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RedPanda.C++.3.0-winxp-mingw32.___.7z 2024-05-12 66.1 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0-winxp-mingw32.setup.exe 2024-05-12 64.4 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win64.MinGW64_11.4.Portable.7z 2024-05-11 65.8 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win64.NoCompiler.Setup.exe 2024-05-11 10.9 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win64.NoCompiler.Portable.7z 2024-05-11 9.4 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win64.MinGW64_11.4.Setup.exe 2024-05-11 66.1 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win32.NoCompiler.Setup.exe 2024-05-11 11.4 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win32.NoCompiler.Portable.7z 2024-05-11 9.9 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win32.MinGW32_8.1.Setup.exe 2024-05-11 74.0 MB
RedPanda.C++.3.0.win32.MinGW32_8.1.Portable.7z 2024-05-11 72.2 MB
README.md 2024-05-11 13.0 kB
Red Panda C++ Version 3.0 source code.tar.gz 2024-05-11 4.8 MB
Red Panda C++ Version 3.0 source code.zip 2024-05-11 5.8 MB
Totals: 13 Items   460.7 MB 14

Red Panda C++ Version 3.0

  • enhancement: New chinese translation for invalid filename messagebox. (by XY0797@github.com)
  • enhancement: Limit the minimum font size in options dialog to 5. (by XY0797@github.com)
  • enhancement: After a new file is created in filesystem panel, auto select and rename it. (by XY0797@github.com)
  • enhancement: Select file basename when rename in the filesystem panel. (by XY0797@github.com)
  • change: Don't use "Microsoft Yahei" as the default non-ascii font in non-chinese environment.
  • enhancement: Support unicode characters > 0xFFFF
  • enhancement: Support unicode ZWJ and ZWNJ.
  • enhancement: Support unicode combining characters.
  • enhancement: Don't force fixed-width when using non fixed-width fonts.
  • change: Replace non-ascii font with fallback font.
  • enhancement: Display ascii control chars.
  • fix: Parser: invalidating file may lost class inheritance infos.
  • fix: Function argument infos are not correctly parsed.
  • enhancement: Migrate external calls from command string to argv array to improve safety and security.
  • enhancement: Support POSIX shell-like escaping in user inputs for compiler arguments.
  • fix: (Hopefully) properly escape filenames and arguments in makefile generation.
  • enhancement: Beautify display for spaces and linebreaks.
  • fix: Insert line after comments may auto add an extra '*'.
  • fix: Can't show function tips for std::ios::sync_with_stdio.
  • fix: Wrong indent for the line after the pasted context.
  • Enhancement: When '{' is inputted and there are contents selected, auto add line breaks and indents.
  • fix: Selected lines doesn't draw line break glyphs.
  • fix: issue [#215] (Caret may be drawn in the gutter.)
  • change: Force use utf8 as the exec encoding for fmtlib in the auto link options page.
  • fix: After spaces in comments and strings, symbol completion for '{' and '(' are wrong.
  • fix: Issue [#230] Crash when input " in the txt files.
  • enhancement: Unique look&feel for the underline shown while ctrl+mouse over #include line.
  • enhancement: Better look&feel for the wave underline shown for syntax errors.
  • fix: "float" in #include "float.h" is wrong syntax colored.
  • enhancement: Unify syntax color for #include header name
  • enhancement: Issue [#229] Press Enter/Return in the tree view in files panel will open the file.
  • enhancement: Internal optimization for loading/editing files.
  • enhancement: Show space glyphs in C/C++ char literals.
  • enhancement: Optimization for string/raw string/char literal status check while completing symbols in c/c++ files.
  • enhancement: Windows installer Hi-DPI support.
  • fix: Delete/Insert in column editing mode.
  • enhancement: Issue [#196] Support C++ using alias in syntax highlighting/code completion/function tips.
  • enhancement: Support annonymous class
  • fix: Using alias for global symbols are not correctly handled.
  • enhancement: Support "enum struct" Scoped enumerations.
  • fix: Function tips contains functions that not in the scope.
  • fix: Hint for bold text () are not correctly handled in the function tips.
  • enhancement: Improve lldb-mi compatibility.
  • fix: Failed to evaluate expressions while debugging, if the expression has spaces in it.
  • fix: When debugging, can't watch expressions that has spaces in it.
  • enhancement: Font list in the options / editor / font panel( by CyanoHao ).
  • enhancement: Text are vertically center aligned in lines( by CyanoHao ).
  • fix: In the debugger console, Auto-wrapped lines can't be correctly selected.
  • enhancement: Auto choose a better font for theme choosing dialog in the first run.
  • fix: Debugger console's background not correctly cleared before redrawn.
  • enhancement: Make output in the debug console cleaner.
  • enhancement: Execute the last debug command in the debug console if ENTER pressed.
  • change: When debugging, don't auto set focus to the editor.
  • enhancement: Folding button scales with editor font.
  • fix: Shouldn't show header completion popup in #include line comments.
  • change: Invert scroll direction in horizontal, like in vertical.
  • fix: Caret unseen when move to a long line end by press END.
  • fix: No icons for inherited class private members.
  • fix: Ctrl+Return insert linebreak shouldn't scroll unnecessarilly.
  • enhancement: Move caret to line begin would scroll to the begin if possible.
  • fix: Filename in tables in the debug panel are not correctly eroded.
  • enhancement: Tooltip info for the stacktrace table in the debug panel.
  • fix: '=' is treadted as '' when parsing.
  • fix: Can't correctly retrieve function parameters type.
  • fix: Auto type induction for expression contains '[]' are not correct.
  • fix: Option 'Pause after run in console' for tools doesn't work.
  • fix: Filename that contains '&' doesn't correctly displayed in the editor tab.
  • enhancement: Type induction for "auto &&" vars.
  • enhancement: Syntax highlighting for c++ attributes.
  • enhancement: Show "std::function" in the completion list.
  • enhancement: Improvement in italic font support.
  • fix: History not correctly loaded with up/down arrow key in the debug console.
  • enhancement: Improve lambda expression support.
  • enhancement: Show type completion hint after "constexpr"/"extern"/"static"/"consteval"/"constinit"/"const"/"volatile"/"inline" etc.
  • enhancement: Restore line position after file is modified outside and reloaded.
  • fix: Caret on '('/',' in string/comment shouldn't invoke function info tips.
  • fix: Function name not correctly found if it and the '(' is not in one line;
  • fix: Register names in the cpu info are not in correct order.
  • enhancement: Auto type induction for new / temp class object.
  • enhancement: Vertically scroll by pixel.
  • enhancement: Display (gdb) prompt in debug console after it's cleared.
  • fix: Output of "disas" is not shown in debug console.
  • fix: Display not correctly updated after select all in debug console.
  • change: Set focus to "find next" button when find/replace dialog is openned.
  • change: Don't set focus to "close" button after searched in the find/replace dialog
  • change: Set focus to "find" button when "find in files..." dialog is openned.
  • enhancement: Correct tab orders for all setting pages/dialogs.
  • enhancement: Shortcut key for buttons in find/replace and "find in files" dialogs.
  • enhancement: Auto define macro "_DEBUG" for "Debug" compiler set(like visual studio).
  • enhancement: Suggest macro names after "#ifdef"/"#ifndef"/"#undef".
  • enhancement: If contents from stderr are logged into "Tools Output" panel, add problem case name info to the log.
  • fix: In split screen mode, editor on the right can't be correctly found by commands.
  • fix: Remove duplicated macro defines make it's lost in the parse result.
  • fix: An undefined macro is still missing the the parse result after #undef is removed.
  • fix: If a class method is overloaded, only one of them is inherited by it's children.
  • enhancement: Adjust function tip pos to prevent it from run outside the right window edge.
  • enhancement: Open ".def" (Module definition file) file in editor when double click it in the project view.
  • enhancement: When a dll project has .def file, use it when generating the dll file.
  • fix: "project name".exe.manifest is auto removed when build the project.
  • fix: "0x3.12p+1" is treadted as a plus expression when reformatting code. ( by 绣球135@qq )
  • change: Don't turn on the code format option "indent class" by default.
  • enhancement: Add compiler set by choose the executable.
  • fix: Compile info for project doesn't have name of the project executable.
  • enhancement: Highlight words in the string/comments.
  • fix: If there are only 1 line in the editor, shift+down can't select it.
  • enhancement: By default, use monospaced font to display register values in the CPU Info dialog.
  • fix: Negative values in register like AH/AL are wrongs displayed as 32/64-bit number.
  • Change: Change background color for highlighted buttons in the default theme.
  • enhancement: Make colors in code suggestion popup consistent with the editor.
  • enhancement: Make colors in header suggestion popup consistent with the editor.
  • fix: C++ source after ';' are treated as comments in cpu info window.
  • enhancement: Support "extern template" in code parser.
  • enhancement: Set shortcuts for tools menu item.
  • enhancement: Enhancement for custom tools.
  • fix: Can't correctly undo/redo "Delete current line".
  • fix: Breakpoint condition expression that contains spaces doesn't work.
  • enhancement: Double click on breakpoint table's condition cell to modify it.
  • fix: Don't show function prototype tip for function name that contains namespace alias.
  • fix: Can't save changes in project options -> compiler set , after base compiler set was changed.
  • fix: Project options -> file doesn't work.
  • fix: Don't show function prototype tip for function name that contains more than one namespace;
  • fix: Compiler set options "Check for stack smashing attacks (-fstack-protector)" was not correctly applied when compiling.
  • fix: can't jump to definition/declaration for symbols in using alias statement like "using ::printf".
  • fix: Don't show completion suggestion for members of variable which type name has namespace alias;
  • fix: Theme manager not correctly inited in options dialog / environment / appearance.
  • enhancement: Size of icons in the completion popup changes with the editor font size.
  • change: Completion popup size settings are based on editor's char width/line height.
  • change: Remove "limit for copy" and "limit for undo" options.
  • fix: Can't find the correct type if current symbol is member of a class that has constructors.
  • fix: Alias a namespace to itself will create infinite loop.
  • fix: Can't find symbols indirectly included by other files.
  • enhancement: Function tip's width changes with editor width.
  • fix: '<' / '>' not shown in function tips.
  • enhancement: In debug console, Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V conflicts with application action.
  • enhancement: Auto hide Edit/Selection/Code/Refactor menu if no file openning.
  • enhancement: Auto hide Project menu if no project openning.
  • fix: Toggle breakpoint by shortcut may use wrong line.
  • fix: Size of the icons in problem and problem set panel are not correct.
  • fix: Shouldn't consider preceeding '&'/'*' when popping completion suggest list for variable members.
  • fix: Positions of current matching parenthesis not correctly updated.
  • fix: Can't show correct completion info for vars declared with template parameters ending with ">>".
  • enhancement: Auto type induction for "std::make_shared"/"std::make_unique".
  • enhancement: sdcc project compiler: compile source file in subfolders.
  • fix: project options -> compiler set -> static link & auto convert charset options not correctly loaded.
  • change: Don't generate project resource files for sdcc project.
  • fix: Name of the macro for project private resource header is not correct.
  • fix: In sdcc project, sdcc keywords are not in completion suggest list.
  • fix: In sdcc project, parser are not correctly inited as sdcc parser.
  • fix: Temp object + member function call is wrongly parsed as constructor.
  • enhancement: Improve how to manage themes in Options → general → appearance.
  • change: Use official astyle program.
  • enhancement: New code format option: "Remove superfluous empty lines exceeding"
  • enhancement: New code format option: "Remove superfluous spaces"
  • change: Remove code format option: "Delete continuous empty lines"
  • fix: Current editor wouldn't get parsed, when it's switched from another editor being parsed.
  • enhancement: Support macro in #include preprocessing statements.
  • fix: In options -> code format -> Program, Choose astyle path button doesn't work.
  • fix: project not correctly reparsed after rename unit.
  • enhancement: support C++ 17 structured binding in stl map containers foreach loop.
  • fix: Crash when has source line like "std::cout << (3+44>5(4+3)-1 && (4-3>5)) <<std::endl;".
  • fix: The memory usage displayed after program execution is wrong.
  • enhancement: New compiler option "stack size" in the link subpage.
  • change: Set "Ctrl+G" as the shortcut for "Goto line..."
  • change: Set "Ctrl+B" as the shortcut for "Toggle Bookmark"
  • fix: Fail to evaluate expressions if macro can't be expanded.
  • enhancement: New menu item "Code completion" in "Code" menu.
  • fix: Can't compile / run assembly files in gcc 13/14 .
  • enhancement: Show full filepath in the tooltip of editor tab.
Source: README.md, updated 2024-05-11