Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
setupbashx-00.01.001 2019-12-09
ArtisticLicense20.html 2019-12-09 10.5 kB
licenses-amendments.txt 2019-12-09 6.2 kB
README.md 2019-12-09 2.4 kB
Totals: 4 Items   19.1 kB 0


This package serves as a placeholder for the package setupbashx under development.

The main intention is to reserve the package name to assure the availability of currently introduced software labels and documentation references until the release of the completed package.

The second intention is to provide a test template for the configuration of the various web resources.

The completed package is going to be released soon.

Online documentation:


Install: pip install setupbashx, see also section 'Install' of the online documentation.


Project Data

  • PROJECT: 'setupbashx'

  • MISSION: Name reservation for ongoing development names and documents.

  • VERSION: 00.01

  • RELEASE: 00.01.001

  • STATUS: beta

  • AUTHOR: Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • LICENSE: Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints

Runtime Environment

For a comprehensive list refer to the documentation.

Python Syntax Support

  • Python2.7, and Python3

Python Implementation Support

  • CPython, IPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy

OS on Server, Workstation, Laptops, Virtual Machines, and Containers

  • Linux: AlpineLinux, ArchLinux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Raspbian, RHEL, Slackware, SLES, Ubuntu, ...

  • BSD: DragonFlyBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, GhostBSD, TrueOS, NomadBSD

  • OS-X: Snow Leopard

  • Windows: Win10, Win8.1, Win7, WinXP, Win2019, Win2016, Win2012, Win2008, Win2000

  • WSL-1.0: Alpine, Debian, KaliLinux, openSUSE, SLES, Ubuntu

  • Cygwin

  • UNIX: Solaris10, Solaris11

  • Minix: Minix3

  • ReactOS

Network and Security

  • Network Devices: OpenWRT

  • Security: KaliLinux, pfSense, BlackArch, ParrotOS, Pentoo

OS on Embedded Devices

  • RaspberryPI: ArchLinux, CentOS, OpenBSD, OpenWRT, Raspbian

  • ASUS-TinkerBoard: Armbian

  • By special modules e.g. for Adafruit Trinket M0: CircuitPython, MicroPython

Current Release

Major Changes:

  • Initial version.
Source: README.md, updated 2019-12-09