Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2021-03-17 2.5 kB
Taskardier_setup.exe 2021-03-17 4.0 MB
Totals: 2 Items   4.0 MB 0
This is a simple Windows management menubar which allows you to organise and launch single or multiple files, applications and folders from a handy menubar at the top of your screen. 
	* improved user interface highlighting
	* improved drag and drop to selected menu

Release Notes

	* Auto-start on boot option.
		Simple check box added to the setup controls, labelled 'Run on Startup'

	* Removal of close button.
		To close the Taskardier menubar, right click it within a blank space and select 'Close Taskardier'

	* Collapse menu on option selection.
		When you click an option, the menubar auto-hides.

	* Save on update, not just when the menubar is closed.
		Any changes you make to the menubar will be saved straight away.

Terms and Conditions
This software is free to use for non-commercial or educational purposes.

The author takes no responsibility for any issues this software may cause on your system.
It should be fine but use at your own risk. Tested only on Windows 10 x64 bit.

Press the + button to create a new menu.
Use Ctrl+ left or right cursor keys to move menus around.

Click a menu to select and open it.

Drag and drop files, folders, shortcuts and applications to the menu title to add them to a menu. The menu must be selected before hand. 
Each menu item added has a delete option included to the right within the menu.

Use the pen button to open Taskardiar Notes, a handy little tool which tracks and saves notes for you. 
This includes a list of saved notes and a note name filter box.

To close the Taskardier menubar, right click it within a blank space and select 'Close Taskardier'

Use the ... option button to view settings. 
Settings currently available are:
	* Run on startup checkbox
	* Transparency slider
	* Font/Theme options. The selected font will determine the background and highlight colours. 

Privacy Policy

Source: README.txt, updated 2021-03-17