Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
my_string-v1.2.zip 2014-05-14 8.4 kB
README.txt 2014-05-14 1.5 kB
my_string-v1.1.zip 2014-05-09 8.0 kB
my_string-v1.1.tar.gz 2014-05-09 7.0 kB
my_string-v1.0.zip 2014-05-08 6.9 kB
my_string-v1.0.tar.gz 2014-05-08 6.0 kB
my_vector-v1.0.zip 2014-05-08 3.0 kB
my_vector-v1.0.tar.gz 2014-05-08 2.4 kB
my_string_vec-v0.2.tgz 2014-03-06 6.1 kB
my_string-v0.2.tar.gz 2014-03-06 5.5 kB
Totals: 10 Items   54.7 kB 2
Release Notes

Sourceforge Project "Simple C++ string and vector classes", http://sourceforge.net/projects/simplecstringclass

my_string: A simple C++ string class, a replacement for std::string.

my_vector: A simple C++ vector class, a replacement for std::vector.

The classes are simple and can easily be extended. The string class is based on the class my_string
by Christian Stigen Larsen, 2007, csl.name/programming/my_string/

A lot of stuff is missing, but I found these two classes interesting:

 - for novices to learn
 - for avoiding use of std::string and std::vector because of link problems in an
   application using mixed libraries, especially one compiled with an old Intel compiler 
   icc 7 (for Linux), and other libs compiled with newer compilers. Icc 7 uses
   an incompatible c++ standard library implementation.

v1.2:  2014-05-14
	- additional string compare() function 

v1.1:  2014-05-09 
	- much faster execution
	- some functions inlined
	- more functions added, as swap(), resize(), reserve(), clearMemory(), capacity()
	- less memory allocations when repeatedly adding data to a string. Memory is kept when a
          string is "clear"ed.

v1.0:  2014-05-08 
	- fixed heap memory use errors in string class methods erase() and substr()
	- fixed memory leak in vector class.

	Archive my_string.tgz now contains a string class without reference to any C++ standard library content.

v0.1:   first version: a string class using std::vector.

Source: README.txt, updated 2014-05-14