As of September 8, 2018, this project has been announced as being out of development and support.

See: http://soniccandle.sourceforge.net/ for the full announcement.

Given a music file, generates a video file with a visualization of frequency spectrum bars generated for the music. Outputs high-quality, rendered video. Intended for publishing your own music on YouTube and stuff =)

Screen Recording how to use:

Example output:


  • generates video file of visualizations for audio
  • changeable background, bar color, and bar style
  • custom resolution and frame rate
  • cross platform

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User Reviews

  • Allow more input files and allow spectrum music bar to be rounded. This will be useful for more people.
  • Works well on Windows 10 Home 64 bit, thanks :-bd
  • I've seen people use it before and it looks really good. I'm just having a problem where every time I hit "Render" it gives me a pop-up saying "Canceled - may not have created entire video =\" I'm using 1.1.11 and I would really like for this to work. I'll try downloading an older version and see if that works but from a fellow coder, the newest one should work. If you fix it I'll be more than happy to give you the 5 stars it deserves! EDIT: Ahh yes, I apologize. After messing around with it I realize you must use a .wav or .mp3 file. Giving 5 stars now as it is working fine. Could you consider supporting .m4a? A lot of the apps I use for downloading YouTube videos to music are set to download in .m4a so 99% of my songs are in that format. Another suggestion would be to add an FAQ directly on your website or a short tutorial. My final suggestion is to add a circle option with the option to fill the center with a logo!
  • An excellent piece of software. Nothing else like it out there that I know of, and certainly nothing this easy to use. There are a couple issues though. The EQ seems to ignore output that's above a few kilohertz, which is unfortunate for songs that have a lot of content in the upper registers. Additionally there's no way to control the decay of the EQ so the output is pretty manic and "twitchy"; the ability to smooth out the decay, and let the higher registers be visualized would make this perfect in my own opinion.
  • If the ability to add a video file in the background is added, it would REALLY make this software stand out. It is a great software, and I am thankful to the creators.
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