This repository provides a Raku package for shared utilities and (grammar) roles in the package context "DSL::".
("DSL" stands for "Domains Specific Language".)
The initial versions of the code in this repository can be found in the GitHub repository [AAr1].
## Utilities
One of the reasons for making this package is to encapsulate and easily share utilities for making DSL translators.
Here are "the first wave" utilities:
Modify token patterns to include fuzzy matching
Merge two or more roles into one
## Roles
Another reason for making this package is to encapsulate and easily share grammar roles for making DSL translators.
Here are "the first wave" roles:
Error handling role
Common English terms and phrases role used in workflows from Machine Learning, Data Science, or Scientific Computing
Predicate specification role
- Bulgarian
- English
- Python
- R
- Raku
- Russian
- Wolfram Language
- Spanish
- Entities
- Resource access