Home / Validation_Sets
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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RNA_rDock_TestSet.tar.gz 2014-01-10 1.8 MB
DUD_rDock_TestSet.tar.gz 2013-11-22 419.8 MB
ASTEX_rDock_TestSet.tar.gz 2013-11-22 16.5 MB
Totals: 3 Items   438.2 MB 1

# In this file you have the basic commands for installing rDock in 32- or 64-bits linux computers.
# For a more detailed explanation, please open the Getting Started guide or full documentation 
# in our webpage or in docs folder.

rDock is written in C++ and makes heavy use of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
All source code is compiled into a single shared library (libRbt.so).
The executables are light-weight command-line applications linked with libRbt.so.

rDock should compile on the majority of Unix/Linux platforms with little or no
modification. However, only the following combinations have been thoroughly

openSUSE 32 and 64 bits.
Ubuntu 32 and 64 bits.
- Both with compiler versions higher than 3.3.


Make sure you have the following packages installed:

- gcc		GNU C compiler (or your preferred C compiler)
- g++		GNU C++ compiler (or your preferred C++ compiler)
- make
- popt		Command-line argument processing (run-time)
- popt-devel	Command-line argument processing (compile-time)
- cppunit		C++ unit testing framework (port of JUnit)
- cppunit-devel		C++ unit testing framework (port of JUnit)

After installing these dependencies, please follow the following steps:

Step 1) BUILD

- Change current directory to build folder:
$ cd rDock_2013.1_src/build

And run, either:

$ make linux-g++           for 32-bit build with g++ compiler
$ make linux-g++-64        for 64-bit build with g++ compiler

If wish to use a different compiler/architecture combination, or if you wish to
change the compiler flags, see below.

The built libraries and executables are copied to their run-time locations
(../lib and ../bin) as part of Step 1.

Step 2) TEST

$ make test                Runs rDock unit tests

If the test has succeed, you are done, enjoy using rDock!
Otherwise, please check your dependencies and all the previous commands or go to 
Support Section in the webpage (http://rdock.sourceforge.net) to ask for help.


You can either run rDock directly from the build location initial testing), or 
install the binaries and data files to a new location.

Set the necessary environmental variables for running rDock in the command line.
(for example, in a bash shell):

$ export RBT_ROOT=/path/to/rDock/installation/
$ export PATH=$PATH:$RBT_ROOT/bin

make src_dist		Creates source distribution
make clean              Removes all intermediate build files
make distclean          Also removes installed libs and exes in ../lib and ../bin
Source: README, updated 2014-03-11