Home / old-releases
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
R7000_V1.0.4.28_1.1.64-1505091007.chk.tar.gz 2015-06-14 27.6 MB
R7000_V1.0.4.18_1.1.52-1502120003.chk 2015-05-09 27.6 MB
R7000-V1.0.3.80_1.1.38-1501102046.chk 2015-05-09 20.9 MB
Totals: 3 Items   76.2 MB 0
This project helps owners of the Netgear R7000 router to install a chroot
debian environment.

Important note
If you install this software to your router, then you do it on your own risk.
I'm not responsible for any damage, if something goes wrong.

- Initialize a USB-stick with ext3 or ext4 and place the file post-mount in
  the root of the USB-stick.

- Install the firmware (R7000_V1.0.4.30_1.1.67-1506140749.chk) to the router.

- Power up the router and plug the USB-stick into the router.

After the setup was successful, you have a debian environment on the
USB-stick, into which you can chroot. There are no services started.

You have to access a shell on the router, to make use of the debian
environment. You can enable telnet with telnetanable.


The firmware R7000_V1.0.4.30_1.1.67-1506140749.chk was generated from the 
Netgear sources with the patches in netgear-V1.0.4.18_1.1.52-patches.tar.gz 

The file debian.tar.bz2 contains the files which were created with the
debootstrap --arch=armel --foreign wheezy debian http://ftp.debian.org/debian/

The script post-mount is automatically executed from the modified firmware,
when the USB-stick is plugged into the router.

Some configuration changes in the web-interface are killing the processes
which are running in the debian environment.

If you want to build the firmware, then you need this two files:
Which can be found on:

The Netgear R7000 sources contains a version of trx, which produces output 
which bricks the router.
This should be fine:

Copy trx to /usr/local/bin and follow the instructions in
Source: README, updated 2015-06-15