Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
rdump.tar.gz 2015-12-08 1.7 MB
rdump.cygwin.win32.exe.zip 2015-12-08 1.8 MB
README 2015-12-08 2.2 kB
Totals: 3 Items   3.5 MB 0
README: information about the rdump utility
PTHOEM LINUX UTILS (c) 2007-2015 Peter Thoemmes
Weinbergstrasse 3a, D-54441 Ockfen/Germany

You can use the rdump tool in a pipeline (it will read stdin)...

   $ ... | rdump [OPTIONS]


        -?                 help
        -v,-vv,-vvv        verbosity level
        -exec <command>    execute <command> immediately
        -f <base-filename> base file name of the dump file

        -rs <size>:<N>     rotate dump if size exceeds byte-size and
                            extend the name by '.00..0' to '.NN..N'
                            size = 65535 ... 18446744073709551616
                            N = 2 ... 4294967295
        -rs <size>KB:<N>   as above, but with size in KB (1024 bytes)
        -rs <size>MB:<N>   as above, but with size in MB (1024 KB)
        -rs <size>GB:<N>   as above, but with size in GB (1024 MB)

        -rtm               rotate dump after change of month and
                            extend name by '.Mxx' (12 files)
        -rtmd              rotate dump after change of day/month' and
                            extend name by '.Mxx.Dxx' (365 ... 366 files)
        -rtd               rotate dump after change of day and
                            extend name by '.Dxx' (28 ... 31 files)
        -rtdlim <days>     like -rtd, but limited to 'days' (1 ... 28)
                            extend name by '.Dxx' (num_days files)
        -rtdh              rotate dump after change of hour/day and
                            extend name by '.Dxx.hxx' (672 ... 744 files)
        -rtdhlim <days>    like -rtdh, but limited to 'days' (1 ... 28)
                            extend name by '.Dxx.hxx' (days * 24 files)

        -keep_old          keep old dump files matching the naming scheme


   Dump stdout of any tool into 8 rotating 3 GB files:
      $ ... | rdump -f /tmp/dump -rs 3GB:8

   Dump stdout of any tool over several days into one file per hour:
      $ ... | rdump -f /tmp/dump -rtdh

   To send dump.6, dump.7 and dump.0 to a pipe:
      $ cat /tmp/dump.6 /tmp/dump.7 /tmp/dump.0 | ...

I wish you a lot of success using my work,
Source: README, updated 2015-12-08