Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
latest.zip 2011-05-22 612.3 kB
README.txt 2011-05-22 3.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   615.4 kB 0
// **************************************************************
// Author: Magne Nygaard
// Support: http://mrmagne.com
// Last modified: 22.05.2011
// Version: 1.3.1
// Download latest version from: http://mrmagne.com/spamip/latest
// **************************************************************

// What is spamIP and what does it do?

	spamIP is a PHP script that blocks out spambots from any type of website that supports PHP.
	It uses the data collected by Stopforumspam.com and the GeoIP data from MaxMind.com.
	The script has two modules.
	Stopforumspam module:
	With this module you can block out spambots/visitors that has been reported as spammers from
	your website. If the visitor's IP adresse is reported as a spammer in the Stopforumspam.com
	database, it executes a die; command.
	GeoIP module:
	With this module you can block out whole countries from visiting/spamming your website. You can
	select which countries you want to block out in the configuration file. If the visitor's IP 
	adresse is from a country that you want to block, it executes a die; command.
	Both modules are designed to automatically download data from Stopforumspam.com and MaxMind.com 
	by setting up a cronjob.

// System Requirements:

	PHP 4.3.0 or higher.
	MySQL 5.0 or higher.
	gunzip support.

// Installing spamIP:

	1. Decompress the latest.zip file.

	2. Upload the spamip folder contained in this archive (retaining the directory structure) to your web root folder (example www or httpdocs).

	3. Edit your settings in config.php

	4. Change the permissions to 777 on the following files and folders:
		- geoip_data/
		- temp/
		- error_log.txt (if you want to write error logs)

	5. Import spamip.sql to your database.

	6. Rename cron.php to whatever you want, but something hard to guess (example ewf87w9fwef98.php).

	7. Setup http://yourdomain.com/spamip/ewf87w9fwef98.php to run once every day in cron.
		To do this with command-line interface on linux systems:
		1. Type: crontab -e
		2. Press: i and navigate to a empty line using the down key on your keyboard.
		3. Write: 30 03 * * * wget http://yourdomain.com/spamip/ewf87w9fwef98.php
		4. Press: Esc
		5. Press: Shift + Q
		6. Write: wq and press enter.
		7. The cron should now be installed and will run every day at 03:30

// How to use it:

	1. Open your index.php file, or the file(s) you want to use it with.
	2. At the top of the file(s), copy and past this PHP code: 
	<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/spamip/spamip.php'); ?>
	3. Save your file(s) and your done!

// Notes:

	After the installation, it's recommended to visit the cron.php (or ewf87w9fwef98.php) in your browser to get some data in the database asap.

// Credits:

	Stopforumspam.com and MaxMind.com for providing the data.

	If you like to credit us, you can use the following text in your footer:
	This website uses the <a href="http://mrmagne.com/spamip" target="_blank">spamIP</a> software to prevent spam.


Source: README.txt, updated 2011-05-22