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TGL 2020-02-06
Readme.txt 2020-02-06 2.7 kB
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TGL (Tiny Generic Library) is a C++ object library, mainly focused on Win32 (therefore not so high performance) video game programming.

NOTE: Some Win32 functions need certain libraries to be linked, which can be done by following these steps (if you use CodeBlocks):
-go to   Settings->Compiler->Global compiler settings->Linker settings

-On the "Link libraries" column, type in these library names (by using the "Add" button), one by one:

-On the "Other linker options" column, type in these library names:

There's the base TGL, which handles:
		-TGL class declarations
		-variables used by TGL
		-variables that memorize the addresses of every TGL object and whether their destructors were called
		-TGL function declarations
		-TGL operator declarations
		-the includes to the other TGL files
	-(tgl Functions.h) general functions and operator overloads, concerning TGL objects

	-(tglErrors.h) errors that take place in the TGL objects
	-(tglAngler.h) calculating trigonometric values on one's own circle conventions (where a circle can be split in any number of degrees, up to 2^32-1 degrees)
	-(tglAudio.h) playing raw audio (including .wav files), with the use of Win32
	-(tglButton.h) simplifying the process of creating, deleting, customizing buttons for the program's interface
	-(tglDisplay.h) using Win32 to display raw bitmaps (including .bmp files) on windows
	-(tglInterface.h) simplifying the process of creating layers of interface (each object can have multiple buttons, as well as addresses to other interface objects, intended for previous/next page)
	-(tglNumber.h) computing big numbers (and I mean REALLY big numbers. Numbers that can easily reach 4 billion digits, and theoretically up to 2^64, or more, digits; it may not be a necessity, but it's just an experiment that I wanted to add)
	-(tglString.h) a remake of C strings, almost identical to the std::string object
	-(tglTextIO.h) text output on windows contained within tglWindow objects (with customizable character images and such)
	-(tglTexture.h) raw bitmap image loading, as well as allocating and modifying pixels in memory. This object's purpose is not only simplicity for image drawing, but also providing an easy way to draw multiple image layers, to prepare them for display
	-(tglVector.h) mathematics/physics/video games vectors, which have x, y, z, w, t values, perfect for position, speed, acceleration, jerk, and jounce, or multiple space/time dimensions all available in up to 5 dimensions
	-(tglWindow.h) creating windows with ease, by using Win32 functions and variables
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2020-02-06