SCRplus converts images to formats suitable for use with the ZX Spectrum, using innovative and highly effective algorithms to produce as faithful a rendition of the original image as the limited Spectrum palette allows.
Besides the normal 16-colour Spectrum screen, it can also produce 64-colour ULAplus images. The ULAplus is a plug-in replacement for the ZX Spectrum ULA, and is developed by Chris Smith (see ).
Since version 0.18 it has a user-friendly GUI based on GTK+.
- Input any image type recognised by SDL_Image
- Output BMP, extended SCR, or ZX-Paint format
- Supports Timex 8x1 mode and ULAplus
- Can import ULAplus palette files
- CLUT masking
- user-friendly GTK+ GUI
Image ConvertersLicense
GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)Follow SCRplus
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User Reviews
- what hardware is supported?bmp2scr the only program that converts pc avi files frame by frame to older 8bit screen rez - sam coupe we need hmpr bit 5&6 and interlaced mode 3 for 512x384 with 16 colours per scan line HELP!we cant use interlaced and rotated thru 90º for 160x200 but more like 400x160 with cpc+gx4k 4096 16 colours onscreen no?did the teletext adapter show tc picture with page 888 subtitles?did tv adapter work in france?french keyboard support for cpc+ emulators? msx zx spectrum emualtor for turbR pleasehelp snapper discs velesoft site runs zx spectrum 48k and one 128k program at 6mhz using external 1-4mb ram paged 32,768bmp2scr lcd site only needs hmpr bit 5&6 clut mods per scan line interrupts interlaced mode 3 save mode 3 masterbasic intra frame compressionhelpanyone working on the micro command fdd3000(now emulated!) PDS all have z80crosstalk synchronization phosphoric delaywas hoping to use this demo for sim coupe to demonstrate the phosphoric delay thingi: