
Tree [7a0a62] master 0.21 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 w 2012-09-23 ec429 ec429 [cfcdbf] Changed from YCrCb to HCV (Hue, Chroma, Value)
 .gitignore 2012-09-19 ec429 ec429 [8e2861] Build system for Windows port
 Makefile 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [7a0a62] Makefile: fixed 'distw'
 TODO 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [686a04] libscrplus: Sort the palette (ULAplus) by lumin...
 algorithm 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [211815] Made it use HSV for tweaking but YCrCb for rend...
 bits.c 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [211815] Made it use HSV for tweaking but YCrCb for rend...
 bits.h 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [211815] Made it use HSV for tweaking but YCrCb for rend...
 colourspace.c 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [211815] Made it use HSV for tweaking but YCrCb for rend...
 colourspace.h 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [211815] Made it use HSV for tweaking but YCrCb for rend...
 gscrplus.c 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [686a04] libscrplus: Sort the palette (ULAplus) by lumin...
 icon.png 2012-01-27 ec429 ec429 [c522e6] Icon (Spectrum rainbow-corner with white '+')
 icon.xcf 2012-01-27 ec429 ec429 [c522e6] Icon (Spectrum rainbow-corner with white '+')
 icondata.h 2012-01-27 ec429 ec429 [c522e6] Icon (Spectrum rainbow-corner with white '+')
 libscrplus.c 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [686a04] libscrplus: Sort the palette (ULAplus) by lumin...
 libscrplus.h 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [641dee] Fix error in libscrplus.h
 readme 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [211815] Made it use HSV for tweaking but YCrCb for rend...
 scrplus.c 2012-09-25 ec429 ec429 [686a04] libscrplus: Sort the palette (ULAplus) by lumin...

Read Me

Dependencies: SDL, SDL_image.
Optional (required for GUI): gtk+-2.0.
Optional (Image types): libpng, zlib, jpeg, libtiff.
If you're compiling from source, you'll probably need the development versions of some of these libraries too.

To compile: 'make'.

To convert to SCR: ./scrplus [-s] [options] < infile > outfile.scr

To convert to BMP: ./scrplus -b [options] < infile > outfile.bmp

To convert to ZXP: ./scrplus -z [options] < infile > outfile.zxp

To open the GUI: ./gscrplus, or just double-click on gscrplus in your graphical file manager

How It Works (if at all): See file 'algorithm'.

+U			activate ULAplus render mode
+t			activate Timex hi-colour render mode
+bw			activate black&white render mode
-i=infile	input file (mainly for Doze compat)
-o=outfile	output file (ditto)
-f			deactivate "dither fix"
-p=palfile	use the palette in palfile (may be a (TAP) Palette or a 64-byte raw file) instead of generating one
-c=mask		use only the CLUTs selected in mask (a single nonzero hex digit.  eg. -c=A means use only CLUTs 1 and 3).  Default is F, ie. all CLUTs used
-c=mask,use	only the CLUTs in mask may be written to, while those in use may be used to render the image
-Vshift=va	\
-Vscale=vb	|
-Sshift=sa	| HSV 'tweaks'; adjust the range and balance of the Hue, Saturation and Value channels.  Defaults are all 128
-Sscale=sb	|
-Hshift=h	/
-e=depress	adjust the palette variation (how much to de-want neighbouring yuvs when choosing a palent?).  Default is 0
--scale		scale X and Y independently (default)	\
--crop		scale up keeping aspect ratio, and crop	| Sizer - select how to handle images with a different aspect ratio to the output
--zoom		scale down keeping aspect ratio			/
-w=width	set the width to scale to  \ gives you an output screen part of which is blank
-h=height	set the height to scale to / originally for use by SCV/anicom

License: GNU GPL v3+