Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2024-01-24 13.4 kB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.5.6 build 000384.zip 2022-07-28 27.8 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.5.5 build 000383.zip 2022-07-27 21.9 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.5.4 build 000382.zip 2022-07-06 20.6 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.5.3 build 000381.zip 2022-07-05 20.6 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.5.1 build 000379.zip 2022-07-05 20.1 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.5.0 build 000308 c.zip 2022-05-18 13.6 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.4.9 build 000307 c.zip 2021-05-22 17.3 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.4.9 build 000307 b.zip 2021-04-23 16.7 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.4.9 build 000307.zip 2021-04-23 15.6 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.3.4 build 2.9.2.zip 2021-04-22 15.6 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_3.0.6 build 264.zip 2021-04-15 15.4 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_2.3.0 build 188.zip 2021-04-01 12.5 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_2.2.9_build_187.zip 2020-11-06 11.3 MB
pedro___betaras(rspzip)_1.2.3_build_81.zip 2020-08-22 8.2 MB
pedro_koci_pereira_betaras(rspzip)_1.1.0_build_15.zip 2020-08-19 2.9 MB
essr_zip_compress_1.0.0_build_10.rar 2018-08-08 2.2 MB
rsp 0.2.5.rar 2014-04-17 2.0 MB
rsp_zip_ocx_old_release.7z 2011-06-13 337.9 kB
rsp_zip_compressor_dll_0.2.3_build_0009.7z 2011-05-27 1.0 MB
rsp_zip_compressor_dll_0.1.1b0007.7z 2011-05-25 1.0 MB
rsp_zip_compressor_dll_0.0.1b0006.zip 2009-10-02 1.8 MB
rsp_zip_compressor_dll_0.0.1b0005.zip 2009-10-01 1.8 MB
rsp_zip_compressor_dll_0.0.1b0003.zip 2009-09-30 1.1 MB
rsp_zip_compressor_dll_0.0.1b0001.zip 2009-09-26 1.5 MB
Totals: 25 Items   253.1 MB 0
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                      #2023 X March 21 19:50 PM Brasília Time

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BW Zip Compress DLL 

Win32 and Win64 DLL to compress, uncompress, delete, 
test and list standard zip files.


It can handle zip files with or without passwords, created with pkware, 7zip,
Winrar and Info-zip based compressors

The compressor and decompressor is based on 7z.exe sources from 7zip

The code receive information about the zip file, destination directory,
password, arguments and options regarding compression or decompression using an
xml like parser that can accept several commands

With the parser it is more easy to detect errors in the information passed to
the compressor or decompressor and the commands are intuitive

It will avoid ambiguities on the compression or decompression code, since the
parser will evaluate each command and return an error code if the command isnot

And it will inform about missing commands or modifications required in the
commands in order to work

With the parser it will be more easy to compress or decompress zip files
since you only need to know about the commands and all the commands are
intuitive making it a good solution to use zip compression in any application
using only a few lines of code, and with full zip compression error handling

For each error, a description of the error will return, with the description
it is very easy to understand what goes wrong, and how to avoid the same error
in the future

The goal of this software is to provide as a development tool a control to both OCX and .Net
framework development capable of generating a full zip utility running very fast in
order to make it possible to anyone interested in zip compression to use it
without possible bugs.


What is new in the version 3.5.6 build 000384 28/july/2022 codename Schock
Added x86 version of the DLL, added support to Zip comments,
minor modifications.

What is new in the version 3.5.5 build 000383 27/july/2022 codename Edelsohn
Converted the sample project to Visual Studio 2022,
minor modifications.

What is new in the version 3.5.4 build 000382 06/july/2022
The basic handling of Zip files are ready, it can compress,
uncompress and list Zip files, notice that it was set to
compress only Zip files but it can extract all compressed
files handled by 7z.exe, since this is a Zip library we will not
add support to compress other than Zip, more enhancements
will be added in a near future...minor modifications, missing
the removal of InfoZip DLLs, but you can do it if this is a
problem to you exactly not, the Zip functions available in the
Zip sample calls are only helper function that can be added to
7zip_i_64.dll with ease, 32 bits version will be available soon.

What is new in the version 3.5.0 build 000379 05/july/2022
Initited the replacement of InfoZip based code with 7z.exe
from 7zip, it is a better option, for the moment it can already
zip using the new DLL 7zip_i_64.dll, unzip capabilities will
be enabled.

What is new in the version 3.4.9 build 000307 b Fri 23/April/2021 16:49:37 codename Mahoney
First release with support to the decompression of zip files compressed
with bzip2 (mode 12), sorry for the delay to add this standard feature, use
the unzip version 6 uncompression mode to extract these files, minor

What is new in the version 3.4.9 build 000307 Thu 22/April/2021 21:08:49 codename Burrus
Added the code that was missing to handle the list of zip files in
multi-volume mode, and it is working perfectly and fast, sorry for
the past release where the additional code was unavailable, my mistake,
minor modifications

What is new in the version 3.3.4 build 000292 Thu 22/April/2021 15:01:13 codename Gubinelli
First release with support to multi-volume zip files, the first slice
is <zip file>.zip.001 and so on, the code is smart enough to handle
any slice of the zip file automatically, the if you pass file .009
it will start from the slice .001 wihout any problem, and notice that
these multi-volume files can be uncompressed with Winrar and 7zip
without any problem, minor modifications

What is new in the version 3.0.6 build 000264 Wed 14/April/2021 21:19:34 codename Grozin
Finally all the memory leaks of the original InfoZip code was
removed, now all the memory allocated during the compression
or decompression code is deallocated during the next call
to the required functions, added a memory usage meter where
you can see the memory in use, sorry for the delay to fix
the problems, it was first detected these memory leaks back
in 2003, minor modifications.

What is new in the version 2.3.0 build 188    Thu 01/April/2021 11:27:56 codename Poulain
Fixed the last modified timestamp problem when creating zip files that was
generated by the stat and _wstat internal bug that we have found a few
months ago, the upgrade to this version is highly recommended and notice
that at least 7zip also reports the zip file last modification time in an
erroneous way, make a few tests and you will see, minor modifications.

What is new in the version 2.2.9 build 187 Fri 06/November/2020 10:04:28
First version with full not standard
UNICODE support, notice that for the
moment (06/November/2020) only rspzip
will be able to handle these modified
files, the modifications done on this
new release will be available to other
developers on:
then anyone will be able to add support
to it on their own zip based routines,
look at the sample project and sources
to learn more about it, the sample
is self-explanatory, next release will
have also support to multi-part zip files,
also this modification will not be standard
and only rspzip will be able to create
and extract these files, many other

What is new in the version 1.2.3 build 81 - Sat 22/August/2020 10:49:11
Enhanced the makefiles for the DLLs,
added support to uncompress zip files
with nul or other invalid DOS and Windows
filenames, in this case it will extract to
_nul_, while Winrar and 7zip will extract
to _nul and nul_, it is not common to
see a nul file in a Windows folder but
some amazing tools like Cygwin (Unix for
Windows) it can be created, the sample
project was a little modified, and now
I will think on the Unicode support to
InfoZip via utf-8 or standard Unicode
support, and we will try to make it
compatible with Winrar and 7zip, minor
bugs fixed.

What is new in the version 1.1.0 build 15 - Wed 19/August/2020 09:51:10
Changed copyright information, links for
support and e-mails, the makefine_unix
is being optimized to auto-increase the
version information (not ready yet) and
a problem to handle the compression and
decompression of the file 'nul' (yes, cygwin
can create it in windows) was found, a workaround like
7zip will be added to the next release, in
this case it will decompress to _nul
instead of nul, and from my point of view
it is ok because no one on windows will need
a nul file or depends on it, no minor bugs fixed
in this release.

What is new in the version 1.0.0 build 10
(Wed Aug 08 21:47:47 2018, by morcego48)
Recompilation of the project with mingw
and mingw64 6.3.0, modified the sample project,
update of the sources to avoid errors in the
compilation process in 64 bits, minor

What is new
{27 May 2011}
Removed a call to InterlockedExchange that
could result in an unexpected behaviour on
Win64 systems, minor modifications.

What is new 
(25 May 2011)
First Win64 release of the DLL, minor 
modifications, now the project compiles
only with mingw and mingw64.

What is new 
(Thu Sep 10 17:08:26 2009)
Small internal update

2009-10-02  Arab  <arab@rspsoftware.com.br>
* 0.0.1 build 0006 Updated the code to read
comments from zip file, now it is more
robust and faster
2009-10-01  Arab  <arab@rspsoftware.com.br>
* 0.0.1 build 0005 Zip file comments support
now implemented
2009-10-01  Arab  <arab@rspsoftware.com.br>
* 0.0.1 build 0004 - Added ability to extract
Zip64 zip files, two modes of unzip work
available , mode Unzip 5.5 or Unzip 6.0,
pause, resume and cancel not implemented
yet when using mode 6.0, ability to see
zip file comments not implemented yet

 2009-09-30  Arab  <arab@rspsoftware.com.br>
 * 0.0.1 build 0003 - Added all the required
 function to zip, unzip, list and test
 standard zip files, support to extended zip
 files ( modifications PKware and Winzip 
 did to the zip format after 1997 ) are 
 already being added to the build 0004 
 to be released in a few days
2009-09-29  Arab  <arab@rspsoftware.com.br>
 * Whole source code included, minor modifications,
Unzip methods not available yet in this release
2009-09-28  Arab  <arab@rspsoftware.com.br>
 * is missing unzip 
methods, will be added tomorrow in release 0.0.2

What is new
(28/05/2008 08:12) Added Vista
compatability , additional dlls now are external ( rspzip.dll and 
rspunzip.dll ), errors occurs if not found , fixed error value returned now
it is not always 0 as the version 1.4.0 , no autoinstaller anymore
anyone working with VB need to handle registration and unregistration
of OCX even as a beginner , recommendation of MMM (Make My 
Manifest )when running on Vista , this makesit possible to use 
OCX without registration on the registry , minor bugs always fixed

What is new 
(16/Nov/2004 12:00) Fixed
a bug that will not allow the compression of a unique
file in the selection , in this case the control will return 
a 'nothing to do error' , to reproduce the problem just select
a file that is available in the folder with the files to compress
and select it to compress , as you will see the control will not
compress the file , only selections that has a wildcard on the selection
will work , fixed in this version , now you can compress single
files without problem , minor bugs fixed also

What is new 
(09/Feb/2004 15:41) Added CPU detection code ,
added cpu priority selection code, enhanced the compression and decompression engine,
the version 1.3.0 can compress files 10 to 15 percent faster than version 1.0.0 , fixed some
xml parser error codes that may return wrong information, added more error verifications,
fixed minor bugs



- Extract the project files to an empty folder


Operating System Compliance 
 - win 7, win 8, win 10

 Available on the top of this readme.txt file
 Copyright 2022 (C) Aurora Boreal
Source: readme.txt, updated 2024-01-24