.txt 2014-06-12 1.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   1.8 kB 0
Current version: Version 0.1

To be able to run this program, you need to have python installed (https://www.python.org/).

This is still in beta because the program does not have all functions ready. The only thing which is not fully done yet is the part that determines how many space every character needs. This will influence how many characters can be on one line.
It still works, but sometimes the text could end way before the end of the screen or the text could fall off the screen. You can couteract this by either manipulating the input file, changing the -l option or changing the -m option.

Other than this, the program is fully done. If you'd like anything to be added, please post a request in the Request Features forum (https://sourceforge.net/p/ticsg/discussion/RequestFeatures/).

The program only makes the cheat sheet file. You still have to put it on your calculator yourself. To do that, you need a cable from your computer to your calculator and Ti Connect software.
See this for more information: http://education.ti.com/en/us/product-resources/download.


Version 0.1
 * First version
 * Make cheat sheets
 * Make certain words one byte (this is possible because of the different tokens the calculator accepts)
 * Determine the width of some characters (not all characters are supported yet)
 * Optional options:
	* Replace the unknown characters with a space character
	* Choose a different name than the set of characters in the input file name before the first dot
	* Choose a different unknown character width
	* Choose a different screen width
	* Tell the program to overwrite the outputfile/ask if it has to be overwritten/stop execution if the output
	  file already exists from the command line so you can make batch scripts with the right options
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2014-06-12