Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
skylendar- 2024-08-09 11.9 MB
skylendar- 2024-08-09 12.3 MB
skylendar- 2024-06-04 11.7 MB
skylendar-5.1pn.tar.xz 2024-02-03 16.0 MB
skylendar-5.1pn-beta.tar.xz 2024-01-06 4.3 MB
skylendar-5.0.1nn.tar.xz 2023-02-22 11.7 MB
skylendar-5.0nn.tar.xz 2023-01-28 11.7 MB
skylendar-4.2.1nn-1.tar.xz 2022-03-20 11.8 MB
skylendar-4.2.1nn.tar.xz 2021-11-02 11.7 MB
skylendar-4.2nn-2-x86_64.deb 2021-04-11 12.4 MB
README 2020-11-15 7.4 kB
skylendar-4.2nn-x86_64-1.rar 2020-09-01 934.6 kB
skylendar-4.1.2nn-1-linuxmint-x86_64.deb 2020-05-06 12.3 MB
skylendar-4.1.2nn-1.rar 2020-05-02 13.4 MB
skylendar-4.1.2nn-2-opensuse-15.1-x86_64.rpm 2020-05-01 11.9 MB
skylendar-4.1.2nn.rar 2019-11-11 13.4 MB
skylendar-4.1.2nn.tar.xz 2019-11-01 11.7 MB
skylendar-4.1nn-lp150.95.1.x86_64.rpm 2019-02-27 11.8 MB
skylendar-4.1nn.tar.xz 2019-02-06 11.7 MB
skylendar-4.1nn-1.tar.xz 2019-02-06 11.7 MB
HISTORY.txt 2019-01-27 2.9 kB
skylendar-4.1nn-ubuntu-x86_64.deb 2019-01-23 12.4 MB
skylendar-4.1nn-opensuse-x86_64.rpm 2019-01-23 11.9 MB
skylendar-4.0.4nn.tar.xz 2018-01-11 11.7 MB
Totals: 24 Items   250.6 MB 43
	Skylendar 4.2nn

(C)opyright Christophe Gros <skylendar@yahoo.com>, 2000-2020

README file.

*** This version has been released on November 1st 2019, as a tribute to the
BLADE RUNNER movie (1982), which is supposed to occur at that moment.:-) ***

 Skylendar is a powerfull, portable (Linux/Windows) and modern design astrology software.
 Skylendar is free and released under the GPL license.

The current features of skylendar are the following ones:

* Modern design and interface, 100% internationalizable.
* Portable code.
* Data and Restrictions sets are stored, modified and retrieved
  to/from a SQL database (Actually PostgreSQL 9.3 or more).
* Displays a detailed standard wheel chart with 1 or 2 data columns aside and
	an aspects table.
* Displays a Text List chart, with distance and speed for all the bodies.
* Text List charts can include a Midpoints list of the given data sets + a list of
	aspects of those midpoints with the person's planets.
* Displays an aspects list beneath the standard wheel, sorted by influence or not.
* Local Horizon Chart.
* Ephemeris tables at 0h.
* List of all the objects and aspects with corresponding glyphs.
* Syklendar can store in the DB the values and aspects of a subchart with the
  Extract & Save feature.
* Skylendar can scan along a time span for exact aspects occuring between moving and
	static (natal) rings, or between two moving rings (Dual chart), with respect to the
	chart subtype.
* Active lines. When you click on a chart line beginning with a 'X',
	the corresponding Dataset is created.
* Includes a database of more than 19000 cities throughout the world.
* Computes Transits, Directions, Progressions, Composites, and also add (adds an arbitrary angle)
	and mul (multiply by an arbitrary value) subcharts.
* Exotic objects such as Vulcan, Proserpine, etc... The data of those objects (including
	their names) can be modified in the seorbel.txt file.
* SKIF (Skylendar Interchange File) reading and writing.
* Decans, Solar, Lunar or Nodal houses subring.
* Siblings management.
* X Point.
* Planets Rank.
* Export chart into a .svg file.
* AAF<->SKIF data files conversion.
* Show Next/Previous Global and Local Eclipse Data on the Text List Chart.
" Show an Aspects Configurations List (Grand Trine, Yod, etc...) on the Text List Chart.
* Objects and aspects values can be retrieved from a dbus interface.
* Aspects Table Chart.
* Astro-Graph Chart.
* Handles correct dates from 5401BC to 5399AD, using julian calendar, local time, national time or time zone when needed.
* Displays comment and wheel chart outlines.
* Squared chart.
* Antiscions.
* From now on, sk can manage extra objects, i.e. all the exotic objects + any new declared object.
* Can compute with an accuracy to the second.
* Solar System Chart.
* Tarots Chart.
* Can Save to and retrieve charts from the database.
* Displays planetary hours.
* Computes Lists of Arc of Directions.
* Arabic Parts.
* Windows port.
* Can directly import astrolog/kastrolog, AAf, Maitreya and Zet8 data
files from skylendar's read menu.
* Aspects to Arabic Parts.
* Administration tool.
* Solar arc.
* Profections.
* Alternative master/slaves.
* Interpretations.
* Day/Night Part of fortune.
* Multitasking direction chart.
* Multiprocessing computing of aspects list chart.
* Heliacal events.
* House Position Chart.
* Parallels in direction chart.
* Displays a tiled image as the background.
* Displays an interpretation of the tarots cards.
* Houses thresholds.
* Captions over planets and signs.
* Added image to Dataset.
* Can print chart with full comment and image.
* Target on Local Horizon chart.
 * Displays an interpretation of the tarots cards.
 * Houses thresholds.
 * Captions over planets and signs.
* Select stars from the sefstars.txt file. See skydmin -> 'Stars' tab.
* You can associate and display an image with your dataset.
* Now, skylendar can handle dates even beyond the swe2 dates range (-1000000 to 1000000 years).

See HISTORY.txt for more.

You need to upgrade your database too if you upgrade from skylendar 4.0.4nn or skylendar-4.1nn. Run skydmin and press 'Install/Upgrade'.

In order to get some help and description of skylendar, press Ctrl+H keys.

Skylendar uses the Swiss Ephemeris as the astrological calculation
library. Although released under the GPL license, This library is
*** NOT FREE *** for commercial use, i.e. closed sources.
Read its included license file for more info.

From now on, the skylendar archive i.e. skylendar-xx.deb, automatically install itself. You can also install this way with:

sudo /usr/local/bin/skydmin -i

If you only downloaded the sources, do as explained below:

Before compiling, you need the following items:

* Qt5 development packages. On windows, qt5 must be compiled with dbus support.
* gcc, g++ (mingw on windows)
* cmake
* PostgreSQL 9.3 (or more) client and server.
* plpgsql language.
* PostgreSQL driver for Qt5.

WARNING: avoid Qt 5.12.0 because there is a glitch in the drag and drop system, and Skylendar is unusable without it.

If you intend to import or export other format than skif you should
 also install the following packages:

* Standard perl environment (ActivePerl on Windows, see http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl).
* perl-XML-DOM.
* perl-DBD-Pg or DBD-PgPP.

tips: the two last packages may have other names in your distribution.
On windows, only PgPP is currently supported. You can download your
packages with the ppm command on windows.


First, unpack the sources with:

tar xJf skylendar-xxx.tar.xz 

in e.g. /usr/local/src/

Then, create a temporary  directory and go to it:

makedir /var/tmp/obj
cd /var/tmp/obj

and run the next command:


where xxx is the directory where the standard apps are
installed. Usually /usr
and yyy is the skylendar's source directory, e.g. /usr/local/src/skylendar

then compile the application:


and install it as ROOT (with su or sudo -s)

make intall

Before running skylendar, check if there is an installed and running
PostgreSQL server. Also, a dbus daemon must be running.
Then, execute skydmin as ROOT (or Administrator on Windows).
If the database has not been installed yet, press the Install/Update button,
and check if there are possible errors.

If everything ok, log in to the databse, then go to the 'Accesses' tab. You'll
see a list of available users and its current database accesses (true/false).
Double click on the corresponding access for changing its value.
Then press OK below. Then, you may attribute a password to the
authorized users (not mandatory).
You MUST obviously grant an access to your own login user before using skylendar.

Don't forget to install the skylendar.pfb file font, or skylendar.ttf for Windows

HINT: If your latitude or longitude numbers are diplayed without
	fractional part, i.e. 12 instead of 12.2, then set the LC_NUMERIC
global variable to "en_US". Example:

export LC_NUMERIC=en_US

!!!! There was a newgroup dedicated to skylendar on yahoo groups. Unfortunately, yahoo is closing the site. Instead, subscribe on the following discussoin group:


	Christophe Gros <skylendar@yahoo.com>, November 2020
Source: README, updated 2020-11-15