Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
0.3.1 2011-01-07
0.2.2 2011-01-04
0.2.1 2011-01-04
0.1.2 2011-01-04
readme.txt 2011-01-07 1.3 kB
Totals: 5 Items   1.3 kB 0
Usage instruction:

1- With the Lotus Notes Calendar opened, select Create > Agent from the menu bar.

2- Enter "Sync Google Calendar to Lotus Notes" or any other preferred name in the Name field and select None as the Target. If the target field is not available, after creating the agent, you may change it at the properties. Then click OK.

3- Copy the code and paste it onto the text area in the newly created agent.

4- Modify the code if needed, then save it.

5- Back at the Lotus Notes Calendar, select Actions > Sync Google Calendar to Lotus Notes from the menu bar to run the agent. If you have modified the code to request input from the user, input the information where needed.



- Added remove feature. Agent will check for canceled events in Google and remove the Lotus Notes Calendar document.

- Fixed other events skipped if the first event is cancelled
- Added categories to include Google's username or author

- Added support for repeating calendar events
- instead of asking for both start date and end date, user can just input the number of months from now that the user wants to sync.
Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-01-07