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README file for swwr.R\
There are 3 functions in swwr.R: swwr, sldwin and harmonize\
The function \'91swwr\'92 implements sliding windows and weighted polynomial regression, the function \'91sldwin\'92 is the sliding windows program called by swwr, and the function \'91harmonize\'92 harmonizes two datasets using swwr.\
Description of \'91swwr\'92:\
swwr(x, y, winlength, stepsize, polyN)\
- Implements sliding windows and weighted polynomial regression\
- x and y are numeric vectors specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the data\
- winlength is the length of the window (must be a positive number)\
- stepsize is the interval size between window midpoints (must be positive)\
- polyN is the degree of the polynomial used for weighted regression (must be a positive integer)\
Example with randomly generated values between 0-70 on the x-axis, normally distributed values on the y-axis with mean 0 and standard deviation 5, window length = 10, interval between window midpoints = 1, and with a 3nd degree polynomial regression:\
x = runif(100, 0, 70)\
y = rnorm(100, 0, 5)\
S = swwr(x, y, 10, 5, 3)\
S$data_x = the input \'93x\'94\
S$data_y = the input \'93y\'94\
S$window_midpoints = midpoints of windows\
S$window_means = mean within each window (estimated through fitting a normal distribution)\
S$window_standard_deviations = estimated standard deviation within each window\
S$mean_coefficients = coefficients of polynomial regression for \'93mean\'94 function\
S$standard_deviation_coefficients = coefficients for \'93standard deviation\'94 function\
S$mean_at_x = estimated mean at location x\
S$standard_deviation_at_x = estimated standard deviation at x\
S$standard_deviation_scalars = scalar on standard deviation at x for data point (x,y)\
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Description of \'91sldwin\'92:\
sldwin(x, y, winlength, stepsize)\
- Implements sliding windows\
- x and y are numeric vectors specifying the (x,y) coordinates of the data\
- winlength is the length of the window (must be a positive number)\
- stepsize is the interval size between window midpoints (must be positive)\
Example (similar to example for swwr but only for sliding windows):\
x = runif(100, 0, 70)\
y = rnorm(100, 0, 5)\
S = sldwin(x, y, 10, 5)\
Output \
S$window_data = list of data within each window\
S$window_midpoints = midpoints of windows\
S$means = mean within each window (estimated through fitting a normal distribution)\
S$standard_deviations = estimated standard deviation within each window\
S$count_per_window = number of data points per window\
Description of \'91harmonize\'92:\
harmonize(x1, y1, x2, y2, winlength, stepsize, polyN)\
- Harmonizes datasets with data points defined by (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)\
- x1 and y1 are numeric vectors specifying the (x1, y1) coordinates of the data\
- x2 and y2 are numeric vectors specifying the (x2, y2) coordinates of the data\
- winlength is the length of the window (must be a positive number)\
- stepsize is the interval size between window midpoints (must be positive)\
- polyN is the degree of the polynomial used for weighted regression (must be a positive integer)\
Example for 2 datasets, each similar to the example for swwr:\
x1 = runif(100, 0, 70)\
y1 = rnorm(100, 0, 5)\
x2 = runif(200, 15, 100)\
y2 = rnorm(200, 15, 100)\
H = harmonize(x1, y1, x2, y2, 10, 1, 3)\
H$x1 = the input \'93x1\'94\
H$y1 = the input \'93y1\'94\
H$x2 = the input \'93x2\'94\
H$y2 = the input \'93y2\'94\
H$y1_to_y2 = harmonized y1 vector onto scale y2 is on.\
H$y1_to_y2_rnd = harmonized y1 vector onto scale y2 is on and rounded to nearest y2 value\