Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
res 2010-11-15
src 2010-11-15
README 2010-11-15 1.2 kB
makefile 2010-11-15 470 Bytes
Totals: 4 Items   1.6 kB 0

	*** REMARK ***

This is my first project in game development. I will use C in combination with OpenGL and some helper libraries like glut and glew.
This project is under construction.

Use the following commands to build the project:

make su			# build client application
make sud		# build server application

I am on linux and i use gcc. If you are on another platform or using a different compiler, then you may have to make changes to the makefile.


SubgateUniverse is a project of two applications, a client and a server application. SubgateUniverse will be a multiplayer space shooter in 3D.

	*** GOALS ***

*	Redesign all graphics-related code
+	Shaders and textures
+	Server is able to distribute recieved gamestates to its clients
+	Server has a player database and is able to load information about a player or create a new player if needed
*	Better loader function for .mtl and .obj files

(-) : Remove
(+) : Add
(*) : Change

	*** CHANGELOG ***

14.11.2010	:	Server is now able to treat user authentification
13.11.2010	:	Changed code structure for better flexibility. Updated makefile.
Source: README, updated 2010-11-15