Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2012-07-09 970 Bytes
The_Game_Of_Moths_Report.pdf 2012-07-09 1.4 MB
TheGameOfMoths_1000x1000.rar 2012-07-09 5.5 MB
TheGameOfMoths_600x600.rar 2012-07-09 5.0 MB
Lotka_VolterraMoths_1000x1000.rar 2012-07-09 3.7 MB
Lotka_VolterraMoths_600x600.rar 2012-07-09 3.6 MB
Totals: 6 Items   19.2 MB 0
>>>>What is available----

--There are two available models. 
---The first one, "The Game of Moths", is simpler and was created with its potential educational value in mind.
---The second one, "Lotk-Voltera Moths" lacks the decorations of the first but is more realistic and complex.

---Each model comes in two different resolution versions, 600x600 and 1000x1000 (the 1000x1000 window might be too big for some monitors).

>>>>How to use

---Each folder contains a binary file with all the needed libraries to run on a Windows machine.
---The executable is inside the "dist" folder and the source code is inside the "src"folder.

>>>>Using the source code

---The model can be run from source with Python and the pygame python module.

>>>>The Report

--The report, writen for the course Complex Systems Simulation for which the model was created,
--documents the background for the model as well as results of experiments run with the model.
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-07-09