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Release Notes

The Smb4K team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Smb4K 1.0.0. Smb4K has seen major revisions and comes with many improvements compared to the 0.10 branch. Highlights are:

  • better KDE integration
  • periodic scanning of the network neighborhood
  • ability to group bookmarks
  • improved synchronization
  • improved printing
  • improved visual (un)mount feedback
  • editor for wallet entries
  • changed way how inaccessible shares are handled under Linux

This list is by far not comprehensive. See the Changes since version 0.10.12 section for more details.

We hope that you enjoy this release!

Minimum Requirements

Changes since version 0.10.12

  • KDE SC 4.4.0 and Qt 4.7.0 or later are required.
  • We now use Utf8 throughout the whole application (closes #14674 and #17535).
  • Unified the function names of the core classes that set and return the workgroup name, host name, and share name.
  • Made the core container classes use QUrls internally where appropriate.
  • Added ability to install core header files by passing the new -DINSTALL_HEADER_FILES=true configuration option to cmake. By default, no header files will be installed.
  • Revised Smb4KSettings class:
    • Removed the program entries from this class. Each core class that needs an external program searches for itself.
    • Added entries for handling notifications.
    • Removed all entries related to the old mounting/unmounting implementation.
  • Revised Smb4KAuthInfo class:
    • Removed old constructor.
    • Added two new constructors.
    • Added type enumeration and function.
    • Added setUNC() and unc() functions.
    • Renamed user() and setUser() functions login() and setLogin().
    • Removed the setHomesUser() function. Use setLogin() instead.
    • Removed setHomesUsers() and homesUsers() functions.
    • setShare() now automatically uses Smb4KShare::homeUNC() to set the UNC, if you pass a homes share.
    • Added equals() function.
    • Added "==" operator.
    • Added setIP() and ip() functions.
    • Renamed setDefaultAuthInfo() to useDefaultAuthInfo().
  • Revised Smb4KWalletManager:
    • Fixed several bugs.
    • The IP address is now also saved to the wallet.
    • Also return correct authentication information if only the IP address is given (hosts only).
    • Introduced readDefaultAuthInfo() and writeDefaultAuthInfo() functions.
    • Rewrote readAuthInfo() and writeAuthInfo() functions. Among other things, they now take a Smb4KBasicNetworkItem object as argument.
    • showPasswordDialog() function now takes a Smb4KBasicNetworkItem object as argument.
  • Introduced Smb4KBasicNetworkItem class. Smb4KWorkgroup, Smb4KHost and Smb4KShare inherit this class.
  • Revised Smb4KWorkgroup class:
    • Added equals() function.
    • Added hasMasterBrowserIP() function.
    • Added "==" operator.
    • Remove setMasterBrowser() convenience function.
  • Revised Smb4KHost class:
    • Added setAuthInfo() function. You can set the user info of the UNC/URL with it.
    • Added setURL() and url() functions.
    • Added unc() function.
    • Added setLogin() and login() function. They store the login that was used to authenticate to a host.
    • Added setPort() and port() function.
    • Added equals() function.
    • Added hasIP() function.
    • Removed the protocol functions.
    • Added "==" operator.
  • Revised Smb4KShare class:
    • Replaced setCIFSLogin() and cifsLogin() with setLogin() and login().
    • Removed cifsLoginIsSet() function.
    • The equals() function now takes a pointer instead of a reference.
    • Removed setUNC() function because it caused a lot of trouble.
    • The setMountData() function does not set and the resetMountData() function does not reset the login anymore.
    • The login is now empty by default.
    • Added setAuthInfo() function. You can set the user info of the UNC/URL with it.
    • Added hasHostIP() function.
    • Added homeUNC() function that returns the UNC of the user's home repository in case of a 'homes' share.
    • Renamed type() to typeString(), setType() to setTypeString() and translatedType() to translatedTypeString() to avoid problems with Smb4KBasicNetworkItem::type().
    • The default value for typeString() is now "Disk".
    • Removed uidIsSet() function.
    • Removed gidIsSet() function.
    • Added "==" operator.
    • Removed setHomesUsers() and homesUsers() functions.
    • The path() and canonicalPath() functions return a QString.
  • Revised Smb4KCore class:
    • Removed all *State() convenience functions.
    • setDefaultSettings() will only set the first entry of the interfaces option from smb.conf as default broadcast address, if it is recognized as IP address. That means entries like "eth0", "", etc. are neglected.
  • Added Smb4KSolidInterface class that notifies Smb4K about hardware related changes.
  • Added Smb4KProcess class that is used to execute all processes of the core. It inherits KProcess and comes with a few extensions.
  • Revised Smb4KMounter class:
    • Completely rewrote this class.
    • We are using KJobs and a KAuth inplementation. The utility programs are no longer needed and were removed!
    • Added mountShares() function that mounts a list of shares at once.
    • Added openMountDialog() function that opens the mount dialog.
    • The mount dialog is a private helper class now. It has been revised.
    • Added unmountShares() function that unmounts a list of shares at once. Made unmountAllShares() call this function with Smb4KGlobal::mountedSharesList() as one of the arguments.
    • Added slotHardwareButtonPressed() slot that initiates the unmounting of all shares when the computer enters one of the sleep states.
    • Added slotComputerWokeUp() slot that triggers the remounting of shares when the computer woke up from a sleep state.
    • Added saveSharesForRemount() function that is used when the application exits or when the computer goes to sleep to save the currently mounted shares.
    • Rewrote slotAboutToQuit() slot.
    • The import() function has been rewritten (closes #16169). Among other things, shares that were mounted under Linux with the obsolete SMBFS file system are no longer imported.
    • Added 'servern' and 'netbiosname' mount options. They are only used, if a connection to a remote host is attempted via port 139.
    • Added aboutToStart() signal that is emitted when a mount process is about to start.
    • Added finished() signal that is emitted when a mount process finished.
    • Replaced old updated() signal with one that emits the share that was updated.
    • Before the mounted() and unmounted() signals are emitted, we check if the (un)mounting was successful.
    • Added 'sec' argument for mount.cifs under non-FreeBSD operating systems.
    • Removed all state functions.
    • A warning message is shown when the user attempts the unmounting of a share that is owned by another user.
  • Removed Smb4KSambaOptionsInfo class.
  • Removed Smb4KSambaOptionsHandler class.
  • Added Smb4KCustomOptions class as a replacement for Smb4KSambaOptionsInfo class.
  • Added Smb4KCustomOptionsManager class as a replacement for Smb4KSambaOptionsHandler class. Among other changes, the custom options dialog is now a private helper class.
  • Revised Smb4KSynchronizer class:
    • Completely rewrote this class and its private helpers.
    • Introduced Smb4KSynchronizer::self().
    • Made constructor and destructor private.
    • Improved abort() function. It takes a share item and you can abort the corresponding synchronization process with it.
    • Incoming synchronization request are now executed in parallel, because we are using KJobs.
    • Added abortAll() function that aborts all running synchronization processes at once.
    • Added isRunning( Smb4KShare * ) function. You can test with it if a certain synchronization process is running.
    • Added aboutToStart( const QString \& ) signal that is emitted when a synchronization process is about to start.
    • Added finished( const QString \& ) signal that is emitted when a synchronization process finished.
    • The synchronization dialog is now a private helper class.
    • By default, the destination directory offered by the synchronization dialog is now RSYNC_PREFIX/HOST/Share.
  • Removed Smb4KSynchronizationInfo class. It is not needed anymore.
  • Removed Smb4KPrintInfo class. It is not needed anymore.
  • Revised Smb4KPrint class:
    • Completely rewote this class and its private helpers.
    • Dependencies on dvips and enscript are gone.
    • Introduced Smb4KPrint::self().
    • Made constructor and destructor private.
    • Improved abort() function. It takes a share item and you can abort the corresponding print process with it.
    • Incoming print requests can now be processed in parallel, because we are using KJobs.
    • Added abortAll() function that aborts all running print processes at once.
    • Added new isRunning( Smb4KShare * ) function. You can test with it if a print process using a certain printer is running.
    • Added aboutToStart( Smb4KShare * ) signal that is emitted when a print process is about to be started.
    • Added finished( Smb4KShare * ) signal that is emitted when a print process finished.
    • The print dialog is now a private helper class.
  • Revised Smb4KScanner class:
    • Completely rewrote this class and its private helpers.
    • Introduced Smb4KScanner::self().
    • Made constructor and destructor private.
    • Removed old abort() function.
    • Incoming scan requests can now be processes in parallel, because we are using KJobs.
    • Added abortAll() function that aborts all running scanning processes at once.
    • Added new abort() function. You can abort a certain process or process group with it.
    • Added new isRunning() function.
    • Renamed all public functions that retrieve information from the network neighborhood. Have a look at the class documentation to find out more.
    • Removed private appendWorkgroup() function.
    • Removed state() signal.
    • Renamed members() signal to hosts().
    • Removed deprecated ipAddress() signal.
    • Fixed minor issues on the command lines. In some situations this should improve the accessibility.
    • The login that was used to authenticate is now passed to each host object.
    • Misconfigured master browsers that do not belong to a workgroup are ignored.
    • The workgroup entry with id \<1d> is recognized.
    • A workgroup will be ignored if the master browser could not be determined.
    • Added aboutToStart() signal that is emitted when a scan process is about to start.
    • Added finished() signal that is emitted when a scan process finished.
    • When looking up shares, the port defined for the host passed to the scanner is honored.
    • Added ability to scan the network neighborhood periodically (closes #15829).
    • Fixed 'Invalid command: net rap share list' error by removing the ability to auto detect the protocol when scanning a server for its shared resources.
  • Removed Smb4KPreviewItem class. It is not needed anymore.
  • Revised Smb4KPreviewer class:
    • Completely rewrote this class and its private helpers.
    • Introduced Smb4KPreviewer::self() class.
    • Made constructor and destructor private.
    • Improved abort() function. It takes a share item and you can abort the corresponding preview process with it.
    • Introduced isRunning( Smb4KShare * ) function.
    • Added aboutToStart( Smb4KShare *, const QUrl & ) signal.
    • Added finished( Smb4KShare *, const QUrl & ) signal.
    • Incoming preview requests can now be processed in parallel, because we are using KJobs.
    • The preview dialog is a private helper class now. During the transition it was improved significantly.
  • Revised Smb4KSearch class:
    • Completely rewrote this class and its private helpers.
    • Introduced Smb4KSearch::self() class.
    • Made constructor and destructor private.
    • Incoming search requests can now be processed in parallel, because we are using KJobs.
    • Improved abort() function. It takes the search item and you can abort the corresponding search process with it.
    • Introduced isRunning( const QString & ) function.
    • Introduced abortAll() function.
    • Added aboutToStart( const QString & ) signal.
    • Added finished( const QString & ) signal.
  • Revised Smb4KIPAddressScanner class:
    • Completely rewrote this class and its helpers.
    • Introduced lookup(), getHost() and getWorkgroup() functions.
    • Removed the auto scan ability, because it was not needed.
    • Incoming lookup requests can now be processed in parallel, because we are using KJobs.
    • Added isRunning() function.
    • Added abortAll() function.
    • Added aboutToStart( Smb4KHost * ) signal.
    • Added finished( Smb4KHost * ) signal.
  • Revised Smb4KHomesSharesHandler class:
    • Moved homes user dialog to an own class.
    • The dialog can now be resized and text completion has been added.
    • Removed setHomesUsers() functions.
    • Added homesUsers( Smb4KShare * ) function.
    • Refactored code.
    • Added ability to define whether a user name for a homes share should be overwritten or not.
  • Revised Smb4KBookmark class:
    • Added setLogin() and login() function.
    • Added equals() function.
    • Added "==" operator.
    • Added setURL() and url() functions.
    • Added setIcon() and icon() functions.
  • Revised Smb4KBookmarkHandler class:
    • Did a major revision.
    • Added the ability to assign a group to the bookmark(s) (closes #18001).
    • Modified the addBookmark() function that takes a Smb4KShare object and removed the one that took a Smb4KBookmark object.
    • Added addBookmarks() function.
    • Made writeBookmarkList() private.
    • Removed getBookmarks() function and replaced it with bookmarks() and bookmarks( const QString & ) functions. The former one returns all bookmarks, the latter one all bookmarks belonging to the specified group.
    • Added editBookmarks() function. All editing is now done by this core class. Thus the bookmark editor is now private helper functions.
    • Added a private dialog to add bookmarks.
    • The login is now stored in the bookmark.xml file.
    • Removed code that dealt with old bookmark files.
    • Added check if the UNC is valid. If it is not, the bookmark will be ignored.
  • Revised Smb4KGlobal namespace:
    • Removed tempDir() function, since we do not need it anymore.
    • Added addWorkgroup(), removeWorkgroup() and clearWorkgroupsList() functions.
    • Added addHost(), removeHost(), clearHostsList() and workgroupMembers() functions.
    • Added addMountedShare(), removeMountedShare(), clearMountedSharesList() and onlyForeignMountedShares() functions.
    • Functions that manipulate the lists have now mutexes to serialize the access.
    • All functions that add or remove items to the global lists return a boolean.
    • Removed all replaceXXX() functions.
    • All functions returning one of the global lists return constant references instead of pointers.
    • Added globalSambaOptions() and winsServer() functions. They were moved from the removed Smb4KSambaOptionsHandler class.
    • Added Smb4KEvent class that handles Smb4K specific events.
  • Added Smb4KNotification class. It shows notifications to the user.
  • Removed Smb4KCoreMessage class in favor of Smb4KNotification.
  • Added Smb4KToolTip class that is to replace all other tooltip implementations.
  • Revised shares view:
    • Adjusted the code so that the new abilities that the reworked synchronizer offers can be used.
    • Added "Add Bookmark" action (closes #14217).
    • Multiple shares can now be selected.
    • The tool tips are now shown when the QEvent::ToolTip event occurrs and not by our own implementation.
    • Replaced slotMountedShares() by three slots: slotShareMounted(), slotShareUnmounted() and slotShareUpdated().
    • Revised Smb4KShares*ViewItem classes. This includes the removal of the Smb4KSharesViewItemData class.
    • Removed Smb4KSharesViewToolTip class. We are now using Smb4KToolTip.
    • Honor KDE's icon size settings.
    • Shares that are owned by other users are now marked with a red flag.
    • The "Unmount All" action gets disabled when only shares are shown that are owned by other users and the user is not allowed to unmount them (i.e. Smb4KSettings::unmountForeignShares() returns false).
    • Removed the "Force Unmounting" action. Instead, you can enable the forced unmounting of inaccessible shares on the "Shares" page in the configuration dialog.
  • Revised network browser:
    • Adjusted the code so that the new abilities that the reworked print code offers can be used.
    • Adjusted the code so that the new wallet manager can be used.
    • The type of the share is now translated.
    • The tool tips are now shown when the QEvent::ToolTip event occurrs and not by our own implementation.
    • If during an IP scan no workgroup master browsers could be found, all discovered hosts of that workgroup will be shown nontheless.
    • The default short cut for rescanning is now F5. CTRL+R is still valid.
    • Revised Smb4KNetworkBrowserItem class.
    • Removed Smb4KNetworkBrowserToolTip class. We are now using Smb4KToolTip.
    • Honor KDE's icon size settings.
    • Only rescan the network item if the user executes the item. Previously also expanding the item had the same effect.
  • Revised search widget:
    • Renamed widget class to Smb4KNetworkSearch.
    • Honor KDE's icon size settings.
    • Hosts are no longer displayed. Only shares are shown.
    • Removed ability to add hosts to the browser. The user will be given a complete list of shares when searching for the host name, so that there is no need to add the host to the browser.
    • Searches with IP addresses are no longer supported.
    • Added search and abort tool buttons next to the search item input.
  • Revised configuration dialog:
    • Added "Laptop Support" page where the user can set options that are important when you use a laptop.
    • Reintroduced scroll capabilities to the pages of the configuration dialog, so that the configuration dialog is fully visible also with small screens.
    • Added ability to define the security mode for mounting to the Samba page.
    • Removed the edit lines for the default username and password. If you choose to use a default login, a password dialog will pop up where you can enter the needed information. This way, the password dialog for the wallet will only be shown when it is actually needed.
    • Added editor for the wallet entries. There is no need for KWalletManager anymore to edit or remove logins.
    • Improved editor for the custom options.
    • Improved checks for empty entries.
    • Removed settings related to the system tray icon.
    • Added settings related to notifications.
    • Removed obsolete "Super User" settings page.
    • Improved buttons of the user and group input widgets of the Samba page.
    • Renamed "Client Programs" tab to "Utility Programs".
    • Added setting to automatically expand network items in the network browser.
    • Added setting to force the unmounting of inaccessible shares to "Shares" configuration page. It is disabled by default.
  • Added new bookmark menu.
  • Revised main window:
    • The icon in the status bar, that indicates the status of the authentication system now shows a key if the wallet system is not used, i.e. we are in password dialog mode.
    • Added an improved "Add Bookmark" action.
    • Improved visual (mount) feedback (closes #15899).
    • Fixed saving and restoring of the dock widgets (closes #15899).
    • Improved status messages.
    • Use new bookmark menu.
  • Revised system tray icon:
    • Smb4KSystemTray inherits KStatusNotifierItem class.
    • Removed functions for embedding the system tray window. The icon will now always reside in the tray.
    • The system tray icon will be set passive (will be hidden) if no workgroups could be found and no shares were mounted.
    • Use new bookmark menu.
  • Removed utility programs in favor of the new KAuth implementation.
  • Updated handbook.
  • ... and more ...

For a list of all changes, see also the ChangeLog file within the tarball.

Source: readme.md, updated 2014-03-27