Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ppiAsigH-PC2-17Jan2016.Rd 2016-05-05 4.2 MB
README 2014-12-12 1.0 kB
CompSRana.R 2014-12-12 6.8 kB
CompSR.R 2014-01-02 4.8 kB
dataSCM2.Rd 2014-01-02 25.6 MB
DoIntegPIN.R 2014-01-02 1.4 kB
hprdAsigH-13Jun12.Rd 2014-01-02 1.1 MB
sr.Rd 2014-01-02 1.3 MB
sigent.pdf 2014-01-02 156.0 kB
Totals: 9 Items   32.4 MB 2
Date: 12 Dec 2014
Author: Andrew Teschendorff


1) dataSCM2.Rd: R data object file containing gene expression data matrix, avdataSCM2.m, from the stem cell matrix 2 compendium. Matrix is of size ~17000 genes X 191 samples. The type of cell (i.e hESC=1, iPSC=2 or somatic differentiated=3) is indicated in the phenoSCM2.lv[[1]] entry. Rownames of expression data matrix annotated to Entrez gene IDs.
2) hprdAsigH-13Jun12.Rd: R data object file with a model of PPI network specified by the adjacency matrix hprdAsigH.m. Rownames annotated to Entrez gene IDs.
3) sr.Rd: an auxiliary R object file needed to run the vignette.
4) DoIntegPIN.R: R-function to perform integration of a PPI network with a gene expression data matrix, extracting the maximally connected subnetwork.
5) CompSR.R: R-function to compute the entropy rate plus auxiliary functions.
6) CompSRana.R: R-function to compute the entropy rate analytically assuming detgailed balance (this will speed up the computation).
6) sigent.pdf: vignette/manual pdf.
Source: README, updated 2014-12-12