Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
samba-4.1.6-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2014-03-12 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.16-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2014-03-12 16.8 MB
samba-4.1.5-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2014-03-09 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.15-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2014-03-09 16.8 MB
samba-4.1.4-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2014-01-26 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.14-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2014-01-26 16.8 MB
samba-4.1.3-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-12-13 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.13-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-12-13 16.8 MB
samba-4.1.2-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-11-24 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.12-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-11-24 16.8 MB
samba-4.1.1-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-11-12 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.11-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-11-12 16.8 MB
samba-4.1.0-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-10-26 16.9 MB
samba-4.0.10-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-10-26 16.8 MB
samba-4.0.9-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-09-29 16.8 MB
samba-4.0.7-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-07-03 16.8 MB
COPYING 2013-05-21 35.1 kB
SAMBA 2013-05-21 8.0 kB
samba-4.0.6-stable-Ubuntu-12.04-x64-cenote-build-01.tgz 2013-05-21 16.7 MB
README 2013-05-21 1.8 kB
Totals: 20 Items   286.0 MB 0
Compiled Samba4 Version for Ubuntu-12.04 LTS 64Bit

This is a compiled version of the original samba4 sources from
git://git.samba.org/samba.git. I used the following configure options:
--with-ads --with-shared-modules=idmap_ad

I just added three init scripts found somwhere and put the samba_backup
script from source into samba/bin

If you want to use it, install the following dependencies:

$ apt-get install python python-dnspython libpython2.7 libattr1 libacl1 libcap2 libgcrypt11 libgnutls26 libgpg-error0 libldap-2.4-2 libpam0g libsasl2-2 libtasn1-3 dnsutils libdm0 libcups2 zlib1g libmagic1 libpcre3 libclamav6 perl

For secondary DC or member server:
$ apt-get install krb5-user

Additional tools:
$ apt-get install attr acl

Install path:

$ cd /usr/local
$ tar xvzf samba-xxx.tgz 

$ export PATH=/usr/local/samba/bin:/usr/local/samba/sbin:$PATH
$ export MANPATH=/usr/local/samba/share/man:

create symbolic links
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/lib/libnss_winbind.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/lib/libnss_winbind.so.2 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/lib/security/pam_winbind.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/lib/security/pam_smbpass.so /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/
$ ldconfig 
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/etc/init.d/samba4AD /etc/init.d/
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/etc/init.d/samba4   /etc/init.d/
$ ln -s /usr/local/samba/etc/init.d/winbind4 /etc/init.d/

If you want samba to work as an AD controller use the samba4AD init script and
follow the documents here:
For a domain member server use the samba4 script.
Depending on your needs:
$ update-rc.d <servicename> defaults

Source: README, updated 2013-05-21