Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ExampleSlides 2019-07-31
slidesorter-v0.4.0.zip 2019-08-04 1.9 MB
SlideSorter-Manual-v0.4.pdf 2019-08-04 2.0 MB
shortInstallation.README 2019-07-24 3.1 kB
Totals: 4 Items   3.8 MB 0
SlideSorter - Short Installation Instructions
Please find more detailed installation instructions in the SlideSorter manual!

Installation requirements:
- Python Version 3.x
- Pip in matching version
- PyQt5; including QtMultimedia package
- Python modules:   OpenCV
  Be aware of the difference for Linux and Windows re python-magic:
  Linux needs:    python-magic
  Windows needs:  python-magic-bin

  With more than one Python installation (like both a version 2 and a
  version 3 of Python), your 'pip' command may be a 'pip3' command!
  (see SlideSorter manual for details)

  Installing PyQt5, see: http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/installation.html

Linux Installation - e.g. Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04
from repository:
    Python3:            sudo apt install python3
    Pip                 sudo apt install python3-pip

via Pip: (update Pip first!)
    Pip                 sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip
    setuptools:         sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
    PyQt5:              sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pyqt5
    Sip:                sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pyqt5-sip
    python-magic        sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade python-magic
    OpenCV:             sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade opencv-python
    Exifread:           sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade exifread

Multimedia Playback: POSSIBLY needed (from repository)
                        sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
                        sudo apt install libavcodec-extra
                        sudo apt install libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56
                        sudo apt install libqt5multimedia5-plugins
                        sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad

Windows Installation - e.g. Windows 10 Pro
Python3:                Install from here: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
Pip:                    is part of the Python3 package; make sure to check option
                        to install Pip during installation of Python !

via Pip: (update Pip first!)
    Pip                 pip3 install --upgrade pip
    setuptools:         pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
    PyQt5:              pip3 install --upgrade pyqt5
    sip:                pip3 install --upgrade pyqt5-sip
    OpenCV:             pip3 install --upgrade opencv-python
    Exifread:           pip3 install --upgrade exifread
    python-magic-bin:   pip3 install --upgrade python-magic-bin
    python-magic:       not needed !
    libmagic:           not needed !

Multimedia Playback: POSSIBLY needed
    if you encounter an Error like:
            "directshowplayerservice error code 0x80040266"
    you do need codecs! For one option see:


    download installer file: "K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1504_Standard.exe"
    execute for normal install, do NO changes to any option

Source: shortInstallation.README, updated 2019-07-24